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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Rock's not a movie star yet

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Guest thrall585

>>If a film does disappointing in the theaters, it tends to do disappointing in the rentals.

>Actually that's not true. Movies that gross in the $40-70 million range tend to do really well in rentals because they're usually films people meant to see but just couldn't be bothered to go to the theater to check out.


If they are films that are meant to see, they would go to the theater to see them since there is plenty of time to do so when a film is out. New releases that are not meant to see are from the videostore. People take out new releases that they don't care about because they are bored. New releases are taken at random from a bored person (so every new release makes the same amount of money here). Since Rundown had a disappointing number in the box office, it will have a disappointing number when it comes to people who want to see the movie again by renting it. Also there are always a group of friends and there are always families who value saving over getting the satisfaction of seeing the film right away, and they wait until the movie comes to the videostore so they can rent it and save money. However these people are in the minority. The Rundown will have a disappointing number for rentals just like it has a disappointing number for the box office.


>>Just because I say the film won't do as well as expected doesn't mean I don't want it to do well. Bad assumption there. I actually don't care how well the film does.

>You're certainly act like you care. A lot.


Just because I talk about how the film is underperforming doesn't mean I care about the film a lot or at all.


>>"The 18.5 mil opening week should put it in the 70-80 million dollar range" said pinjockey. You ignored that, how biased. The projection is 50-65 million with it most likely between 55-60 million. Projections can be made from what it did in the opening weekend (it is done all the time).

>He's right and wrong here. An $18.5 weekend will project out to about $55 mil. over its first four weeks. Most movies have done something like 90% of their total box office after four weeks. However, there are obvious exceptions for mega-hits (Pirates, Nemo), movies that start slow and catch on later (Greek Wedding, Italian Job), and movies with limited openings (Bend it Like Beckham, Chicago). I don't think this movie fits any of those criteria.


Most movies do most of their total domestic box office during its first four weeks actually.

Edited by thrall585

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