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Lil' Bitch

The burning question

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Given what Dave said, I still think its still subject to change though. Granted, both Guerrero and Benoit fucking deserve the spot. I'm still going for Eddie though because


a.) He just lost the US title, a sign of possibly moving on


b.) He's the hottest act in WWE right now


c.) He's more over than Benoit


d.) It will be in Dallas. The crowd will go nuts for him if he goes against Lesnar for the title.


e.) How fucking wonderful would it be IF Eddie actually won the WWE Championship?


f.) Fuck Chavo and fuck WWE if they decide to do a Guerreros feud at this time.

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Benoit/Lesnar and Eddie/Chavo.


They're already booking Benoit/Lesnar around the horn at the November house shows.


EDIT: This would've made a great choice for a poll.

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I meant on SD's part, my bad :P



It will be Chris Benoit vs. Brok Lesnar, seeing how it doesn't look like Eddie will be moving on to the main event just yet, Eddie will be busy with Chavo.

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It just doesn't make sense seeing as Benoit has been given absolutely no character development or big angles in the past 4 mopnths. Eddie has been a centerpiece of Smackdown, and it only makes sense for him to move along into the main.

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Dave said that the SD! main event will be Chris/Eddie? When did he say that?


lol, no, sorry for the confusion. I was debating whether Benoit or Guerrero should be next for Lesnar at SSeries.

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Guest Burrito

My love for both these guys kinda has me torn, but it seems as though WWE is gonna stick Eddie vs. Chavo right now. Either way, it should be a good championship match.



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Eddie has never been in the uppercard. For Eddie to be a convincing ME threat he would need one or two big transitional uppercard feuds to elevate him. Since the time of his "breakthrough" with the fans, he has held on to the US Title... The *midcard* title. He has feuded with Tajiri, Rhyno, Benoit, Cena, and Big Show. Each of these feuds were seriously underdeveloped and Eddie was not elevated a single bit. Had he actually beaten Big Show tonight, then he would need one more Upper Midcarder to feud with before making it to the main event (basically either Kurt Angle, Undertaker, or Vince McMahon).


Chris Benoit, on the otherhand, has been in the uppercard and main event on 3 occasions. Once with Rock, once with Austin, and once with Angle. The Austin and Rock feuds were when the WWE was still "hot", therefore a large group of fans can see Benoit as a reasonable Main Eventer. The match with Angle showed that Benoit could be a reasonable title holder as the fans were all over it (as they were with Austin).


The "jump" for the fans' believability is much less greater with Benoit as it is with Guerrero. Had the WWE actually worked hard in elevating Guerrero since Spring/Summer turn-around, then a case could be made for Guerrero main eventing Survivor Series. But they didn't, and Guerrero isn't credible enough to become a threat to Brock Lesnar.

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It would make sense with Guerrero though compared to Benoit who has been booked to shit since losing to Angle back in January.


Eddie is more credible at this point as Benoit seriously NEEDS some rebuilding.

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Guest Ray
Benoit/Lesnar and Eddie/Chavo.

I second that. I've wanted to see both matches for a while.

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Guest Choken One

He outsmarted TBS three weeks straight and got beat down twice...so it's even there...it shows Eddy is smarter but that doesn't mean anything.


I'd Take benoit anyways...

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Ever since he got moved to SD, he was rebuilt to be a monster heel. Eddie jobbing was expected, to me anyway.

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The focus wasn't on Eddie "outsmarting" Big Show, the focus was Big Show and Shit. Had the focus been on Eddie "outsmarting" Big Show, then 'shit' wouldn't have even come into the equation.


Eddie got *destroyed* on Smackdown. He *lost* tonight. Therefore he is *worse* than Big Show (The Guy Taker, Kurt, and Brock have all beaten). He is*below* the US title right now. He needs to be *built up* in order to recover. That cannot be done in *one month*.


Are we getting *this*? Do you want some visual aids?


Big Show winning wasn't obvious because typically when a face gets beat down before the PPV it means that he will be going over at the event - since he overcame the obstacle. Eddie _failed_.

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and being stuck in MEANINGLESS tag matches with Rhyno for a couple of months and feuding with A-TRAIN is better?!!

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and being stuck in MEANINGLESS tag matches with Rhyno for a couple of months and feuding with A-TRAIN is better?!!

The thing is, Benoit hasn't been made to look weak as of late. Benoit has the momentum coming over the obstacle of the big man, thus is more credible for taking on another big man in Brock Lesnar.

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Guest Choken One

Maybe it's me but if Benoits getting the Main event push for whatever reason...


I'd rather have Eddy with Chavo then A-Train...


Didn't want the title to change hands of course...We can only hope for a slow simmer with them teaming at Series at "home" against WGTT and Eddy channelling bret and not tagging Chavo and Chavo kicks eddy's leg from under his uh leg.

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I would go with Benoit just because it is easier to push him.


Even when he is not getting pushed, he is still put over as a great wrestler. And looking at the reaction he got at RR the fans agree with that. So with a month push I think he can get where he needs to be, to be in a ME.


With Eddie, he is put over as a top notch wrestler, but he is more character intensive. I think he requires more development and it would take more time to get him where he needs to be. I also think that he has drastically cooled off, since his high point a couple of months ago. I think they past the capitalization point, where they could have just put him in a ME and it be believable.

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Guest Choken One

Problem people forget...Eddy comes into a match over...Benoit has to sometimes BUILD heat up...

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