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Starting a fed

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I know you need some sort of license to open your own professional wrestling company and to run shows (it's mostly for the running of the shows). Does anybody know how much a promoter's license costs?

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Guest Markingout

Cool dude. I have no idea how much it cost. Give me your state and I can check.


You know this is going to cost alot of money

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I live in Pennsylvania and it costs about $15,000 to get a promoter's license.......

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Guest avatarsnow

that may be because pennsylvania actually has an athletic comission though does it not?? im sure most states where "rasslin" is deregulated it costs considerably less than that... in florida for example i believe all you need as an event permit and event insurance, both of which are NOT very expensive at all

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Guest Insanityman

...Okay, what's with so many people starting up feds? I mean not to crush any dreams and I really hope the best- but we've had a lot of posts over the time of TSM wanting to start a federation. So I can't be of help but to say have fun and good luck... but I'm curious.

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I think it has something to do with WWE sucking, TNA in one of its 7-week downers (every 7 weeks, they usually hit a downer), and us all wanting to live our EWR dreams.

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Well, yeah, because "fed" is just a slang term used by the fans that came about from the World Wrestling Federation being the most recognizable promotion in the world.

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Here's a convo between Phoenix Fury Legdrop and myself about how I would run a fed:


PFL (8:53:20 PM): Coach is taking indy bookings.

ShooterJay (8:53:54 PM): Coach-a-mania is heading to YOUR local YMCA

PFL (8:54:12 PM): (un)Sadly, he's only managing.

ShooterJay (8:54:44 PM): If Zack and I ever get our fed started, I don't think we could resist the urge to book Coach

PFL (8:54:59 PM): Coach vs. Necro, maaaaan.

ShooterJay (8:55:14 PM): in a tequila deathmatch

PFL (8:55:36 PM): Coach passes out after the first of three pre-match shots.

ShooterJay (8:56:25 PM): to be replaced by Jake the Snake Roberts

ShooterJay (8:56:41 PM): I don't think the star system can go that high

PFL (8:57:11 PM): Jake would say, "This shit ain't hard enough!" and drags his "snake bag o' goodies", and him & Necro snort the night away.

ShooterJay (8:57:47 PM): yup

ShooterJay (8:59:39 PM): If I ran a fed, I don't think I could resist booking stupid matches for my own amusement, like GQ vs. GQ Money, or Jerry Lynn vs. Koko B. Ware

PFL (9:00:21 PM): "Macho Warrior" Randy Hogan vs. that midget Macho they had in 1993.

ShooterJay (9:02:31 PM): something like that. It would be nothing but totally "out there" matches if I was in charge.

ShooterJay (9:02:46 PM): Like ROH meets Heroes of Wrestling

PFL (9:03:24 PM): That'd be brilliant.

PFL (9:03:31 PM): ROH invades Heroes of Wrestling.

PFL (9:03:47 PM): Samoa Joe vs. King Kong Bundy

ShooterJay (9:03:52 PM): right on

PFL (9:03:55 PM): Low Ki vs. Skinner.

ShooterJay (9:04:35 PM): Marty Jannetty vs. CM Punk

PFL (9:04:53 PM): Homicide vs. SD Jones

ShooterJay (9:05:08 PM): Oh you better believe I'd book Marty Jannetty- every show.

PFL (9:05:19 PM): You'd eventually have to do New Rockers vs. Dunn and Marcos

ShooterJay (9:05:26 PM): AJ Styles vs. The Honky Tonk Man -yes I would

PFL (9:06:04 PM): Alex Shelley and Scott Casey would go against the invasion path and form the ultimate "Two first named, one of which is a girl's name" tag team

ShooterJay (9:06:25 PM): Hell yes. They'd be my tag champs. Forever.

ShooterJay (9:07:00 PM): World Champion- Chri$ Ca$h.

PFL (9:07:01 PM): Barry Darsow would work like 17 different gimmicks.....John Nord vs. Jimmy Jacobs. That MUST happen.

ShooterJay (9:07:16 PM): yes it must. Make a Ludvig Borga 3way out of it too

PFL (9:08:30 PM): Ludvig Borga did the Furry Boots gimmick?

ShooterJay (9:09:14 PM): nah, but he's from Finland, like the Berzerker, I dunno

ShooterJay (9:09:30 PM): Viking/Finnish, same thing- christ I'm even thinking like a promoter now

PFL (9:09:50 PM): Berzerker vs. Berzerker....no Finnish Gov. members allowed.

ShooterJay (9:10:07 PM): well yes, that must happen

PFL (9:10:31 PM): and Barry Windham vs. uh, let's say J-Train

PFL (9:10:38 PM): Random, but awesome.

ShooterJay (9:10:52 PM): that's the key man, total randomness

PFL (9:11:00 PM): Cpr. Krushcner (sp; dude who plays Leatherface in Japan) vs. Corp. Robinson

ShooterJay (9:11:18 PM): weird matches for the sake of weird matches. -Kirschener, if he's not in jail, vs. Corp would rule.

PFL (9:12:06 PM): Doink on a Pole match: Barry Horowitz vs. Johnny Swinger.

PFL (9:12:19 PM): with the ring surrounded by midgets

ShooterJay (9:12:28 PM): Actually, I change my mind- Barry Horowitz would never lose my world title

ShooterJay (9:12:46 PM): And I would book that match in a second. I'd call my fed ATW- Acid Trip Wrestling

ShooterJay (9:13:23 PM): I'd bring in Quackenbush to help me come up with angles.

ShooterJay (9:15:00 PM): And Quack would wrestle -Abdullah the Butcher




Smell the tape sales.

Edited by ShooterJay

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Nah dude, I was serious. I'd book him in Jay's fantasy world fed, fo' sho'

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