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Why do people fight...

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I will never in a million years step between two chicks wailin' on each other. Never. Too cruel. Whoever said guys are more vicious is completely wrong. When a couple drunk dudes get in a brawl, it usually ends when someone gets popped, and laid out. Women won't stop until some foolish fuck forcibly separates them, or until one is brutally mangled.

Agreed. Those tomcats can be vicious.


And it turns me on.

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My question is why don't you youngsters out there fight MORE. I mean, from sitting on the sidelines in adult land, I have never seen more Highschoolers and college kids that need a good asskicking and you pussies aren't stepping up to the plate. Back in my day, they would have gotten their asses kicked weekly, twice on thursday, until they fucking acted right.


Damn kids and your Debbie Gibson and New Coke.

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Guest Insanityman

I'm sure they'd love to take you on too, TMD. Ripper- Christ, dude, it's nothing BUT clique wars around here. Fight after fight after fight and I'm with it, it's fun but it's starting to get too serious... too much to ruin at a young age (high school career).

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I'm sure they'd love to take you on too, TMD. Ripper- Christ, dude, it's nothing BUT clique wars around here. Fight after fight after fight and I'm with it, it's fun but it's starting to get too serious... too much to ruin at a young age (high school career).

Hmm...maybe they would...but if they want me to take them on then they have to promise not to sue. Then I'd be happy to fight the biatches.

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Guest Insanityman

Heh, that would be good (not getting sued). Phft, I wish that the kids who try to start shit at school would get out of school and come at me and my friends so we could actually fight (I avoid it in if it's inside the school unless I'm swung at or whatever). But it's not a perfect world.

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Guest EQ

I haven't been in a fight since 8th grade. I'm pretty non-confrontational most of the time, but I will stick up for myself when I need to. Fighting can be fun when you're younger, but I feel it's something that you should grow out of during high school/college.

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Heh, that would be good (not getting sued). Phft, I wish that the kids who try to start shit at school would get out of school and come at me and my friends so we could actually fight (I avoid it in if it's inside the school unless I'm swung at or whatever). But it's not a perfect world.

It's not a perfect world because you don't have the opportunity to get into more fights and settle your problems like an idiot? That's great.


Fighting to settle actual problems is stupid, especially when you do it with a group of people. Fighting for no reason at all and than buying the poor bastard a drink after= teh goodnezz.

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Guest Insanityman

That's because I am an idiot. Actually my post was borderline sarcasm with some truth mixed in. Because whenever I fight I openly admit it just floods whole new waves of problems- but the truth was how it gets extremely annoying if someone messes with my friends or me but doesn't touch us out of school because they know we'd fight back. With my situation it's against two groups who have temper problems and one side won't stop picking a fight. But I won't deny that there's some truth to what I said- though you could find some advantage or truth to a lot of things that are said. Like people like me getting my ass kicked if I had my "perfect world."

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Do this next time:


1) Lock up with your opponent, test of strength style.

2) Start exchanging headbutts.


Winner is the person who can keep going, either through the other person giving up, passing out, or losing severe amounts of blood.


It's a fun game, y'all should try it some time. I do it with my friends.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'd fuck you up at that game. The headbutt is my secret weapon. I've got a big dome, and I can thwack someone pretty good with it.


Maybe my town is just extraordinarily violent, but there were fights every single day around here when I was growing up. The parks were the scrapping grounds of the elite, not to mention all the barfights, fights in school, on the bus, adults and kids alike. I can't remember a single murder with a gun, though, and everyone around here is packin'.

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Guest JacK

I dunno, it's weird, I never get into fights. Every time I'm prepared to, the other peeps back down, and stop making me want to fight em, which is odd, because I'm only 5'10 and 65kg; not that big at all. I dunno, maybe they can like sense that I'm psychotic, and will keep coming back, no matter how many times they beat me up. Either that or they know I'd go for the eyes, the throat, the knees, elbows, things which you can fuck up someone and win with one blow; I dunno.

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