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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

OAO Tape Recommendations Thread

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Can someone reccomend some CZW that feautures heavily on the juniour heavyweight stuff please. As what i have seen i love and know very little about CZW.

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Guest DonWestMark03

Any CZW Best of the Best tournament


Also, Uprising, Night of Infamy 2 are recent ones worth checking out. Truth or Consequences also has some good juniors stuff.

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Guest Zeduck

Anyone recommend some good MLW shows?


Or which is the better one from Reload 02, Genesis 02 or King of kings?

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8/16/03 ROH is real good. Total variety of fun stuff on the undercard and a GREAT main event.


Also, PWG 10/4/03 is a great show with an ab-fab Briscoes vs. B-Boy/Super Dragon match.

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I've got to pimp RoH/FWA: Frontiers of Honor. If you don't have it, get it. London/Tighe, Styles/Storm, and Samoa Joe/Zebra Kid make this must have.

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Guest champchavez

There are some absolutely terrible recommendations here. My recommendation to anyone that buys any (or most of) the tapes on this list to get there FF trigger finger ready. There is no such thing as a great video from top to bottom here. The early ROH shows have some amazing matches, but there is so much filler. And by the way there is no such thing as a great CZW event-you will need the FF doubly. And there is no such thing as a CZW event that is half as entertaining as the Opening (Highlights from the last show) Video. Now with that said I would recommend: Best of Japan tapes-you can't go wrong or finding someone who will make indy comp tapes for cheap. Find good reviews and pick out only the best matches.

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Guest bort

I think BOTB 2 and 3 are great CZW events that i didnt need to FF threw, the battle royal was weak but everything else was great

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Guest champchavez

Well with Best of the Best, and I must admit I haven't seen all of the 3, but I still say those shows are best watched as an Opening Music Video. Don't get me wrong the CZW roster is a hard working determined bunch, but until they learn any kind of psychology CZW is simply a Garbage promotion.

Those Best of the Best tournaments are like watching a really bad if not the worst Toryumon show.

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Guest Markingout
Well with Best of the Best, and I must admit I haven't seen all of the 3, but I still say those shows are best watched as an Opening Music Video. Don't get me wrong the CZW roster is a hard working determined bunch, but until they learn any kind of psychology CZW is simply a Garbage promotion.

Those Best of the Best tournaments are like watching a really bad if not the worst Toryumon show.

WHAT! Toyrumon has some bad stuff. They even have jobber matches. Takayama vs that small jobber at El Numero Uno. That went 10 minutes of dumb comedy. Also the 8 man sucked hard. Toyrumon is good at times, but alot of time it is pretty crazy. The 6 sixed ring... Also it seems like you only want too buy the good stuff without bothering with the bad. Sometimes you have too. If you havent seen the bad you wouldnt know what makes a good match good. Also if you got a show with one or two bad matches, and the rest are good it makes those good matches seem that much better.

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Guest champchavez
Well with Best of the Best, and I must admit I haven't seen all of the 3, but I still say those shows are best watched as an Opening Music Video.  Don't get me wrong the CZW roster is a hard working determined bunch, but until they learn any kind of psychology CZW is simply a Garbage promotion. 

Those Best of the Best tournaments are like watching a really bad if not the worst Toryumon show.

WHAT! Toyrumon has some bad stuff. They even have jobber matches. Takayama vs that small jobber at El Numero Uno. That went 10 minutes of dumb comedy. Also the 8 man sucked hard. Toyrumon is good at times, but alot of time it is pretty crazy. The 6 sixed ring... Also it seems like you only want too buy the good stuff without bothering with the bad. Sometimes you have too. If you havent seen the bad you wouldnt know what makes a good match good. Also if you got a show with one or two bad matches, and the rest are good it makes those good matches seem that much better.

No, with WWE on Mondays and Thursdays I am already quite familiar with the bad wrestling match.


I realize Toryumon is bad sometimes, and that was my point. I would say that even at there worst Toryumon is better than CZW at there best-save for the odd great match.


I just can't bring myself to the torture that is: watching a CZW show from start to finish.


For the record I have never seen an indy commercial tape (ECW included) that I didn't want to fast forward at least a 1/4 of the way through.

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

New reco:


IWA Mid South Winter Wars 2003 is a FANTASTIC show. AJ Styles vs. Chris Hero is very similar to the London vs. Styles/Am Drag matches, a definite classic. Danny Daniels and Steve Stone tear the fucking house down in a classic Ric Flair-style title match, THREE MORE Shelley/Jacobs matches, one of which is a ***** Texas Death Match. Plus JC Bailey gets the shit beaten out of him, which is always fun, and Michael Shane has one of the best matches of his career against "Spyder" Nate Webb.


Edit: Eskimo, TPI 02 has much bigger names in it, so I'd probably go with that first.


Also, as far as Japan vs. indy stuff, it all comes down to a matter of taste. I HATE puro, doesn't appeal to me whatsoever, but I have no problem with people who prefer that over indy stuff. Even I, the indy geek, know the stuff I like (CZW particularly,) is definitely not for everybody.

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Guest Markingout
Well with Best of the Best, and I must admit I haven't seen all of the 3, but I still say those shows are best watched as an Opening Music Video.  Don't get me wrong the CZW roster is a hard working determined bunch, but until they learn any kind of psychology CZW is simply a Garbage promotion. 

Those Best of the Best tournaments are like watching a really bad if not the worst Toryumon show.

WHAT! Toyrumon has some bad stuff. They even have jobber matches. Takayama vs that small jobber at El Numero Uno. That went 10 minutes of dumb comedy. Also the 8 man sucked hard. Toyrumon is good at times, but alot of time it is pretty crazy. The 6 sixed ring... Also it seems like you only want too buy the good stuff without bothering with the bad. Sometimes you have too. If you havent seen the bad you wouldnt know what makes a good match good. Also if you got a show with one or two bad matches, and the rest are good it makes those good matches seem that much better.

No, with WWE on Mondays and Thursdays I am already quite familiar with the bad wrestling match.


I realize Toryumon is bad sometimes, and that was my point. I would say that even at there worst Toryumon is better than CZW at there best-save for the odd great match.


I just can't bring myself to the torture that is: watching a CZW show from start to finish.


For the record I have never seen an indy commercial tape (ECW included) that I didn't want to fast forward at least a 1/4 of the way through.

Then I guess your not really a fan. Your going too have too watch the bad. Wrestling is only book too satisfy the taste of one sole person. Every fed needs filler.

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Guest Real F'n Show

can anyone point me in the direction of a IWA-MS KOTDM 2003 review? I've been thinking about buying it for awhile now.

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can anyone point me in the direction of a IWA-MS KOTDM 2003 review? I've been thinking about buying it for awhile now.

Buy it.


Don't even worry about a review. It is the best $30 I've spent on tapes since I've been buying indy tapes.


Buy it.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Its that good? Like even if I'm more of a "wrestling" fan than a deathmatch fan?

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Nope. As someone who hates deathmatches, I can tell you it's a waste of your time. The best wrestling match on both nights is the Cide-Hero match, which is a really good strikefest, but Hero has had way better matches this year. Honestly, if you're not into the gore, get Hero-Cide on a comp and avoid this show.

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Just to add another perspective on Winter Wars from someone that's not really an IWA-MS fan--it was a rockin show, one of my favorite this year.


Hero-Styles was tremendous, and really a coming-out party for how fucking good AJ Styles has become. Don't get me wrong, Hero was good in this, but his babyface-in-peril comeback is hard to buy when he's a foot taller than the other guy. AJ was just wicked awesome in this. It wasn't on the level of 4/12, but it was still GREAT.



Shelley-Jacobs Brawl: ***3/4

Daniels vs. Stone: ***

Shane vs. Webb: **3/4

Hero vs. Styles: ***3/4


A few new reco's from me:


IWA-MS 12/20: Shane-Styles is ****. Yes, Michael Shane had a **** match. It was fucking tremendous, thanks to AJ again. Hero-Bboy is way too indyish for my tastes, with not much depth to the match at all, but the 4-way at the end is good too.


ROH 11/1: Danielson-Styles, Cide-Whitmer, Scramble Cage, and the Mcginniss tag are all tremendous.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Ring of Honor MES is an awesome show, totally. The Cage match is insane. Everything else is at least above average to good. I can't pimp this enough. Daniels is too funny in the intros to the four way... Awesome show. I could go on for ever with great stuff.

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I'm trying to get into the indy scene (I haven't really had the money or time to really divest in it before), and I'm looking for recommendations for these shows:


IWA-MS: When Hero Met Punk

ROH Final Battle 2003 (yes, I know, it has Arashi / Muta, but I'm looking for thoughts on the show as a whole)

PWG: um....their first show, can't remember the date (but I think it's in September 03?)


EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm looking for a little more than just "Yeah, those are good, get those" or "It sucks, don't bother." Give me a little info as to WHY they're good or not. I'm not looking for a dissertation, but a little feedback (like "Check out this match, and this one, fast forward through this...") would be GREATLY appreciated.

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

When Hero Met Punk is good only for the main event. The entire show was built around it, and IWA just threw on a random undercard with most of their weaker workers, so basically everything there is FF-worthy. The main event itself isn't for everyone either. It's 93 minutes, so obviously it's loaded with matwork and meticulous body part psychology, so if you're more of a fast-paced highspot guy I'd avoid it.


Personally, I think Winter Wars 2003, as stated in earlier posts, is the best introduction to the current IWA product.


The PWG debut show is by far their worst. It's not a bad show overall, I'm just saying all of the other shows are far superior. I'd actually go with An Inch Longer than Average, or Are You Adequately Prepared to Rock as better introductions to the SoCal product, and they both have more recognizable indy stars, which to me, always makes a new promotion more palatable the first time out.


I haven't seen FB2003 due to my self-imposed RFVideo boycott, but Scott Keith and Bob Barron have both done reviews of it over at 411mania, so you can look those up there.

Edited by DuskTillDawn

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When Hero Met Punk is good only for the main event. The entire show was built around it, and IWA just threw on a random undercard with most of their weaker workers, so basically everything there is FF-worthy. The main event itself isn't for everyone either. It's 93 minutes, so obviously it's loaded with matwork and meticulous body part psychology, so if you're more of a fast-paced highspot guy I'd avoid it.


Personally, I think Winter Wars 2003, as stated in earlier posts, is the best introduction to the current IWA product.


The PWG debut show is by far their worst. It's not a bad show overall, I'm just saying all of the other shows are far superior. I'd actually go with An Inch Longer than Average, or Are You Adequately Prepared to Rock as better introductions to the SoCal product, and they both have more recognizable indy stars, which to me, always makes a new promotion more palatable the first time out.


I haven't seen FB2003 due to my self-imposed RFVideo boycott, but Scott Keith and Bob Barron have both done reviews of it over at 411mania, so you can look those up there.

Thanks for the help!


I still would like someone to review ROH: Final Battle 2003 - as well as ROH: Main Event Spectacles - here, as the two reviews on 411.....well, one's by Keith (who I don't find trustworthy - didn't he give Benoit v. Michaels something like 4 stars or more?), and Bob....I like Bob, but don't like his review style.


If anyone can help with these two shows, I appreciate it.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Final Battle 2003 and 1/10/04- The Battle Lines Are Drawn are two great shows. The Main Event of Battle Lines is an EPIC match. It's like a movie.

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Guest Markingout
Any suggestions for some good IWA-MS shows?

Winter Wars 2003.

Simply the Best 5.

Stylin and Profilin.

The Ted Petty Invitational 2003 and 2002.

April Bloodshowers.

April 17 in Lafayette sounds promising for a few great matches.

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Guest trickstyle_360
Well with Best of the Best, and I must admit I haven't seen all of the 3

That is certainly a GREAT way to base your opinions on. :rolleyes:


Honestly if you haven't seen all of the shows, I recommend you shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about. The opening 3 ways in BOTB2 were very entertaining, and Storm/Flesich and B-Boy/Dragon was awesome. BOTB3 was alright, the four way in the opening round was swank. Jimmy Rave/Jay Briscoe and B-Boy/Jay Briscoe are REALLY good....there was no heat from the crowd though because of the super shitty battle royal.


I just can't bring myself to the torture that is: watching a CZW show from start to finish.


Then DON'T watch it....like Jay said it's not for everyone.


I've got to pimp RoH/FWA: Frontiers of Honor. If you don't have it, get it. London/Tighe, Styles/Storm, and Samoa Joe/Zebra Kid make this must have.

Styles/Storm from British Uprising 2002 is way better, and the opening 3 way with Jack Xavier, James Tighe and Raj Ghosh is quite enjoyable. Jerry Lynn/Doug Williams was a neat little match on the card, and Jody vs Flash Barker was real good with a insane balcony spot from Jody.

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I was a bit unsure when I bought When Hero me Punk, I didn't know if I could sit through 93 minutes worth of wrestling in one match. I did FF the undercard, but I couldn't believe how wrong I was about it. I was captivated and on the edge of my seat the whole 93 minutes. Hell I couldn't believe it actually went 93 minutes at the end, it just didn't drag or bore me at all.

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