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Rob E Dangerously

Yassir Arafat rumored to be dead

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First piece of news




Yasser Arafat has suffered a mild heart attack, but the Palestinian leadership has sought to keep his health problems secret for fear it would "create panic".


The 74-year-old Palestinian President, who is suffering from Parkinson's disease, disappeared from public view last week and re-emerged at the weekend looking extremely ill. His face was pale and pinched, he had lost weight and he was almost inaudible. He had trouble standing for more than a few minutes at a time.


The Palestinian press said he had the flu. But Palestinian officials told The Guardian Mr Arafat had a heart attack last week. "Although he has had a slight heart attack, the doctors say he will make a full recovery. He is in full control. There is nothing to worry about," said an aide.


Asked why it had not been made public at the time, the official said it would "have created panic at a critical time when the Israelis are threatening Arafat's life".


and this site mentions reports of Arafat's death (but it's in French)




"A noise runs in the newspaper offices (Newsflash?): ARAFAT HAS DIED!!!! News to be taken with (as?) conditional...."


"The news is contradictory concerning the state of Arafat, but our sources seem formal. News to be always taken with the conditionel..."


"Arafat according to our advisors would be deceased following a cardiac faintness. News to take with the conditionel a hoax or an attempt at misinformation are not to exclude."


So.. has Arafat finally died? If he died, you think that the PLO would make up bullshit to make him look better?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Milddle Eastern Muslim leaders seem harder to kill then cockroaches on steroids these days, so I'm betting on "Not dead" this time around.

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Probably not dead, but hold a mirror up to his nose and see if it fogs. That always worked with Grandma.

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So.. has Arafat finally died?

I certainly hope so.


If he died, you think that the PLO would make up bullshit to make him look better?

They wouldn't need to. The UN and the international press have been more than willing to make up bullshit to make Arafat look better (read: not look like a terrorist, a puppet of Moslem regimes, and a remorseless killer) for years. We'd just be "treated" to an extra dose of it if that piece of shit actually died.

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