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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

I'm boycotting ROH

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Guest BionicRedneck
Nope. Just makes him a prick.


Wrestling fans getting all "righteous" over not wanting to support a promotion because the owner is a prick is really ammussing.


"Gasp! Are you telling me there is a actually a wrestling promoter who is not a nice guy?!? Who would have thought!"


I guess no watching the WWE or supporting them at all because Vince McMahon is a known asshole. Bischoff wasn't accidentally an angel so I guess people shouldn't have watched or given any money to WCW. Court Bauer stopped using Red just because Red had to miss a show with an injury. That's a pretty prickish thing to do, so probably shouldn't support MLW. Russo is a prick, so no supporting TNA. Heymen screwed over wrestlers on their paychecks and other things, probably shouldn't have watched or bought anything from ECW.


Or do we decide who we are not going to support on an arbitrary "prick by prick" basis? Like, Feinstein is a prick, so we won't support him. Heymen is also a prick, but we will support him.


Wrestling has always been run by "pricks." Boycotting a company because their promoter is a prick is so silly because then we should boycott nearly every promotion.

Was this long winded rant directed at me? I never said I was boycotting ROH. I certainly wouldn't boycott it because of Fagboy. I said he is a prick. That's all. And he is. Just because Vince McMahon is a prick or Paul Heyman is a prick doesn't change that fact that (in my opinion, of course) RF is a top drawer, grade A, cocksucking......prick.

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RF has bootlegged tapes before and in some cases as had to pay up for it. They deserve that because if it is illegal. If they still are selling a lot of stuff that they don't have any agreements/rights to sell (which I tend to doubt because I don't think they would be dumb enough to go after a tape trader and bring the WWE into the lawsuit with them when they are illegally selling WWE footage), then they deserve anything they get if they are caught.

Oh boy howdy do they still sell illegal bootlegged footage. They've got tons of WCW footage on various tapes, and even some WWF stuff creeps in there every now and then. The shoot interviews are some of the biggest offenders, especially the ones that RF didn't make, but they copied and sold as their own anyway (like Brian Lee's, for example).


It's just so ridiculous how people are overlooking the fact that bootlegging copyrighted tapes (especicially ones with FBI warnings) is an illegal activity.  Feinstein had every right in the world to turn him in because the guy was stealing money away from his legitmate business practices.  Does it make RF a bit of a hypocrite?  Possibly.  Does it make him wrong or make him the bad guy fro not wanting to be stolen from?  Not at all.


I think only at a wrestling board would people defend someone who did an illegal activity and blame the person who turned him in.


Like me and Jay have both said a zillion times, the tape trader DID NOTHING ILLEGAL. He lives in Canada. RF has no international copywright on ROH footage. You can copy and sell ROH tapes all day in Canada and break no laws whatsoever.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Everybody Move To Canada: Stat


btw...FUCK Rob Feinstein


I just like to be involved

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Guest OSIcon

Talking about Markout Video, Jingus. Not the guy in Canada. Though I do remember reading (from Meltzer) a while back that RF had to dish out some money to All Japan and Zero One for seliing copyrighted material. That brings up the question of whether or not it matters what country you are in when you do the copying. There ARE international copyright laws, you know?


Also, either RF is really being risky here or they have some sort of deal when it comes to WWE-owned footage on their tapes. I find it pretty hard to believe that RF would go into this whole thing with Markout video (where the WWE is named as the other company who had their tapes illegally sold) if they were selling tapes that could get them legally in trouble with the WWE. It would be pretty dumb to call attention to illegal tape traders (and call the WWE's attention to it) when RF themselves are doing the same thing. It kind of makes you think that they maybe using that footage more legally then others.

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