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The One and Only 24 Season 3 Thread!

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So, the 3rd Season of 24 starts in less than 2 weeks. If you've been watching baseball you've no doubt seen the numerous previews. Its one of my few cant miss shows.


A few things that are known:


The first episode will air commercial free.

This season will pick up three years after last season.

The first episode will be 1-2 pm



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Haven't heard anything about it....I could see it though, you can only do so much with a charecter in this type of show....and as much as Keifer rules it could go on with a new main charecter, how good that woud be would remain to be seen though. And I couldn't blame Keifer if he wanted to go out on a high note before things start to drag down, and I'd love to see him start getting more movie roles as quite frankly I think he's one of the more underrated actors around.



Now for this season, I can't wait! I plan on doing a marathon of the first two seasons soon and when premier night comes I'll be pumped and ready to go for some more Jack Bauer action! :)

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Guest Choken One

I agree completely, The gimmick will wear off and you can only go to certain extents here...

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Guest EQ
This season will pick up three years after last season.



I wanted this season to take place right after the end of last year... so we could see exactly what happened to Palmer. I've seen the previews for the new season and I saw that he's at least alive.


As far as Jack getting killed off, I don't want to see it happen, but I wouldn't be surprised. (Besides, we already saw Jack die once :P) Who do you think they could replace Jack with? Tony? Or do you think it would just end the series.


In response to them not being able to go another year after this one, people said that at the end of the last 2 seasons. I think that if they really wanted to bring the show back for a 4th season, they'd come up with something.

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I am about to wrap up Season 2 on DVD and will be primed and ready for Season 3 as it appears on TV instead of waiting for the seasonal DVD's.



God Bless Jack Bauer.

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I, personally, don't think they'd do another season if they thought the gimmick wasn't going to last much longer. Judging from the commentary on the Season 2 DVDs, it really seems like they want to put out a high quality product and they'd pull the plug before going to the well one too many times.


That being said, I'm HYPED~! about the season being two weeks away, and I'm still a bit skeptical about whether or not Palmer is really alive. After all, they pulled a trick last year with showing the alternate ending to the extras as a diversion for the internet crowd.

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Spoilers for some in the thread.


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Palmer is alive, Kiefer kicked the idea around about Jack getting killed to 'shock the audience'. Palmer has a girlfriend. Palmer's brother is his new chief of staff.

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Guest El Satanico

I don't really see this as gimmick that would be hard to keep doing. The format of 24 really isn't much different than the format of any hour long action/drama show.


The only big difference is that 24 is always fast paced with something happening at all times with little or no let up. That's probably the thing that would make the show hard to write.



The show can continue until the writers can't come up with new stories.

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