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Making too much out of nothing...???

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Ok, we had a one question quiz in Chemistry today and...well...depending on how you look at it, I kinda cheated.


Ok, I was ready for the quiz and everything, had reviewd the material and all so I wasn't worried about it coming in...the thing was that we had to find the density using the mathematical formula (d=m/V) and I had accidetally left my calculator at home. Now I've never been a mathematical genius to say the least, so it took me a while to work the problem out and by the time he'd called for the papers, I was nowhere near being finished. Desperate to put something down, I asked the guy sitting next to me for a calculator...and he hands me his cell phone (motherfucker), which has a calculator on it, but he really didn't explain to me how to use the thing, and while I was stumbling around with the thing, the teacher became more adament that we hand in our papers. So at this point, the guy just blatantly tells me the answer and tells me to give it to him...and I'm like "ok", and I did it.


This has been bugging the hell outta me for the last hour for various reasons because one, despite what I posted in the Person Above You thread yesterday, *I DON'T CHEAT*, if only because of my ego...if I can't do it on my own, I'd rather not do it at all. And secondly, I know that math was wrong, and what I was working out on the test paper doesn't add up to the answer the guy gave me, so I'm almost sure that the teacher's gonna question me about this.


Now most likely, I'm blowing this whole thing out of proportion, but to make a long story short, I don't wanna get in trouble over some bullshit ass quiz. So I was thinking about just doing one or two things...either wait until he questions me about it and tell him that I was rushing, used a calculator and didn't have time to correct what I had written down, or just approach him before he looks at the quiz, tell the truth and hope that he really doesn't give a damn.


Or if he questions me, I could always pull the whole *points* "OMG LOOK AT THAT!!!!!", then when he turns to look, punch the shit outta him and run. It's worked before.


So what do you think? Am I buggin' or what?

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Guest The Old Me

I wouldn't worry much. I was much worse than you (sound) in school and I turned out okay.


If you tell him the truth, he could fail you.


I wouldn't say anything.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

You're buggin'.


I've helped grade Chem work before, and it's a fucking nightmare. He's going to check for your formulas, labels, the answer, and glance over the math, unless he's REALLY in-depth.

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Guest EQ

Don't sweat it bro. I once got caught BLATANTLY cheating on a test, not a quiz. If he even notices (which he won't) you'll probably get a zero for the quiz grade. And if you get away with it, more power to you.

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Well, it's a lecture hall course so hopefully he will just glance over it and not ask questions. I'll keep my mouth shut...



...and if he says something...well I got a bag of nickels with his name on it...POW!

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despite what I posted in the Person Above You thread yesterday, *I DON'T CHEAT*, if only because of my ego...if I can't do it on my own, I'd rather not do it at all.

You know, I'd LOVE to have this attitude towards anything I do.

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva
Well, it's a lecture hall course so hopefully he will just glance over it and not ask questions. I'll keep my mouth shut...



...and if he says something...well I got a bag of nickels with his name on it...POW!

Quarters might be better. :P

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Well, I just got back from the class a little while ago...aside from a little rant on Mickey Mouse and complaining about people sleeping in his class, he said nothing of note. Also, he said the quizzes don't really count against you, they're just for extra points, so that leads me to believe he wouldn't have said anything even if he did notice.


And I got my quarters ready for nothing...dang.

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Well, it wouldn't have been right to the OTHER KID for you to tell the teacher. At this point, you were probably looking crazy and totally stressed, so he just wanted to help. I know I'd probably do the same if I was in that situation, and just try to give the kid the answer I got. So, while you'd be getting yourself in trouble, you'd also be getting him in trouble, which is not only unfair, but could have gotten the shit beaten out of you after class. You might as well just keep it to yourself and, if he ever asks you about it....Deny. Deny. Deny ! I mean, right now, it's only 1 time anyway and not nearly to the point of being obsessive. Don't worry about it.

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Well, it's a lecture hall course so hopefully he will just glance over it and not ask questions.  I'll keep my mouth shut...



...and if he says something...well I got a bag of nickels with his name on it...POW!

Quarters might be better. :P

Doorknobs. Always doorknobs.

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Well, it wouldn't have been right to the OTHER KID for you to tell the teacher. At this point, you were probably looking crazy and totally stressed, so he just wanted to help. I know I'd probably do the same if I was in that situation, and just try to give the kid the answer I got. So, while you'd be getting yourself in trouble, you'd also be getting him in trouble, which is not only unfair, but could have gotten the shit beaten out of you after class. You might as well just keep it to yourself and, if he ever asks you about it....Deny. Deny. Deny ! I mean, right now, it's only 1 time anyway and not nearly to the point of being obsessive. Don't worry about it.

He wouldn't have gotten in trouble anyway. Honest to God if the guy came up to me right now I couldn't even point him out.

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