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Bret/Shamrock, LOD/HBK&HHH, Georgia Dome, more

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Details, corrections, additions welcome.


WWWF @ New Haven, CT - October 11, 1963 - Coliseum???

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino & Bobo Brazil fought Hans Mortier & the Shadow to a draw


Brisbane, Australia – October 11, 1966

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated the Destroyer


WWWF @ Pittsburgh, PA – Civic Arena – October 11, 1969

Lou Albano & Tony Altimore defeated Antonio Pugliese & Johnny DeFazio

Joe Cox defeated Jim Grabmire

Waldo Von Erich defeated Hurricane Hunt

Gorilla Monsoon fought Killer Kowalski to a draw

Prof. Toru Tanaka & Mitsu Arakawa defeated the Battman & Victor Rivera

Dr. Bill Miller defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Ivan Koloff when the match was stopped due to blood loss


WWWF @ Baltimore, MD - Civic Center - October 11, 1975

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Waldo Von Erich


WWF @ Philadelphia, PA - Spectrum - October 11, 1980

Tony Garea vs. WWF Tag Team Champion Sika

Andre the Giant vs. Ken Patera

Pedro Morales vs. WWF Tag Team Champion Afa

WWF World Champion Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyzsko


WWF @ Baltimore, MD - Civic Center - October 11, 1985

Scott McGee defeated Rene Goulet

Crpl. Kirchner defeated Barry O

Randy Savage defeated SD Jones


WWF @ Toronto, Ontario - Maple Leaf Gardens - October 11, 1987

Paul Roma defeated Jose Estrada

Sam Houston defeated Barry Horowitz

Butch Reed defeated Superstar Billy Graham

King Kong Bundy defeated Sivi Afi

Boris Zhukov defeated Hillbilly Jim

Don Muraco defeated Kimchee

The British Bulldogs fought Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo to a double disqualification

Rick Rude defeated Paul Orndorff


WWF @ Springfield, MA - Civic Center - October 11, 1989

The Red Rooster defeated Conquistador #1

Bad News Brown defeated Hercules

Ted Dibiase defeated Bob Orton Jr.

WWF IC Champion the Ultimate Warrior defeated Andre the Giant

Mr. Perfect defeated Jimmy Snuka

WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition defeated Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard via disqualification


WWF @ Birmingham, England - October 11, 1989 – NEC???

Bret Hart vs. the Honkytonk Man

The Rockers vs. the Fabulous Rougeau Brothers (singles bouts)

WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan (w/ Miss Elizabeth) & King Jim Duggan vs. Randy Savage & Dino Bravo


WWF @ Phoenix, AZ - Veterans Memorial Auditorium - October 11, 1990

Jimmy Snuka pinned Barry O

The Brooklyn Brawler defeated Dale Wolfe

Hercules defeated Marty Jannetty

Ted Dibiase pinned Dusty Rhodes

Tugboat pinned Dino Bravo

Shane Douglas defeated Buddy Rose

Jim Duggan defeated Earthquake via disqualification when Dino Bravo interfered


WWF @ Bristol, TN - October 11, 1990


WWF @ Miami, FL - Arena - October 11, 1990

Mr. Perfect defeated WWF IC Champion the Texas Tornado via count-out

The Warlord defeated Bob Bradley

WWF Tag Team Champions the Hart Foundation defeated Greg Valentine & the Honkytonk Man

Sgt. Slaughter defeated Nikolai Volkoff via submission with the Camel Clutch

The British Bulldog pinned Haku

WWF World Champion the Ultimate Warrior & the Legion of Doom defeated Demolition when Warrior pinned Smash


WWF @ Medicine Hat, Alberta - October 11, 1992


WWF @ Red Deer, Alberta - October 11, 1992


WWF @ West Palm Beach, FL - October 11, 1994


WWF @ Glens Falls, NY - October 11, 1995

Hakushi defeated Skip

King Kong Bundy defeated Barry Horowitz

Savio Vega defeated Kama

The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Mr. Bob Backlund

WWF Women's Champion Bertha Faye defeated Alundra Blayze

WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Men on a Mission

Savio Vega defeated Isaac Yankem DDS

WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels defeated the British Bulldog


WWF @ Victoria, British Columbia - October 11, 1996

Barry Windham defeated Justin Bradshaw

Crush defeated Bob Holly

Jake Roberts pinned Hunter Hearst Helmsley with the DDT

The Grimm Twins defeated the Smoking Gunns

WWF IC Champion Marc Mero defeated Steve Austin via disqualification

The Undertaker pinned Mankind with the tombstone in a no holds barred match

WWF World Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Vader with the superkick


WWF @ Anaheim, CA - Arrowhead Pond - October 11, 1997

Rocky Miavia defeated Flash Funk

The Headbangers defeated Miguel Perez & Savio Vega

Marc Mero defeated the Sultan

WWF Tag Team Champions the Legion of Doom defeated WWF European Champion Shawn Michaels & Hunter Hearst Helmsley via disqualification

Kama defeated the Patriot

Dude Love pinned WWF IC Champion Owen Hart in a non-title falls count anywhere match

WWF World Champion Bret Hart defeated Ken Shamrock


WWF @ Hershey, PA - Hersheypark Arena - October 11, 1998


WWF @ Atlanta, GA - Georgia Dome - October 11, 1999

Joey Abs (w/ the Mean Street Posse) defeated Kurt Angle

Papi Chulo defeated Taka Michinoku


Gangrel (w/ Edge & Christian) pinned Shawn Stasiak

The Dudley Boyz defeated Mideon & Viscera when Viscera was pinned

Prince Albert pinned Stevie Richards

Papi Chulo pinned Taka Michinoku

Raw is War:

Billy Gunn (w/ the Road Dogg) pinned Crash Holly (w/ Hardcore Holly) with the Fameasser after 48 seconds; after the match, Hardcore knocked out both Outlaws with Crash’s scale

WWF Women’s Champion Ivory defeated Mae Young via disqualification in a non-title match when the Fabulous Moolah interfered

Edge & Christian fought Matt & Jeff Hardy to a double count-out at 4:45 when all four men began brawling on the floor; this was the 3rd match in the TIT Invitational

X-Pac pinned Farooq (w/ Bradshaw) at 3:21 by reversing the Dominator into the X-Factor; after the match, Kane made the save against the Acolytes which upset X-Pac since he said he didn’t want any help

The Headbangers defeated Chris Jericho & Curtis Hughes at 3:27 when Hughes was pinned after Jericho walked out of the match

The Godfather pinned Mark Henry in a Ho Jack Match (lumberjack with hoes surrounding the ring) at 1:24 with the Ho Train and a roll up

The Big Show defeated the Big Bossman via disqualification at the 37 second mark when Bossman used his nightstick as a weapon; after the match, Al Snow attempted to make the save but was also beaten down

Steve Austin & Jim Ross fought WWF World Champion Triple H & Chyna to a no contest when Austin and Triple H brawled into the crowd, Jeff Jarrett knocked Chyna out with a toaster, took her backstage in a laundry bin, and pushed it off a ledge, and Austin pummeled Triple H at the concession stand

The Rock & Mankind fought Val Venis & the British Bulldog to a no contest when Mankind chased Venis backstage and the Rock hit the Rock Bottom on Bulldog onto dog crap


WWE (Raw) @ Utica, NY - October 11, 2002

Batista & Charlie Haas defeated Justin Credible & Red Dogg following a spinebuster from Batista

Mark Jindrak pinned Steven Richards with a crossbody

D-Lo Brown pinned Raven with the Sky High

Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo defeated Rosie & Jamal after Gunn hit the Fameasser

The Big Show pinned Goldust with the chokeslam; had Show not defeated Goldust within 10 minutes, he would have to kiss Goldust's ass

Booker T pinned William Regal with the scissors kick

WWE IC Champion Kane pinned Test with the tombstone

Rob Van Dam pinned Ric Flair with the five star frog splash

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Guest Moses The Monkey
WWF @ Atlanta, GA - Georgia Dome - October 11, 1999

Joey Abs (w/ the Mean Street Posse) defeated Kurt Angle

Papi Chulo defeated Taka Michinoku


Gangrel (w/ Edge & Christian) pinned Shawn Stasiak

The Dudley Boyz defeated Mideon & Viscera when Viscera was pinned

Prince Albert pinned Stevie Richards

Papi Chulo pinned Taka Michinoku

Raw is War:

Billy Gunn (w/ the Road Dogg) pinned Crash Holly (w/ Hardcore Holly) with the Fameasser after 48 seconds; after the match, Hardcore knocked out both Outlaws with Crash’s scale

WWF Women’s Champion Ivory defeated Mae Young via disqualification in a non-title match when the Fabulous Moolah interfered

Edge & Christian fought Matt & Jeff Hardy to a double count-out at 4:45 when all four men began brawling on the floor; this was the 3rd match in the TIT Invitational

X-Pac pinned Farooq (w/ Bradshaw) at 3:21 by reversing the Dominator into the X-Factor; after the match, Kane made the save against the Acolytes which upset X-Pac since he said he didn’t want any help

The Headbangers defeated Chris Jericho & Curtis Hughes at 3:27 when Hughes was pinned after Jericho walked out of the match

The Godfather pinned Mark Henry in a Ho Jack Match (lumberjack with hoes surrounding the ring) at 1:24 with the Ho Train and a roll up

The Big Show defeated the Big Bossman via disqualification at the 37 second mark when Bossman used his nightstick as a weapon; after the match, Al Snow attempted to make the save but was also beaten down

Steve Austin & Jim Ross fought WWF World Champion Triple H & Chyna to a no contest when Austin and Triple H brawled into the crowd, Jeff Jarrett knocked Chyna out with a toaster, took her backstage in a laundry bin, and pushed it off a ledge, and Austin pummeled Triple H at the concession stand

The Rock & Mankind fought Val Venis & the British Bulldog to a no contest when Mankind chased Venis backstage and the Rock hit the Rock Bottom on Bulldog onto dog crap

This was the first and last wrestling event I went to. It was the first WWF event at the Dome (And maybe Atlanta in general?) in bunches of years, due to WCW owning sole rights to have a wrestling show there. Then Phillips Arena was built.


I don't remember Papi Chulo and Taka wrestling twice, I think it was just the Jakked one.


Oddly, all I remember from the show is the dark match/Jakked matches, X-Pac vs. Faaroq (I was a big X-Pac mark at the time, I even brought a "X-Pac for President" sign. I know, sad), all of the Ho's coming down to the ring, trying but failing to start a Bossman sucks chant in my section, and the two horrid tag team main events. Why do I not remember the E&C/Hardyz match at all?


After watching this terrible show, including Jim Ross wrestling and British Bulldog Rock Bottomed into a massive pile of dog crap, can you blame me for not seeing another show since?


Ah well, atleast I got to see X-Pac.

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Guest Askewniverse
WWF @ Hershey, PA - Hersheypark Arena - October 11, 1998

I can help you out here. I went to this show and still have the results.


WWF @ Hershey, PA - Hersheypark Arena - October 11, 1998

Too Much defeated The Hardy Boyz.


The Headbangers beat The Oddities (Golga & Kurrgan).


Gangrel pinned Edge with the Implant DDT after Christian distracted Edge.


Val Venis & Sable beat Marc Mero & Jacqueline.


Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws beat Jeff Jarrett & Dennis Knight when Billy pinned Knight after the Fame Asser.


Mark Henry & Kama Mustafa beat Ken Shamrock & Steve Blackman by count-out. Blackman hit a pump kick on Shamrock, then abandoned him, which led to the count-out.


European Champion D-Lo Brown beat X-Pac by reverse decision.


The Rock pinned Vader after a Rock Bottom, followed by the People's Elbow.


Steve Austin beat The Undertaker, Mankind, and Kane in a Fatal Four Way Match when he pinned Kane following the Stone Cold Stunner; Sgt. Slaughter was the guest referee.

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Surely these STUPID topics should be in the old school forum.



It's specifically WWE related, not all of it can be considered old school, and how is it stupid?


If you don't appreciate the history of the company, cool, but at least back up your statements.

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Guest Anglesault
WWF @ Atlanta, GA - Georgia Dome - October 11, 1999

Joey Abs (w/ the Mean Street Posse) defeated Kurt Angle

:D :D :D :D :D

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Guest Boo_Bradley

WWF @ Springfield, MA - Civic Center - October 11, 1989


Ted Dibiase defeated Bob Orton Jr.


Orton with a one shot? And not in KC? WTH?

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Guest Boo_Bradley
WWF @ Springfield, MA - Civic Center - October 11, 1989


Ted Dibiase defeated Bob Orton Jr.


Orton with a one shot? And not in KC? As a face?WTF?

I'd still like to know how this match came about if anyone knows...?

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WWF @ Anaheim, CA - Arrowhead Pond - October 11, 1997

Rocky Miavia defeated Flash Funk

The Headbangers defeated Miguel Perez & Savio Vega

Marc Mero defeated the Sultan

WWF Tag Team Champions the Legion of Doom defeated WWF European Champion Shawn Michaels & Hunter Hearst Helmsley via disqualification

Kama defeated the Patriot

Dude Love pinned WWF IC Champion Owen Hart in a non-title falls count anywhere match

WWF World Champion Bret Hart defeated Ken Shamrock

I went to this house show, so I'll add a few things


The funniest part of the show was when Shawn Michaels and some fan got into a heated argument. The guy must have really pissed off Shawn because as security was taking the guy away, Shawn got the mic and started taunting and talking crap about him. I remember Shawn Michaels saying something like"Hey don't worry, your friends can tell you what happens during the the rest of the show, Asshole"


Also The Dude/Owen match was one of their classic, beat each other with a bag of popcorn and other useless weapons match that Mick mentions in his first book.


You should have seen the look in my face when Kama beat the Patriot, I mean the guy went form wrestling Bret for the belt on a PPV to jobbing to Kama in less than a month.


The Bret/Ken match was really good. Even my dad who is not a wrestling fan thought it was great. Finish came when Bulldog distracted Shamrock and hit him with a steel chair. Bret applied the sharpshooter and the ref stopped the match as Ken was out cold.

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