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I find that the guy hurts conservatives more than anything (by making them look like raving lunatics).

I have a serious question about that, and it transcends party lines.


Let's assume that most Americans are, by and large, moderates. They may lean one way or the other, but ultimately, they're not hardcore one party or the other - they'll vote across party lines if they like the political message being presented by one candidate or the other.


Now, there are a certain amount of people who are rather hardline, or at least, the vast majority of the time they follow one particular party and ideology. These are the types of people who are likely to agree with the Hannitys or Michael Moores of the world.


Do you really think that the extremes do much to make the moderates look down on one party or the other? I honestly don't think it does. I think most people look at guys like Moore or Hannity and recognize them for who they are, and realize they represent the hardline fringe of either party.

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I never said lets have 1000 parties. I'd say 3-5 is healthy.

That won't happen under a "first past the post" system. 3-5 parties won't survive unless the way of electing political leaders were to be completely overhauled, like in a parliamentary style.

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