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Who was Putty?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

No one ever accused him of having a functional brain. I can see why.

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^ he's so Eagan. I can actually taste that Cookie picture he's waiting to put up.


[/end awful play on Eagan's troll hunting]


:P Nothing really meant there Raven, just pulling an Eagan today.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I know. I had this name for a few mnths, changed the name then forgot the password and never got a "Forgoten Password" thing so I had to recreate this one.


and I was at 999 posts too. ::Sniffle::

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Guest The TRUE Fonzie

Quit ya bellyachin' there, Rave-baby—ya gonna make it look like Fonzie runs with a real crew of wimps ovah here! Heeyyyy!

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

NEWSFLASH!!! Eagen is now Hutch.


But don't tell anyone. we might be called "Troll Hunters".

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Prince Paul will probably join as Hutch's gay arch enemy Kip.

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Guest Hutch

But who will be the crazy bitch that I end up hooking up with?


:: looks at TSA ::


:: shutters ::

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Guest The TRUE Fonzie
NEWSFLASH!!! Eagen is now Hutch.


But don't tell anyone. we might be called "Troll Hunters".

Prince Paul better not show up as his sidekick Starsky.

Hey, I thought dat show only existed in da alternate timeline where Fonzie was almost in his 40s. Dee agin' had affected my coolness mucho detrimentally, as it had waned like da moon does when it wanes like it does, and my magnetic personality had grown into that of a feeb's.


For an parallel reality, dat one was sure was stretchin' the possibilities past what a normal red-blooded American fella could expect to believe, wou'n't ya say there? Ayyy!

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Fuck Prince Paul, he was a talentless hack


Brain > Prince Paul


And fuck Eagan, he musta been Hutch.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
What did Hutch do to get banned?

Because he was Eagen, and previously banned posters aren't allowed back.


Eagen pulling a Paul.



And Eagen was originally banned for pising off APO I think, (excsuse spelling) herrasing new members accusing them of being Prince Paul,a dn I think that was it.

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Hey, thanks for the well-wishing. I understand that Hutch was Putty, who in turn was Eagan, I'm just wondering if there was a thread or anything where it was all revealed that Hutch was Eagan and there was a huge uproar and the mods came in with their swift justice.


Oh, and fuck you.


That's all.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I THINK one major thing was his "OAO South PArk" thread.


Only Eagen ever started them, and the info inside was the same as all of the other ones Eagen did.


Other than that I didn't pay attention.


::Wonders what his next name is::

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