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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

CZW "Uprising" Thread

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Tomorrow night's card:


B-Boy vs. Homicide


Jimmy Rave vs. Tony Mamaluke


Sonjay Dutt vs. Truth Martini



"Pure Impact" Derek Frazier vs. Ruckus ©


Azrael (Angel Dust in ROH) vs. Deranged



Nick Gage vs. Nate Hatred



Mercedes Martinez vs. Bianca



CZW debuts of Alex Shelley and "Barbaric Berzerker" Jimmy Jacobs


In my opinion, the best pure wrestling card CZW has put together since BOTB3. However, CZW shows always look good on paper, before crappy booking screws the whole thing up. This month: Zandig's nuts get impaled!


Also, not sure if this has been put on the board yet, but matches for CZW's Italy show, "Shockwave," have been announced.



Zandig vs. The Messiah ©



Ruckus vs. Trent Acid ©



Sonjay Dutt vs. B-Boy



Nick Gage vs. Nate Hatred

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Good card, I think it will be pretty hard to mess that up, (Who the hell could mess up B-Boy Vs. Homicide?) Plus BSB and Messiah don't even have matches yet so the card will just get better.

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Guest bort

i could see BSB and Messiah in a 6 man tag vs the Ranchies and Zandig


overall very nice looking card

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I don't expect to see Zandig back yet.


And if Zandig had any brains, he'd have Nick Mondo face Messiah in the eventual blowoff match, selecting someone in his place. That's only if he is a selfless man, and knowing someone in that position, I probably wouldn't give up my spot either.

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Guest bort

i think you save Nick mondos come back match for COD, maybe have him do some promos before hand saying how hes won the TOD and only has 1 thing left to do, i think Mondos the guy to take the title because after him whos left??

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You could run the BSB/Messiah vs. Knoxx/Flash/Zandig match, have Mondo make the save at the end and make the challenge for the COD match, which gives you two months to hype it.


Run Mondo/Messiah COD and Gage/Hatred 1,000,000 thumbtacks.

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I seriously think Sick Nick's coming back tomorrow night to fuck some shit up.


Personally, I'd rather see Nick/Messiah in a regular match than one with a gimmick, but them in the COD might be truly awesome.


But does anyone think that CZW really ran the cage gimmick deep into the ground this year? They had two cages within two months of each other; will the COD lose its mystique? I guess the attendance will tell.

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If Mondo comes back to be in the COD match, It would have to happen tommorrow (you can't build a COD match with a month build up)


I'd like to see him return in the Classic ECW fashion: After the HI-V Takes out Zandig again the lights go out and when they come back on. Mondo returns and clears the ring and lays down the challenge for the COD5. I'd imagine that would get a pretty big pop.


If not Messiah-Mondo COD, I see: Zandig Vs. Messiah, Messiah Vs. Gage or Gage Vs. Hatred (Which I hope it isn't)

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This will be their third cage match in December, but it will be the third type of cage match. Gage/Hatred/Messiah was a regular cage, Ian/Zandig was an exploding cage, and whomever is in COD will be in the COD match.


Also, COD is the hyped CZW event, and now that they've established it in December, people would be upset if they didn't run it.

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I seriously think Sick Nick's coming back tomorrow night to fuck some shit up.


Personally, I'd rather see Nick/Messiah in a regular match than one with a gimmick, but them in the COD might be truly awesome.


But does anyone think that CZW really ran the cage gimmick deep into the ground this year? They had two cages within two months of each other; will the COD lose its mystique? I guess the attendance will tell.

Are you mad? I loved their deathmatch in EPIC, but have been far from impressed by their wrestling skills. Keep them in a Cage of Death and they should put on a great show. Speaking of great shows this looks like an awesome show, B-Boy vs. Homicide, Jimmy Rave vs. Tony Mamaluke, Angel Dust vs. Deranged, and a possible Alex Shelley vs. Jimmy Jacobs match would all be awesome.

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Quick results so far. Nobody gives a shit about the dark matches, so I'll ignore those. There is notable news from the prelim matches, in that the Softcore Connection tag team of Nick Berk and Z-Barr is back together.


B-Boy returned and thanked the fans for supporting him when he was contemplating quitting wrestling. Zandig came out and B-Boy thanked him as well, saying that CZW really is a family. Hi-V came out with picket signs, and Zandig changed his tune and told B-Boy to leave. B-Boy grabbed a picket sign as well. Zandig noted that there were only 4 members of Hi-V in attendance. Messiah replied that he was glad Zandig can count, and that he has a new member for Hi-V in mind. Zandig ran down Hi-V, saying they owed him their careers. This led to Zandig saying if Hi-V thought they could run the company better than him, fine, they have control for the night.


So, based on this angle, it looks like Johnny Kashmere is gone from CZW.


Deranged d. Azrael (Angel Dust)


Jimmy Rave and Tony Mamaluke both challenged Trent Acid for the Ironman title, Trent blew them both off and said whoever won a match between the two of them would earn #1 contendership.


Jimmy Rave d. Tony Mamaluke 2 falls to 1 in what sounds like a fantastic 20-minute Iron Man match to win #1 contendership to the Ironman title. Acid tried to run in, but got caught in a Rave armbar and tapped. Acid said if Rave could beat B-Boy next month, he'd get a title shot at COD5.


Bianca and Sabian d. Mercedes Martinez and Joker.


Ruckus d. Derek Frazier to retain the jr title, Rebel's Army beat Ruckus down, but Sonjay made the save, setting up Ruckus/Sonjay vs. Rebel/Frazier next month.


B-Boy d. Homicide in a great match that apparently lived up to expectations with a Shining Wizard following Acid interference.


More to come...

Edited by ShooterJay

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Messiah came out and announced the wrestlers "he" booked, Alex Shelley and Jimmy Jacobs. He also brought out Sonjay Dutt and Trent Acid, and announced that this match would be for the IWA Mid-South Light Heavyweight title, apparently Truth Martini has no-showed.


Sonjay Dutt retained the IWA Light Heavyweight title following the Reverse 450 on Alex Shelley. Sounded like a fun match with a lot of heat. Post-match, Messiah said that the Hi-V appreciated wrestling, unlike Zandig, but these three just weren't good enough. Hi-V beat up Sonjay, Shelley and Jacobs and left the ring laughing.

Edited by ShooterJay

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

In the double dog collar match, Nate Hatred d. Nick Gage following interference from the Messiah. Acid and B-Boy ran in to help with the beatdown, until Zandig and...THE WIFEBEATER ran in, with weedwhacker in hand. 'Beater, Gage and Zandig destroyed Acid and chased off the rest of Hi-V. 'Beater readied Acid for the 'whacker, but he was pulled out before damaged could be done.


Next month, at Night of Infamy, in a Double Dog Collar match, it's Nick Gage and the Wifebeater vs. Nate Hatred and the Messiah.


Also, Alex Shelley and Jimmy Jacobs are probable to return at Night of Infamy.


Much better, more detailed results are available through Ryan Smith at the CZWFans board.


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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood
The Messiah/Mondo title match slips further away...

Yeah, and you better believe I'm pissed off, dismayed and upset about that. I have fucking front row seats to COD5. I REALLY don't want a Zandig/Messiah Cage of Death main event. Or even worse, Gage/Hatred in the COD.


I'm starting to get the feeling Mondo has retired. We just haven't been told yet.

Edited by ShooterJay

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So, Trent Acid refused put over either Jimmy Rave or Nick Gage last month, but puts over Wifebeater, who just came out of retirement, and will probably only wrestle one or two more matches. Something is wrong with that picture.

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Guest Randy Pan
I'm starting to get the feeling Mondo has retired. We just haven't been told yet.

Not a chance. Mondo has been quiet on his boards lately, tells me he is busy (hopefully training)


He has said on many occasions there that he wants to be back by COD 5

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So, Trent Acid refused put over either Jimmy Rave or Nick Gage last month, but puts over Wifebeater, who just came out of retirement, and will probably only wrestle one or two more matches. Something is wrong with that picture.


I'm sorry, but if you actually think about that statement it's very very wrong.


How is taking a 3 on 1 beating 'putting over'? Yeah, Acid got beat up by him, but he was beaten up by Rave and Gage in their matches. However he narrowly beat them (so he didn't bury them or anything)


If you notice, they're also building up Rave as a more credible challenger to the belt. He narrowly looses to Acid at the tourney, beats Mamaluke in an Iron Man match and I imagine that he'll beat B-Boy. This way it makes for a good storyline rather than 'Jimmy Rave suddenly wins belt in tournament'.


Show looks good fun. Pity about Truth Martini's lack of being there. Either way the 4 way, Homicide/B-Boy and Rave/Mamaluke look darn good and theres some fun spotfests and hardcore stuff too. Plus, CZW are obviously trying to work on the booking (as evidented by the Rave/Acid program and the continuation of HiV)



I think Mondo is simply unsure if he'll be back in time for CoD5. He's only had a shorttime off and I imagine he's trying to work out if he can do it or not. I think people may be overreacting a tad on the whole him retiring front.

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I'm very upset with Kashmere being gone. They've apparently taken him off the roster page at the CZW site.


He must've really pissed someone off backstage at CZW.


I hope this doesn't mean the end of the Backseat Boys in wrestling.

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They're the ROH champs, so I imagine unless he's pissed RF off as well, the Backseats will be around there.


Dunno what CZW will do with the tag belts, though.


And nice to see we had unified Philadelphia tag champs for about two weeks....

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Yeah, it was a pretty stupid statement on my part. I was half-asleep when I replied. I'm praying Jimmy Rave wins the Iron-Man title at Cage of Death V. Does look like a good show, any details on how good the Angel Dust vs. Deranged match was?

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Guest Sturgis

I guess this would explain why Kashmere wasn't in the Uprising ads on Fake You TV.


So that makes 2 belts in 3 months that have been vacated. And with no "good" team left in CZW to hold the the tag belts, this makes for an intresting situation.

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I really do hate to say it, but the attendance which was said to be down is *not* a good sign. This was an extremely quiet weekend for indy wrestling (just compare it to last weekend, when there were about 5 or 6 major shows that occurred, with the ONLY other notable show that occurred in the area being UIPW in Erie. It is surprising b/c the card for this show was really good and had been announced for awhile.


Anyone know what happened w/ T Martini?

Edited by LucharesuFan619

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I'm guessing he no-showed.


And there is no question CZW is drawing like crap right now. I'm guestimating between 250-300 for the show.


At this rate, COD5 won't break 1K in attendance, especially since it seems like they'll refuse to promote it, as usual.

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Personally, I think the low attendance shows that CZW should start moving outside of Philly on a semi-regular basis. They've definitely burned the fanbase out. In Philly, CZW is really no different than ROH is- they use a ton of the same workers and utilize basically the same style of wrestling. And why see ROH style wrestling if the same names, as well as many bigger ones, are across the street?


All three of the Delaware shows they ran this year drew like gangbusters because they could do their calling card- nutty violence. Find a stable venue in Delaware where they can do their thing, and rent out Viking Hall for their big events only (COD, BOTB, whatever others they could come up with).


I'm not sure if this is financially feasible, but it would also be great if they started touring on a limited basis. CZW has enough brand name value that any of their shows would draw in new territories that have a heavy wrestling fanbase (which is why ROH always draws 700/800 in Mass- our indies SUCK and we're starved for good wrestling.)

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Only problem is, the Northeast is the wrestling hotbed. The only other one is over in So-Cal, and let's be realistic. Florida's decent, but not that big. Mid-South/West, the Chicago area isn't that hot either. South, forget about it. The northeast is the wrestling hotbed, with SoCal a close second.


What CZW needs to do is get out of Philly more, move around some. Get their name out there, PROMOTE THEIR SHOWS, get people curious about the CZW product and then run at their doorsteps, more or less.


After COD5, take three months off in Philly and run somewhere else, anywhere else. Jersey, Delaware, New York, just not Viking Hall. Come back for BOTB4, then repeat.

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