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Rock on... Rock out.

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Okay... I'm not gonna shit anyone here... I've lost the touch. All week I've tried to type out my match for Crimson, but the fact is I just can't find that spark I used to have that lets me pump out matches. It's hard to say, but I think I must hang it up for good this time. No shitting.


Even though all the freinds I have in this fed have reached bigger and better things while I sat down in the JL jobber's list, I can honestly say that I didn't mind it one single bit. Why? Because it was fun as hell to watch them earn their spots in the SWF and cheer on when they reached the big time. I could really care less if the fed remembers me as a full-time loser as it pertains to match writing, because the bottom line is I had tons of fun jobbing my ass of down here so the real comitted writers reach the big time and flourish.


It takes real commitment to this fed to reach it big, and I know that in the comming months I just will simply not have the time needed to really get it going in this fed, what with my wife, and a future son on the way at the moment. So instead of wasting the JLCC's time with my excuses each time I no-show, I fingure that I'll just call it quits right now and get out before I piss off the much of 'yall.


I would just like to say that it has been fun writing against all of you, and talking to you in the SWF chat. I wish you all good luck in the future (wherever it might take you) and god bless.


Watch out for the Pipe~!


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Damn, man. You were there when I started. You were there when I got bumped. And you were there when I retired. It's a shame you didn't get bumped.


... Wait, you're married?!

Edited by Tod deKindes

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I can't give the exclaimation points (!!!) because sadly, you're leaving. You didn't get bumped, but you have tons of history with the fed. I hope you can come back someday and acheive what you deserved a while ago.

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