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One and Only Unforgiven Predictions Thread

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Guest thrall585

Lita and Trish over Gail Kim and Molly

Scott Steiner over Test

The Dudleys over La Resistance

Chris Jericho over Christian and RVD

JR and King over Coach and Snow

Randy Orton over Shawn Michaels

Kane over Shane McMahon

Goldberg over HHH by DQ

Edited by thrall585

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Guest bort

Lita/Trish vs. Molly/Gail - lita picks up the win after trish hit molly with a bulldog,


Steiner vs. Test - a stacy mistake causes test to beat steiner


Frenchies vs. Dudleys - duds win it, also the match is a DUD


Christian vs. RVD vs. Jericho - RVD picks up hitting christain with an frog splash just as christain is hitting an unprettery on y2j.


JR/King vs. Coach/Al Snow - coach picks up the win after a snow plow


Kane vs. Shane McMahon - kane picks up the win after chokeslaming shane from the top rope to the outside through a table



Goldberg vs. HHH - HHH in 8 min due to an RKO from orton, austin restarts the match and golberg beat HHH in 12 seconds :unsure:

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I love how people are saying this is going to be one of the worst ppv's but on wweshopzone.com it is the number one selling item for the internet broadcast.

Thats simple..Shopzone doesent sell very many items.

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Lita/Trish Vs. Molly/Gail

Winner(s): Lita/Trish


Steiner Vs. Test

Winner: Test after Stacy turns heel


La Résistance Vs. The Dudley Boyz

Winners: The Dudley Boyz because they can't win the titles. Spike probably hits the Acid Drop through a table.


Christian © Vs. Chris Jericho Vs. Rob Van Dam

Winner: Christian.


Commentator Slop: Coach/Snow


HBK Vs. Orton

Winner: Orton


Kane Vs. Shane

Winner: Kane


Goldberg Vs. HHH

Winner: Goldberg




Cut and Pasted from someone elses predictions...which match mine exactly.

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