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It's official: HHH on HHHiatus

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Let me guess...All this pissing and moaning...and at the time, how many of you were/are DX fans? And will HONESTLY admit it on here?


Cold hard fact 1...HHH is a good business man and is cutthroat in his goals, exactly how american business is played.


Cold hard fact 2...You cannot doubt HHH's "star" power in the federation...People WILL come to see him.


Cold hard fact 3...HHH has been on TV and to tell you the truth, he's pretty darn funny(I think he was on MadTV?)


Cold hard fact 4...Without HHH around so you can all pull insane conspiracy theories out your asses...You'll STILL find the WWE to be stale and boring. So you all NEED HHH to be on tv, else you won't have anything to bitch and whine about.


Although with The Rock leaving, and hopefully Goldberg's contract not being renewed...It might open up the wallets of the boss' so that they can hire some more decent talent.


Personally I think they should have had Evolution beat down HHH so bad he just got fed up and "left"...Then he should return with a big surprise....HHH, HBK, Nash(maybe a couple others, depending on how big Evolution gets) re-creation of DX...I'm pretty sure they can all re-hash the comedy that DX and NWO used to do...and make it seem like new.


I personally enjoyed HHH being a jackass joker compared to his "I'm big and I'm bad, watch out" gimmick he's got going.

Of course they were probably all DX fans. But Hunter injured his quad and can't work as great as he used to and of course they all turn on him. I'd love to see what they'd do if Smark Darlings Benoit or Angle went through the same scenario of events.

Edited by mach7

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Guest vex_hecubus

Wait you mean Angle and Benoit are not limited to their moves?


Angle's a bit more versitile in his moves...But if you ask me Benoit's becoming more and more like that grizzled veteran that you'd see in old roman times...with an eye missing, pieces of ears gone, chunks of flesh gone,etc. The man's been in the business for YEARS.


I'll be coloured impressed when I see Benoit do a moonsault...I might have a bad memory but I've NEVER seen him do that...Or a Shooting Star Press.


Don't get me wrong...Benoit's one of my fav's but his movesets are pretty much redundant.

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Wait you mean Angle and Benoit are not limited to their moves?


Angle's a bit more versitile in his moves...But if you ask me Benoit's becoming more and more like that grizzled veteran that you'd see in old roman times...with an eye missing, pieces of ears gone, chunks of flesh gone,etc.  The man's been in the business for YEARS.


I'll be coloured impressed when I see Benoit do a moonsault...I might have a bad memory but I've NEVER seen him do that...Or a Shooting Star Press.


Don't get me wrong...Benoit's one of my fav's but his movesets are pretty much redundant.

I gotcha.


But what I mean, is that before HHH's quad injury, he was pulling out some pretty memorable matches. Now, I'll be the first to admit, he's not the workhorse he used to be but he's still watchable. He gained weight and changed his style. What's he supposed to do? Keep wrestling the same style so he can get injured all over again?


Smarks all over the net called him "The New Man" [a la Ric Flair] before the quad injury... but when he returned from the injury and couldn't work the same style, they all turned on him.


Now all it is is bitching about his "workrate" and that he's "fucking the bosses daughter to get his push" - which is another crock of shit, seeing as HHH is a wrestler who WWE invested a lot of TIME and MONEY into BEFORE he started dating Stephanie. Why the fuck would they bust an established name --who's been in the Federation for years and has had amazing feuds with the likes of Rock, Foley, Austin-- down to the opening matches?


Anyways, what I meant was, it'd be interesting to see if the opinions would change for any of the smark darlings [benoit, Angle, Eddy, etc] should they encounter the same type of scenario, coming back from a big injury and not working as good as they did and doing what they can to stay on top.

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Guest RollingSambos

Before he was dating Steph, he was doing jobs. He was doing jobs to Big Show, for Christ's sake. Now the guy can't be touched.

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Guest vex_hecubus
But what I mean, is that before HHH's quad injury, he was pulling out some pretty memorable matches. Now, I'll be the first to admit, he's not the workhorse he used to be but he's still watchable. He gained weight and changed his style. What's he supposed to do? Keep wrestling the same style so he can get injured all over again?


Smarks all over the net called him "The New Man" [a la Ric Flair] before the quad injury... but when he returned from the injury and couldn't work the same style, they all turned on him.


Definately he probably can't keep up with the guys who are somewhat in more "prime" shape...But Everyone needs to remember HHH should be known for weight gain/style change.


First he was a rather thin not really muscular "Blue Blood"...Then he became "Triple H"....Then he's "The Game"....Not sure why I'm spouting this all since I KNOW you know all this lol


Now all it is is bitching about his "workrate" and that he's "fucking the bosses daughter to get his push" - which is another crock of shit, seeing as HHH is a wrestler who WWE invested a lot of TIME and MONEY into BEFORE he started dating Stephanie. Why the fuck would they bust an established name --who's been in the Federation for years and has had amazing feuds with the likes of Rock, Foley, Austin-- down to the opening matches?


Didn't he also have a feud with Henry Godwynn? ;)


Anyways, what I meant was, it'd be interesting to see if the opinions would change for any of the smark darlings [benoit, Angle, Eddy, etc] should they encounter the same type of scenario, coming back from a big injury and not working as good as they did and doing what they can to stay on top.


Personally I don't think Benoit has actually been working as well, ever since his neck injury. But I think most people are still blinded by the fact that he's Chris Benoit

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Guest RollingSambos
Well, I am glad that Meltzer is so up on who's "jelous" of who these days. It's a good thing we have him to tell us that.


Now you are just being an idiotic HHH troll. Everybody knows that Meltz is the most reliable source for insider news, and has several ties backstage.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Yeah my thoughts exactly - and it is important when someone like HHH has power to understand who he is jelous of and how this may impact the quality of television we see.

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Before he was dating Steph, he was doing jobs. He was doing jobs to Big Show, for Christ's sake. Now the guy can't be touched.

1. HHH was World Champion four times between August/99 and May/00

2. He lost one of those titles to Big Show and won it back two months later.

3. I can't quite recall when the whole marriage angle was going on, but even if they were dating, Stephanie was not head of creative back then.

4. It would be nearly TWO YEARS [8 months of those where he was injured] before HHH got the World Title back after he lost it to the Rock in June of 2000.. where was his "push from screwing the bosses daughter" then...? If anything, your gripe about his push would only have any merit from the time he returned from his quad injury at Rumble 2002... and even then it's still a flimsy argument.


Again, like I said before, grasping at straws. You're really bad at it, by the way.

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Well, I am glad that Meltzer is so up on who's "jelous" of who these days. It's a good thing we have him to tell us that.


Now you are just being an idiotic HHH troll. Everybody knows that Meltz is the most reliable source for insider news, and has several ties backstage.

Yes, because when dealing with "insider sources" everyone knows they never lie and work the dirtsheet reporters like good ol' "Meltz"...


Who's the troll? *looks at Sambo*

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Personally I don't think Benoit has actually been working as well, ever since his neck injury. But I think most people are still blinded by the fact that he's Chris Benoit

I agree, Warren, but you'll hardly - if ever - hear a complaint about it here.

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Guest RollingSambos

You just proved my point. Like Kevin Kelly said, the shit didn't REALLY hit the fan until Steph was made head of creative in 2002. Trips never did many jobs, but at least it was justified when he was having ***** matches. Once Steph took over creative, he went from doing very few jobs to being unbeatable unless he HAS to take time off for an injury and burying everyone in his path.

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He held the belt for a full year.


Can you really NOT be called an egomaniac when you hold a belt for one year?


And something else

Hollywood Hogan holds belt repeatedly during NWO days

Goldberg defeats Hollywood

Goldberg loses to Nash

Nash does the finger poke of doom finish

WCW falls apart


Just make Triple H the bad version of Hollywood, implant Nash with Randy Orton and you have the WWE version of the fall of WCW.


Man, they can't even think of their own way to fall apart and fold!

Lazy, lazy, lazy.

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God, it doesn't matter what HHH does; people still bitch about him. He jobs his World Title clean, puts over Jindrak, Cade, and Maven, and leaves all in the same week, and we still hear people bitching about how he's holding down anyone and everyone. Give me a fucking break.

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You just proved my point. Like Kevin Kelly said, the shit didn't REALLY hit the fan until Steph was made head of creative in 2002. Trips never did many jobs, but at least it was justified when he was having ***** matches. Once Steph took over creative, he went from doing very few jobs to being unbeatable unless he HAS to take time off for an injury and burying everyone in his path.

Yes, but look at his push BEFORE she took over creative. Nearly identical. He was still winning tons and going over tons of talent in the process. The fact that his push resumed when he returned from his injury only made sense since he was one of the top 5 when he went down to the quad tear. Geez.

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He held the belt for a full year.


Can you really NOT be called an egomaniac when you hold a belt for one year?


And something else

Hollywood Hogan holds belt repeatedly during NWO days

Goldberg defeats Hollywood

Goldberg loses to Nash

Nash does the finger poke of doom finish

WCW falls apart


Just make Triple H the bad version of Hollywood, implant Nash with Randy Orton and you have the WWE version of the fall of WCW.


Man, they can't even think of their own way to fall apart and fold!

Lazy, lazy, lazy.

He didn't have it for a year. He had it 9 months [December to September] and don't even get me started on this, as one of the common gripes from Smarks about the WWE is that titles are always hotshotted around and that they never have long title reigns.


9 months is nothing, Bruno Sammartino held the title for years on end, btw.

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as one of the common gripes from Smarks about the WWE is that titles are always hotshotted around and that they never have long title reigns.


Long title reigns are a good thing- until the champion holds the belt for too long that the fans become bored with the title and the champion.


It's also a bad idea to do a storyline called 'White man thinks black people aren't good enough' and the white man wins.


9 months is nothing, Bruno Sammartino held the title for years on end, btw.


Apples and oranges.

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I'm still confused how he put them over?

Flair and Orton put them over, Triple H rolled out of the ring after beating the hell out of them and then came in, hit the one move he can barely do and did a little mic work about how great he was. So, because he faced them he gave them the rub??? Since when did Triple H become Taker 2002???


I doubt anyone would have problems with Triple H if he could still wrestle with SOME ability and didn't hold the belt for nine months. This guy may have a bigger ego than Goldberg and that is beyond belief.


I took away the three months, cause it's a huge difference.


Nine months with a guy who can barely move as champion. It felt much, much longer.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Personally I don't think Benoit has actually been working as well, ever since his neck injury. But I think most people are still blinded by the fact that he's Chris Benoit

His work since he came back in July 2002 still owns anything HHH has done since January of the same year.


Maybe I should put "COLD HARD FACT" in front of it so I can be just a little more obnoxious about it.

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Personally I don't think Benoit has actually been working as well, ever since his neck injury.  But I think most people are still blinded by the fact that he's Chris Benoit

His work since he came back in July 2002 still owns anything HHH has done since January of the same year.


Maybe I should put "COLD HARD FACT" in front of it so I can be just a little more obnoxious about it.

Yeah, those extremely boring resthold festivals he's had with Rhyno are just *****, baby! :rolleyes:

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Personally, I wouldn't have accepted a nine month Jericho reign.

It's too damn long to be stuck with one guy with the same belt.


Plus it gets boring knowing the only way Triple H will lose is if he faces a kliq member or is hurt and needs time off.

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Guest RollingSambos
Bad comparison - Bruno was a big draw.




Good point...I love it.


That's the bottom line: long title reigns are only good if its deserved, the fans want to see it, it heightens fan interest, it boosts ratings, and/or it draws money.


HHH's 9-month reign accomplishes none of the above.

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Personally I don't think Benoit has actually been working as well, ever since his neck injury.  But I think most people are still blinded by the fact that he's Chris Benoit

His work since he came back in July 2002 still owns anything HHH has done since January of the same year.


Maybe I should put "COLD HARD FACT" in front of it so I can be just a little more obnoxious about it.

Yeah, those extremely boring resthold festivals he's had with Rhyno are just *****, baby! :rolleyes:

No one has claimed the 3 matches he had with Rhyno are 5* classics now are they?


But Benoit's match with RVD was better then HHH's.

Benoit's match with Angle was better then HHH's.

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Guest RollingSambos

That's because Benoit and Angle both sold for RVD and tried to make him look good. HHH's match with RVD was nearly a squash.

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Personally, I wouldn't have accepted a nine month Jericho reign.

It's too damn long to be stuck with one guy with the same belt.


Plus it gets boring knowing the only way Triple H will lose is if he faces a kliq member or is hurt and needs time off.

Boring to smart marks maybe. But then, the majority of WWE's revenue comes from marks, and the majority of then neither know or care about any of this crap.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Personally I don't think Benoit has actually been working as well, ever since his neck injury.  But I think most people are still blinded by the fact that he's Chris Benoit

His work since he came back in July 2002 still owns anything HHH has done since January of the same year.


Maybe I should put "COLD HARD FACT" in front of it so I can be just a little more obnoxious about it.

Yeah, those extremely boring resthold festivals he's had with Rhyno are just *****, baby! :rolleyes:

Even those were better than SLEEPER MANIA with Spike and Jeff Hardy!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Personally, I wouldn't have accepted a nine month Jericho reign.

It's too damn long to be stuck with one guy with the same belt.


Plus it gets boring knowing the only way Triple H will lose is if he faces a kliq member or is hurt and needs time off.

Boring to smart marks maybe. But then, the majority of WWE's revenue comes from marks, and the majority of then neither know or care about any of this crap.

And you know this....how?


World Titles are part of the big suspension of disbelief of pro wrestling. Fans will not watch a company if they think that the World Title is just a joke.


A World Title should be the belt that THE MAN in the company holds- anytime someone wins the title it should be treated as something serious.


Fans do take the World Title seriously.

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Actually Benoit and HHH's matches with RVD both followed pretty much the same formula. They both worked over a body part on RVD which RVD completely no sold. The only difference was that in HHH's match, he had enough heel heat to make an interesting finish that allowed a lot of people to forget about how RVD had totally screwed the early part of the match.

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