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Lil' Bitch

Best of yesterdays WWE Cologne Show!!!!!

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Go Here, its the one that says Highlights


You DON'T need to register either! It has 60 MB, its absolutely brilliant as the guy who took is really close to the ring!


I felt sorry for Cena though, he was getting much love before he cut his diss on Cologne and got hated on. :lol:

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Cool....man I wish a house show would come around here. When we do get WWE in Oklahoma it's usually a TV show...which is cool but with the way TV shows are lately...I'd rather watch a house show.

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Oh and the fans chanting "Eddie" while he runs in behind the ref's back doesn't really help much....haha.....I can imagine it now...

Referee: Hmm...the fans are chanting Eddie...but he's not even in this match...oh well he's just so over they want to see him at all times.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

WWE could do this for 2hrs and I bet it would draw a solid RAW rating.

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Guest OnlyMe

How much of the show is recorded? And can we get a match list?


Thanks for the link, but this guy's server is going to get hammered...

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^ Its mostly just wrestler's entrances and finishes of the match, its really cool to see though


Chris Benoit vs. A-Train


Rey Mysterio & Ultimo Dragon vs. Nunzio & Tajiri


Charlie Haas /w Shelton Benjamin vs. Jamie Noble w/ Nidia


Rhyno vs. Funaki (Guy didn't record any of this)


Los Guerreros vs. The Basham Brothers


Matt Hardy vs. The Big Show


Bikini Contest


Kurt Angle & The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar & John Cena

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Terrible quality and a bad angle. Not worth the download.

What the hell did you want? The guy just went and recorded the show with a camera to show some buddies. It's not like he was trying to make it a work of fucking art. Jesus christ...some people.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Good clip. But, my god, I wanted to shoot that person with the kazoo or horn or whatever.

HAHA!! Me too! That guy never gave it a rest.

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Terrible quality and a bad angle.


Okay, so the quality isn't DVD perfect, but its not choppy / breaking up or anything, that's what you make it sound like. And as for the angle, sure he wasn't front row, but he was pretty fucking close. Hell, even Cawthon (no offense, buddy) wasn't as close as that guy was.


It seemed like a good show, and I wished the dude recorded the whole thing (maybe he did, but didn't want to post the whole thing) because I would have wanted to watch it all.

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