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Edwin/Mark Promo



This reminds me significantly of the promo in the hospital after Thugg broke his neck the first time, and that’s definitely not a bad thing. I’m really digging the character interaction between King and Stevens.

“And how much of your soul did you sell to get that King? How much of our blood did you spill?”
Very nice. Stevens still considers himself one of the boys, which is a really good angle to have on his character, but King insists that the job is going to warp him. This is going to go somewhere, whether there’s an angle planned now or not, and even if it doesn’t it adds a bit of questioning to anything Stevens does from here on out. And Edwin goes out, still always being the face, asking Mark not to fire Silent so as to keep him from snapping. Excellent promo to open the show.


Quiz Promo

The hyperventilating is cute. I can’t help but picture Quiz as Pat Sajak.

"Well, Quiz, if you could find a partner then I guess he could replace Show in the tag team. But you're going to have to find him before the end of the show."
Oooh, confusing grammar.


Johnny Dangerous Promo

I still love how he smokes all of a sudden. I also love the swerve, with Wildchild ending up innocent and Judge Mental on the other end of things. It’s a flash turn, but then, so was the heel turn. The development of Johnny “just taking orders” as a character flaw is something I’m hoping to see ingrained in his character, incidentally, for further use in later angles. And the segment ends with Johnny apparently retired, but this is the SWF. We all know there’s… MORE TO COME~!


Erek Taylor and Boston Strangler Promo

Erek Taylor pushes Strangler, who’s trying desperately to be a good person. It’s being played really well, almost as if Strangler was an addict and Taylor represents everything that he was hooked on. And Erek Taylor continues cementing himself as, well, a bad person. Very nice.


Tom Flesher Promo

I suck.


Michael Craven Promo

Craven’s hurt by Tom turning. I would have liked to see some more mindless loyalty to King here as well as the Craven/Flesher dynamic, but…


Johnny Dangerous Promo Redux

“How fitting,” he thinks. “I wonder if this is how Wildchild felt.”
YAY FOR PATHOS! Yeah, I’m liking this. Wildchild is angry, and it’s perfectly justified. Johnny’s not quite sure what to do, and we have a character dynamic without a heel. Johnny’s got the sympathy, imho, but it’s hard to be angry at Wildchild.


Let’s Make A Deal!

Blazenwing the Nonsequitur. (Y) This is just surreal, and yet I accept it wholeheartedly as the reason that John Duran has suddenly replaced Show.


Xstasy Promo

So we’re reintroducing X to a fed comprising a vast majority of people who have never seen him work. With that in mind, this seems to be a pretty by-the-books promo. I’m anxious to see what else you do with the character, so on that note I’ll reserve judgment. This was a straight-up character promo, and that’s all it needed to be.


Ejiro Fasaki Addressed The SWF Regarding The State Of The Union

Yay for Ejiro sticking his nose into things that he’s not involved in! Seriously, I love how he’s weighing in on Wildchild and the Flesher face turn as if he belongs in those angles. I think it’s really clever and a nice thing to do with the character. The questions, incidentally, were genius.


HVille Thugg/Bastion Promo

Thugg disowns Bastion… Bastion kicks Thugg’s ass. And Mark punishes Bastion by putting him up against Va’aiga, which is pretty cool.


Grand Slam Promo

Oddly placed, right after he made an appearance in the Thugg promo, but what can you do? I love the “break the law, go to jail” thing, but I’m wondering how long that lasts until someone decides to bend it. Luckily, I don’t think we have anyone here who needs to rely on cartoonish supervillainy. And we reiterate the Va’aiga/Bastion match. Was there a communications breakdown somewhere in there?


Boston Strangler Promo

Yup. Strangler’s nutty. And this was, incidentally, an incredible introspective promo.


SinQuizition Promo

The Bemani Cross Wizards return, and I don’t trust any of this.


Suicide King Promo

I love the emotion showed in this promo. The curdmudgeonly sour grapes, the bitterness, everything. Just wonderful.

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That was superb. Opening promo - which I think Mark wrote - came off just how I thought it should. Other highlights of the night:


“SCREW YOU, JOHNNY,” roars an enraged Wildchild. “You tryin’ t’ say dat I act like I’m on drugs?”


I laughed very hard. The whole Johnny/WC angle has just gotten a whole lot better, and it was pretty good to begin with. As far as huge ongoing stories go, this has been one of the best. The whole notion of Judge setting this up back when the tag titles were an issue is also a great one, a sort of "mastermind" angle that isn't too convoluted. I would mark so hard if this ended in an ultimate tag match, the W&D vs. J&R match that we always wanted to see but never quite got.


Speaking of tag teams...Sinquizition! Another cool angle - the whole "passing off a tag title" thing works well. Quiz and Show were great as goofy guys, but the potential for Duran to be straight-man here might be even better. Also, getting the motherfucking Mike Patton & Dillinger Escape Plan song as your new music is GODLY, and much, much more suited to Duran than that namby-pamby Price is Right shite. Excellent work.


And also speaking of tag teams...B-C-DUB! B-C-DUB! I thought Thoth was joking but apparently he was NOT. Double Jeopardy gets a little more serious and suddenly two guys step up to fill the void. ALSO on tag note: Ejiro's press conference was great for him as a singles guy, but also awesome to get the official word that he and Judge will probably be teaming up again sometime in the future. With the Trinity still floating around too, our tag division continues to be one of the real highlights of the fed.


Lots and lots of promos - I've typed enough so I'll let other people talk about 'em. I do want to note, though, some quality character work on the part of Taamo to start squaring Flesher up as a face. After the promo with King and all the potshots Ejiro and Craven took at him, I think it's going to work, and well. With Tom as face champ, there are suddenly a ton of challengers for that shiny-ass belt.

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Guest Insanityman

Great show. The SWF is on a roll! I stole Tom's comments 'cause we all want to have some superiority in us.


Edwin/Mark Promo


Now even if people ever bitch about GSMS, Edwin, King and the like just driving angles to keep them around- fuck you people. Long as they write such great angles with such great history it's okay with me. Edwin HAD to come off as the face, as always and makes Mark keep Silent around. Hidden intentions- he wants to get Silent back. Maybe? No? Whatever. Anyway, King/GSMS is always nicely done with interaction.


Quiz Promo

Very nice and it sets up the other promo later (yes, I am Captain Obvious)... honestly, it was too short for me to give too much feedback. It was well done.


Johnny Dangerous Promo

The swerve as nice and overall it was nice. I think the other promo was a lot better, but JD CAN'T be retired. It's the SWF, duh.


Erek Taylor and Boston Strangler Promo

So Taylor's pushing TBS' to the extreme and TBS is trying to insist he's changed. Very nice promo and I like Taylor coming off as the heel this time around. (Though I rooted for TBS by the end of the first feud).


Tom Flesher Promo

Very entertaining and everything about it "clicked" together nicely- I long for Tom vs King sssooo much.


Michael Craven Promo

You sound a bit like Freddy Kruger at the end, Mike. Though it all made sense and clicked together nicely. If there was Flesher/Craven it should be a great match with all the history and Michael now trash talking Tom.


Johnny Dangerous Promo Redux

Very nice, I wasn't into this feud at the start but you guys have sucked me in right before Genesis and are still keeping me interested.


Let’s Make A Deal!

Weird with Duran, but still a cool promo.


Xstasy Promo

I have to be honest. I didn't get into it. It felt the same as every other promo where X marks himself a playa' and a component. Nothing personal, but I barely finished it. Hope you go in some good direction though.


Ejiro Fasaki Addressed The SWF Regarding The State Of The Union

Nothing beats Ejiro acting like he has business in every single thing going down. Superb work as always.


HVille Thugg/Bastion Promo

I mark for the Bastion vs Va'aiga. It was very nicely done and he's sometimes scared (thanks for Flesher to clear that up). Hoo hah.


Grand Slam Promo

Uhm, it felt out of place. But it was still an entertaining promo.


Boston Strangler Promo

TBS' scared of Taylor? Day-um. Loved this. Good job TBS and I doubted the whole Taylor return- but now I'm digging it.


SinQuizition Promo

Man, and I thought he was joking. Decent promo.


Suicide King Promo

Well, it got "Nah Nah Nah" song stuck in my head. But I ate this promo up. Nice emotion, good feel, and I love the line about no friends- only money. So overall, Cheers!

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Guest Suicide King

Yes, for everyone wondering there was some sort of mix-up between Mark and Thugg. Each thought they would be the one announcing the Va'aiga match, but each promo had other stuff in it as well so I couldn't just delete one of them. Besides, repetitive programming isn't just on WWE anymore!

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Guest Korgath

I mark out for the DDR kings, or whatever these guys are called.


And as for SinQuizition... Pure, unadulterated genius. If I wasn't already attempting a mini cross-promo feud with Duran, I'd jump at the opportunity to become a part of this.


Ironic, though, that Duran's replacing Charlie "Show" Matthews. I dunno. It just is.

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