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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

I'm boycotting ROH

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Guest Randy Pan

Rules or no rules, Tim Cooke was a ROH clapmonkey and I never respected his posts.


I am no going to miss him. Good Riddance I say.

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If you're OK with UK PAL tapes then you can get them from www.czwtapes.co.uk (very reliable and fast trader). It depends how decrepid your VCR is really.


In terms of CZW tapes to get


If you prefer wrestling based shows : Redefined (very good all round show apart from the suspension), Then & Now (has a superb Acid/Homicide match and an equally good B-Boy/Mamaluke match), Truth or Consequence (Rave/B-Boy, Dutt/Deranged, Briscoes/Backseats and a pretty fun cage match) and Deja Vu 2 (very good matches in Acid&B-Boy/Homicide&Mafia, Style/Rave, Rave/Mamaluke, Bailey/Dutt)


If you prefer hardcore : Tournament of Death 2 and Respect (which has several good wrestling matches too) are good


Aftermath also has a pretty good mix of styles with Brawling (Gage/Hatred, IWA 4 way), Flying/Tech (Ruckus/B-Boy, Dutt/Bailey ladder match) and several matches which are good in blending styles (Messiah/Bradley and Backseats/Boozers)

Edited by ulfistgut

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Guest Randy Pan

I watch CZW and IWAMS, Have to say IWAMS is a better promotion. The booking is great (for the big shows) and they have introduced alot of "wrestling" into it for the last few shows.


ShooterJay praised Hero in his last review, and rightly so. it is about time he started earning some serious respect and I am suprised he hasn't been snapped up by a larger promotion yet. He is a great brawler witha good work ethic and a passion for the business and fans. Could you want anything more?

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If you're going to boycott ROH for the business practices they follow, you might as well boycott CZW, IWA-MS, WWE, NJPW, BJPW, ZERO-ONE, AJPW, and every other promotion on earth b/c I could make the very same case that any other promotion has horrible business practices. CZW and IWA-MS have bounced many checks to wrestlers. WWE has screwed many wrestlers' careers permanently. etc. etc. etc.


Boycotting a promotion is ridiculous, assanine, illogical, and especially - when it comes to ROH, which has one of the best products there is - ignorant.

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RF got footage that Mondo doesnt own, therefore it was legal, therefore, why moan ?


He may not like it, but I also don't like the fact that he's a moany bastard.


Get on with life and stop worrying about more people watching your matches and maybe even buying more CZW tapes to get more.


But hey, lets ignore that so as I can be controversial with every indy fed in the US.


Your list will probably include every fed in the US at this rate.

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Guest Randy Pan

How is Mondo a moany bastard?


He put up a picture on his website saying that he had no imput into and did not endorse a specific tape. The rest has been done by the fans.


ROH is by no means the be-all-and-end all of promotions it is made out to be. Sure they have some good matches but they lack fluidity, a decent set and proper feuds (with 2 notable exceptions). The "Code of Honour" is outright ridiculous and ensures no suprises.


Personally, I will continue watching the big cards but am not paying another cent to Rob - because I can.

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Guest Rob Edwards
Actually, Ricky, technically I DIDN'T commit a felony.


RF doesn't have an international copyright, as I understand it. Therefore, my friend, who lives outside the US, is breaking no law.


Also, Justin Baisden plugs Mark Out Video for those tapes, I don't see you chewing him out.


No "credibility" has been lost- you're overreacting.

So if there's no felony and thus no grounds for a law suit what may I ask is the problem?

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FWA have done some excellent stuff.


Doug Williams, Jody Fleisch, Jonny Storm, Jerry Lynn, American Dragon, Christopher Daniels, Juventud Guerrera, Ballz Mahoney, A J Styles, Super Crazy, Low Ki, Paul London, Mikey Whipwreck, Samoa Joe, Ulf Herman, Chris Hamrick, E Z Money, Dan Severn, Sabu, Nova, Little Guido, Zebra Kid, Flash Barker, James Tighe, Nikita, Alex Shane, Jack Xavier et al.





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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Iv'e seen loads of FWA, and evn go to the shows...Im in Ireland for fuck sake


Besides, Im now investing in the wrestling gold sets

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Fuck Tim Cooke for starting this.


Just thought id add my .02c to what was originally MY THREAD

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Well, I dont have a clue actually, Im just going with what everyone else is saying.


I like to be involved

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Guest BionicRedneck

Rob Fagstein deserves to die a painful death. Fuck him and his overrated promotion.


That is all.

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Guest Iron Nick

I'm so happy to have every ROH show up to Do or Die I think... from a trader. ROH is a really good promotion, but Feinstein is a piece of trash.

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Guest OSIcon

I hate to say this after already posting the same thing in the tape trader thread, but tell me -


One guy illegally bootlegs tapes which is essentailly stealing a good chunk of money away from RF (and the WWE). RF turns this guy in because he is STEALING MONEY from him.


That makes RF the bad guy and the tape trader the good guy how?


RF has bootlegged tapes before and in some cases as had to pay up for it. They deserve that because if it is illegal. If they still are selling a lot of stuff that they don't have any agreements/rights to sell (which I tend to doubt because I don't think they would be dumb enough to go after a tape trader and bring the WWE into the lawsuit with them when they are illegally selling WWE footage), then they deserve anything they get if they are caught.


It's just so ridiculous how people are overlooking the fact that bootlegging copyrighted tapes (especicially ones with FBI warnings) is an illegal activity. Feinstein had every right in the world to turn him in because the guy was stealing money away from his legitmate business practices. Does it make RF a bit of a hypocrite? Possibly. Does it make him wrong or make him the bad guy fro not wanting to be stolen from? Not at all.


I think only at a wrestling board would people defend someone who did an illegal activity and blame the person who turned him in.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Fagtein rats people out for something he has been doing for years. He is a prick.

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Guest OSIcon
Fagtein rats people out for something he has been doing for years. He is a prick.


Like I said, it is hypocrticial, but then against that's human nature. People do things that are wrong without any concern until that wrong is done to them. That isn't the best way to operate and does make you a hypocrite in some aspects.


My point was though, just because Feinstein has bootlegged, that doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to turn someone in who is bootlegging his stuff. Does it make him hypocritical in a way? Yes. Does it make him wrong? No. It just seems to me that people are yelling and screaming about Feinstein turning him in when the fact is if the guy wasn't doing anything illegal, there would be no problem.

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Guest BionicRedneck
My point was though, just because Feinstein has bootlegged, that doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to turn someone in who is bootlegging his stuff. Does it make him hypocritical in a way? Yes. Does it make him wrong? No.

Nope. Just makes him a prick.

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I don't think anyone is arguing that Feinstein doesn't have a case, as he clearly does.


My problem is that the RF/ROH crew have ALWAYS came off as liars, assholes, hypocrites, Bootleggers and scum bags (and those are their good qualities) Rob is just a lucky bootlegger who happened to be in the right place at the right time and somehow hooked up with ECW.


Even if I have to stop watching ROH, I'm never giving them another dime of my money... ever. There are more enjoyable promotions out there with less pretentiousness about them (Seriously, hardcore ROH marks seem to be right up there with 12 Year Old WWE marks in terms of annoyance)



So In Closing, screw you Feinstein.

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Guest BionicRedneck
(Seriously, hardcore ROH marks seem to be right up there with 12 Year Old WWE marks in terms of annoyance)

Oh, they are much more annoying. At least the little WWE marks are a source of amusement.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Without descending into a "I hate Wildside" mini flame war, I've seen some lucha before, and frankly, I didnt get it, and its not really my particular brand of vodka

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Guest OSIcon
Nope. Just makes him a prick.


Wrestling fans getting all "righteous" over not wanting to support a promotion because the owner is a prick is really ammussing.


"Gasp! Are you telling me there is a actually a wrestling promoter who is not a nice guy?!? Who would have thought!"


I guess no watching the WWE or supporting them at all because Vince McMahon is a known asshole. Bischoff wasn't accidentally an angel so I guess people shouldn't have watched or given any money to WCW. Court Bauer stopped using Red just because Red had to miss a show with an injury. That's a pretty prickish thing to do, so probably shouldn't support MLW. Russo is a prick, so no supporting TNA. Heymen screwed over wrestlers on their paychecks and other things, probably shouldn't have watched or bought anything from ECW.


Or do we decide who we are not going to support on an arbitrary "prick by prick" basis? Like, Feinstein is a prick, so we won't support him. Heymen is also a prick, but we will support him.


Wrestling has always been run by "pricks." Boycotting a company because their promoter is a prick is so silly because then we should boycott nearly every promotion.


Without descending into a "I hate Wildside" mini flame war, I've seen some lucha before, and frankly, I didnt get it, and its not really my particular brand of vodka.


Lucha, along with Joshi, are two styles of wrestling that I think are really required tastes. Especially if you watched WCW's luchadores and expected all of lucha to be like that. Its just so different from what we are accustomed to seeing anywhere else. If you have give it time, lucha most likey will grow on you because you'll start to learn why they do the things they do. Plus, just after seeing a bunch of lucha matches, the differences between those matches and US matches don't seem so strange anymore.

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