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1. Tape Reviewers (modest suggestion of at least 1 a month of any indy promotion you want to do)

2. TV Show Recappers (MLW, NWATNA Xplosion or PPV, etc)

3. 1-2 News people - Daily report on indy news with opinons. Probably alternate days.

4. 3 Columnists - Write columns on the indy scene with hopefully insight and knowledge or what you are talking about.

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If I decide to actually order TNA next week, I'll gladly accept PPV recapper. I won't be able to go in detail (having school tends to limit time), but I'll be able to explain what I thought about each match.

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I can do Ring Of Honor for you, I have a bunch of the tapes and love writing about the product. I sent you a PM, but since even I can't figure out where to check them, I figure you might not know either.

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