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Favorite Looney Tunes feud

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Guest NCJ
The Tino Standard Posted on Oct 23 2003, 09:45 AM


I always loved how in the Foghorn-Dog cartoons, Foghorn would draw a line in the dirty just as far as the dog's leash would go. He then would go taunt the dog, run behind the line and as soon as the dog got there- WHAM! Smacked him right in the face with a 2x4. Now that's good fun. 


I always liked it when the dog erases the line and places it about a foot back and beats the shit out of Foghorn.


Top Fueds.


1. Bugs vs. Daffy = Rock vs. Austin Two of the best ever all around at the top of their game going at it.


2. Foghorn vs. The Dog = Benoit vs. Sullivan No real storyline reason why they hate each other, but they beat the shit out of each other every time they meat. Throw in the chicken hawk for major heat.


3. Road Runner vs. Wile Coyotee = Rey Mysterio vs. Dean Malenko Speed and flash vs. technical ability and savy.


Honorable mention to all of Bugs major fueds,

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Personally I'm going with Foghorn Leghorn vs Dog...for if nothing else they feuded for no real reason. Just to be mean.



Am I the only person who thinks of Bradshaw whenever one of these cartoons are on TV?!


I don't know if this counts or not, but in the Tiny Toons movie, there's a scene where the kid Wile E. was driving a mail truck or something. Anyway, it was stopped, and the Road Runner was right in front of the truck. He jumped up, went "BEEPBE" AND GOT RUN THE FUCK OVER.


I roared.

I must find this...


Wile E. vs Road Runner was the top feud for me even if Wile E. always fell off cliffs and blew himself up.

Now that I hear of this, I must find this clip.




And Daffy > Bugs


Just watch RAW next week. Shane is bound to do that to Kane soon anyway.

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I can't remember the guy but it was Bugs Bunny and the cownoy going "Which way did he go, he ho he ho" If anyone can help me out with the name of that character i will be forever thankful

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