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Steve J. Rogers

The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

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There's a really good (and disappointing) article on Eonline:


Not so much the case for Amy. She admits she’s the weepy one. "I just keep crying, and everyone is like, ’Stop it! Or I’ll cry, too.’ It’s hard because last Friday was Alexis’ last night, and yesterday was Andy’s last day. And today will be everyone’s. It’s hard to imagine you won’t be spending 12 hours a day with them anymore."

Am I to take this as people getting killed off? Or just them finishing their scenes before everyone else? <_<

Nah, they have a shooting schedule, so if Wesley's stuff is all done, then he's finished. Like, I believe all the writers were 'dismissed' April 2nd, when they started shooting the last episode.

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man, I really wish I hadn't stopped watching Angel.



Should I watch the last episodes, or wait until I've seen seasons 3-5 first?

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Well, I guess I gotta answer your question with a question: will you have a heart attack the first (or second, third, fourth, fifth, etc) time that Wes whips out a pistol and caps some random guy?


My long bitchy pessipost got no-sold. :(


Supes, who wrote that article you copied?

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Well, I guess I gotta answer your question with a question: will you have a heart attack the first (or second, third, fourth, fifth, etc) time that Wes whips out a pistol and caps some random guy?

Well I won't now

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Why did you stop? Just go ahead and watch the rest of them.

I had some school stuff I had to do from 6:30 to 9 during the week, and my VCR wouldn't record worth a shit. Basically the same reason I stoppe watching Buffy. By the time I got to watch more episodes I had already missed most of the season (The last Angel episode I saw was the one before She)


I'll probably just wait until it comes out on DVD. The Angel season sets come out every five months, right? If so, 4 comes out just in time for my b-day, and 5 will come out just in time for x-mas, so it works out pretty well

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That EOnline! article is by Kristin.


I'll sell your post:


I wrote a long-ass post about the latest episode, before the stupid board erased it for me.


That's why you should do what I do and copy your posts (CTRL-A, CTRL-C is your friend) before you click on "Add Reply".


And why was everyone so shocked by his chest-punch? Lorne's survived his own decapitation, Harmony is a (former) sociopathic murderer, and Eve has seen and done god only knows what kinds of evil acts, but they're terrified by... a really strong dude in a suit?


It was probably just really startling to see this normal-looking guy up & punch some dude through the chest. I mean, we were all expecting something to happen to that redshirt security guard, but they probably didn't see that coming. Plus, Harmony scares pretty easily (remember Phantom Dennis?).


(a bunch of questions snipped)

let's just say that most of the questions above remain unanswered.


I think some of the questions will be answered, but I'm cool with not everything being revealed. It doesn't really matter to me how Lindsey got the amulet, or whatever the stupid "final failsafe" was in "You're Welcome" (I'm trying to forget all the Lindsey stuff from that ep anyway). As for the mystery of who brought him back from hell...I'm comfortable with the Jasmine explanation, but again, I'm cool with it remaining vague. I'm more interested in what Angel thinks it means than what the "true" explanation is.

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I'll probably just wait until it comes out on DVD. The Angel season sets come out every five months, right? If so, 4 comes out just in time for my b-day, and 5 will come out just in time for x-mas, so it works out pretty well


Season 5 will probably come out in February (so far, they've followed a February-September-February schedule).


If you're really that far behind, then yeah, maybe you should just wait for the DVDs. I suggest taping the remaining 5 episodes (but not watching them), then try to catch up on DVD. All the season 4 eps are available on Kazaa & other places, and season 5 shouldn't be hard to come by.


Oh yeah, the new opening credits sequence was pretty awesome. It's about time they stuck Harmony in there (though I wish they hadn't lost the Angel/Faith shot).

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Just go to Buffy.nu and you can download all of the episodes this season.


AREA!!! Where have you been? No thoughts on this episode? Huh?

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I wanna see it again first. I was half-asleep when I caught it on TV. I'm back because TRITEC pointed out that thread you started about the spoiler tags, and decided to check out the Angel thread while I was here.


I'll try & reinstall the spoiler tags this weekend.

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And finally, how the hell are Joss & co. going to answer all the questions and mysteries the season has brought up over the years in the last five episodes? Will Angel fulfill the Sanshu prophecies?


That's the biggest "mystery" in the shows history. They will _have to_ touch up on it, especially since they've made it a plotpoint this season.


Why was Angel given that amulet, and was Spike really meant to end up with it?


Well, you can look at it 2 ways. The SrPartners gave it to Angel hoping that he'd die with it, Lindsay planted it (via Eve) to kill Angel, or they knew about Spike and wanted him in.


How the hell did Lindsey get the amulet from the ruins of the hellmouth?


He went and found it. Picked through the pieces. Since he was jakked up mystically, it wouldn't have been that hard.


Why was Spike brought back as a ghost, and then later rematerialized? (For that matter, did or will we ever get a firm answer on who/how/why Angel was brought back from hell in Buffy Season 3, anyway?)


That was Lindsay trying to complicate the operation. Spike and Angel were supposed to kill each other finding the 'holy grail'. It wasn't his masterplan, but it would have been a nice bonus.


What was the "final failsafe" that Lindsey was trying to activate?


That's supposed to be a mystery. I think that's a "your imagination could come up with a better answer" kinda thing. It was big, it had claws, it was specifically designed to kill Angel. That's all ya need to know.


What the hell is this new apocalypse that they just sprung on us out of nowhere?


No, that's the point, it didn't spring out of nowhere. It's been there for a long time, building.


Why is it worse than the 1473 other apocalypsi that Buffy and Angel have previously stopped?


Because it came up from under their nose. They let it happen.


Why would the Senior Partners come up with this elaborate scheme to distract and corrupt Angel & co, instead of just killing them?


Angel is prophecized to be a major player in the Apocalypse, either for the side of good or evil, that's why they keep him around. They tried turning him into Angelus, they tried forcing it, but now they're taking a different approach. And it's working, they've managed to skew his morality and stop him from being a champion.


Just who the hell are the Senior Partners, anyway?


"They were just above vampires in my time" - Illyria. The Pylea book had them represented by a wolf, ram, and a deer (heart). They obviously moved up in the universe when all the demon gods left. I really hope they explain who the Senior Parners are too, because they're like Book; they give us a lot of hints at who they are, but they haven't outright said it.


And finally, will either ensouled vampire ever end up with Buffy?


No. Of course not. That means happy people in relationships, this is Joss Whedon, shit like that don't fly.

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OH MY GODjhiogaesjdklf hjklshegdkl:jklpgsdjkl DO NOT READ THIS! For the love of GOD do not read this! You know why you don't read spoilers? THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T READ SPOILERS! HOLY CRAP! HOLY FUCKING CRAP! HOLY FUCKING JESUS LORD GOD FUCKING CRAP! DO NOT READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MEGA HUGE FUCKING SPOILERS! DO NOT READ IF YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!! This deals with the series finale. ...



Lindsey McDonald? DEAD!

Wesley? DEAD!

Charles Gunn? DEAD!

Harmony Kendall? The Judas who betrays them all!

The final scene? A CLIFFHANGER (yes, A CLIFFHANGER!!) as Angel, Spike and Illyria are about to square off against the senior partners!

These come from spoilerslayer.com, which indicates they come from a source proven 100-percent accurate this season.

(Meanwhile, Fox News has been reporting since Friday night that as many as six “Angel” TV movies are now in the works. I’ve not yet been able to confirm yet, though.)

Read all the gory details at http://www.spoilerslayer.com/archives/003013.php


(in full)

Angel: Not Fade Away (5.22)


Angel is playing the bad boy in order to figure out who he has to go through to get to the Senior Partners. It's unclear if he tells the others prior to this episode, or if the rest of 'Angel Investigations' is at a loss as to what is happening to him.


He does explain early in this episode, and tells everyone to go prepare themselves for the final battle. This then ties in with the one casting side, which has Angel seeing Connor, Spike in a bar, and Gunn seeing Anne. When they gather, they have to split up into different groups because there are multiple targets that need to be taken out (I have a feeling that they will be taking out most of the factions we see in 'Power Play'). Once this is done, they will meet up again and proceed to the final battle either to get to, or with, the Senior Partners.


Lindsey, Eve, and Connor all take part in these missions, fighting on the side of Angel. However, Angel has been forewarned that there is a traitor in their midst. Things get a bit unclear here, as to who is fighting what, but this is the outcome of these missions.


Wesley dies during his mission, and while he's dying Illyria appears to change once more into Fred and cries over him.


Gunn will die after he succeeds in completing his mission, while on his way back to the others.


Lorne is battling with Lindsey, and after they succeed in their mission, Lorne shoots Lindsey and kills him. Eve is heartbroken, and I believe that Lorne simply leaves everyone at this time. His work is done, and he told everyone that before they went out to fight.


Angel is losing in his fight with Hamilton, when Connor arrives and together they defeat him (or run him off). Connor then goes back to his family.


Why do these missions go so poorly? Probably because Harmony is in bed with Hamilton (literally). Hamilton turned her against the rest of the gang, and she revealed what they were planning to do.


The final scene? Somewhere, more than likely another dimension perhaps, Angel and Spike and Illyria face off against a dragon. It's unclear if this is the guardian to the Senior Partners or the physical manifestation of the Senior Partners.

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Okay, after reading those spoilers, I have to ask one question:


What's the deal with Lorne?

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When you think about it, it does kinda fit in with Lornes character.


I just couldn't believe it.


This could quite possibly be the best series finale ever.


RRR: Making the spoilers even more tempting


Ok, Wes, Gunn, Cordy, Fred... the death toll for this season is fucking HARDCORE.

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When you think about it, it does kinda fit in with Lornes character.


I just couldn't believe it.

Well, if you remember from Underneath, they're already starting to change his character...it's like he doesn't care anymore. So as the season progresses he'll probably get more and more like that.

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they're already starting to change his character...it's like he doesn't care anymore


Yeah...I thought it was pretty notable how he reacted to Gunn being left behind. "But you never.....well, I guess we do. That's what we do now". Aw, man. So disillusioned.


OK, I am weak. I am such a fucking weak pussy that I went ahead and read some (but not all) of the spoilers. Why??? Why did I do that???


Fuck...I can't believe that body count. Fuck me. What the hell happens now? What about all that talk about not changing their plans? And Harmony turns out to be the Judas after all? Way to twist the knife in my heart, ME!!!!


Seriously, I want to curl up in a ball and not emerge until May 19th.

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Even if they do have the "movie of the week" deal, how are they going to do it with just Angel, Spike, and Illyria? I mean, sure, season one ran with just three characters, but that was season one. Gah!

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My thoughts:


I don't think Joss wanted to do a movie-of-the-week, so this is just a big "Fuck You" to the WB. It's such the anti-Buffy finale, where there was resolution and finality to the story. Here, it (may) end in a cliffhanger and they kill off the majority of the cast - it will leave everyone with a big "WHAT THE FUCK?!~". There will be a split between the fans - this will be a "loved it" or "hated it" kinda thing with no middle. Right now, I fucking love it. I didn't think I'd love it, because I'm a happy-ending kinda guy. But I dig the shit out of this ending cause it's so over the top. They are going out with a bang - you gotta appreciate the balls it takes to do that.

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I go to Buffy.nu and they have a link that says "Shocking News about the Angel Finale" so I click on it thinking that maybe SMG showed up or Alyson will be there, and this is what the site looks like.


Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled or something like that.










Now I'm just gonna read the whole spoilers, fuck it.

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