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IZ Booking for 10/13/03

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So we have the Intense 5 match (Someone remind me who all is in it)


What else do we have? A NA Title Match??


Dream Machines will be involved. Let's keep the great shows going!


EDIT: Okay I know what the NA Title Match is now.

Edited by LaParkaYourCar

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I-5 Placings Match: PRL vs JINGUS vs Shuffle vs G Money vs Blurricane


-Two men in the ring at a time, elimination rules - DQ and countout in effect.


Elsewhere- continuing Dan Black schemes...possibly a match if I get the I5 done early enough.

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Dan, I think I know who wins the I5...pm me to have me make sure, if its who i think it is, ill get a promo out for a BIGTIME MATCH the following week


Cappa~! PM ME! Totally unrelated!

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

A Darring brother segment, as well as Mike Darring vs. Shocker, is in GCF.

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Guest The Shad0w
How about a triple threat between Shadow, G-Money and K-Ness to follow up last week's happenings?

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Here's what I have:


Mystery Eskimo's stuff (Including the I5 match)

Shadow's stuff

Stephen's stuff

My stuff...of course

DA's stuff

Jay's stuff


Am I getting anything from Calvin?


And I still need PRL's stuff.

Edited by LaParkaYourCar

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