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Some Random Notes..

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Yang, American Dragon


Uhm, Yang doesn't work for TNA anymore and I don't remember American Dragon being on a single show. Aren't both under WWE contract now?

Am Dragon was under a developmental deal- He worked in MCW

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Sad to say, I ordered No Mercy 00 to See Rikishi v. Austin.


But that was then. I order TNA mostly to see Raven & A.J Styles.


I wouldn't MIND Rikishi in TNA, but not in a major feud for the World Title. Stick him in a tag with Ekmo.

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Guest Coffey

I've been a big fan of Rikishi in the past. He's just fell victim to bad gimmick after bad gimmick.


He really is talented when he's not dancing and sticking his ass in people's faces. Especially for his size.

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Rikishi is thinking about leaving just as Scotty 2 Hotty is making a comeback, coincidence?



Anyway, I'd like to see Konnan in the WWE.


*was a Filthy Animals fan

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I will say this.


I have actually heard (or seen rather) someone say "I'm ordering TNA this week because of the Styles/Low Ki match"...


wheras I don't think anyone would say "I'm ordering to see what Rikishi does!"

And this would stop TNA from instantly pushing him to the top of the card?

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Guest Coffey

I would rather see Rikishi go the NWA:TNA truthfully. They would actually use him instead of making a joke out of him. The WWE has a tendency to attempt to get people over with comedy. It sucks. It always sucks. It might get a couple of chuckles, but it always turns out to be repetitive and ignorant. Much like The Hurricane & Rosie right now. Some people might not agree, but wait a couple more weeks. It's like Goldust/Booker T. in a way, and if the plug wasn't pulled on Goldust/Lance Storm (was it?), we'd have all kinds of rehashed shit playing out.


As far as Konnan goes, he has a great look. He is a fairly recognized name and his moves are decent. I'm not a fan of his rolling clothesline, but I'm a big fucking mark for the Tequilla Sunrise. The 187 Cradle DDT too.


His mic work is decent if he can get away from the God awful catchphrases.


I've never seen any of his Mexico work, but apparently he was really good down there. I guess it depends on who you ask, like most things.


So, I think I'd rather have Konnan stay in NWA:TNA as well. The WWE wouldn't use him for anything.

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