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Yup, I saw Underworld and after waiting and anticipating... I wasn't fulfilled.I'd say the movie was 30% creative and 70% cliche'. I mean granted the cinematography was excellent and the setting was flawless but for some reason there just wasn't enough hand to hand for me. As a matter of fact.. there was barely any. So I give this movie an 7.5 of 10. Opinions?


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Very creative plot with them trying to create the mix breed. It was only time til sometime would've picked up that idea. However, it was kinda confusing as to who was behind who.Kinda iffy about the fact that Viktor was actually going to choke Micheal to death with him being that nearly invulnerable breed nor break his neck. This was SO a cross between Blade and The Crow. Don't think theres a chance for a sequel (very typical cliche' ending). Sadly ebough , if it does happen , I think it's going straight to video.

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Guest EQ

I felt pretty much the same way you did coming out. I was entertained, but I can't put my finger on what was lacking with the film. I'd say it was a decent movie. I was disappointed with the lack of hand-to-hand fighting as well. And I was also expecting better visual effects (the morphing into a warewolf effect was ok)

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

I liked it, especially the fact that there was no clear cut good guys or bad guys, everyone had a viable reason to act the way they did. The only innocent in the whole movie was Carvin.


I'm glad there wasn't much hand-to-hand combat, itd just come off too unrealistic(yeah, un realistic in a vampire/werewolf movie)Overall, I'd say it was a pretty good movie, and i went in expecting nothing.


Tony:"Fuck it, lets see Seabiscuit or The Rundown"


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I enjoyed it.


It was a sci-fi action flick, which is what I was expecting. I didn't go in expecting Othello and I wasn't disappointed in the end. :)

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I've seen it twice. It's not that it's an amazing movie. But I wasn't expecting it to be. I enjoyed it for what it was. Plus, Kate Beckinsale? Wow! :)


It's definitely a guilty pleasure movie for me.

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

Even I am into Kate! LOL! Even though I see some reviews here weren't to great, I am still looking forward to seeing it.

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Saw it yesterday while waiting for my power to return (Dominion Power of Northern VA deserves DEATH, DEATH upon them and their children).


I liked it. It reminded me a lot of Blade (the first one), although the story was weak and there wasn't enough action for me.


But if was a fun flick if you're into vampires / werewolves (and I am), and seeing Kate Beckinsale in skin-tight vinyl clothing was worth the matinee price alone.

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The story was weak?


Are you hepped up on goofballs?


Most horror/action movies go for broke on things like effects and gore but don't give a lick about storylines or character development. Underworld is the exact opposite of this. That movie had an INSANE amount of backstory to it, dating back to Lucian and his relationship with Victor (which I thought was very cool).


If you think Underworld's story was weak then you weren't paying too much attention.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I finally went to see this one last night, as I have been waiting for it for a while. I was entertained, but to be honest I wasn't too fond of the characters and there was definately a feeling that something was missing. But I can't complain, I saw it for free.

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FINALLY got to see this movie yesterday. I can pinpoint exactly what was lacking: a decent script. I swear, I couldn't believe some of the lines that were coming out of these people's mouths...they were just so over-the-top that they were laugh out loud funny at times.

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The dialogue wasn't good, the story was fucking awesome. Let's try and distinguish between the two, because I don't understand this "The story in Underworld sucked" hate. It had great backstory, in fact, I could totally see them doing a prequel dealing with the Lucian/Sonia romance and Victor's coven.


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Here's how I see the sequel going, because believe me, there will be one. There can't not be a sequel after that ending.


Team #1- Michael, Selene and The Lycan Coven.


Team #2- Marcus and the Death Dealers.


Team #3- Kraven and the American coven of Death Dealers. Kraven will go to them and tell them that Marcus has been tainted by Lycan blood (which he has) and that Kraven is the only true elder vampire left and he'll lead them.

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The dialogue wasn't good, the story was fucking awesome. Let's try and distinguish between the two, because I don't understand this "The story in Underworld sucked" hate. It had great backstory, in fact, I could totally see them doing a prequel dealing with the Lucian/Sonia romance and Victor's coven.

Oh, no doubt. It was a truly excellent story, and I found myself really getting into it as the movie went on. But the execution definitely left something to be desired, and that's putting it politely.

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