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Is edge ready for the top?

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im sure someones bought this up already, but really Edge is not made to be a maineventer in the WWF. THat requires some leval of 'intensity' it also requires the crowd taking him seriousely and I just dont see them taking Edge seriousely as a main eventer. blah. TEST should beat Angle, Angle should drop some weight and become a Cruiserweight and just do armdrags and flips.

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I don't like Edge myself but in his defense. I think he would have been more then just a Billy Gunn "King Of The Ring" if it wasn't for the Invasion and the over packed roster. But, we can always blame the dumbass writers for that also. But, I guess We'll get to see just how good Edge is now the "Split" has happen.

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Guest Anglesault
im sure someones bought this up already, but really Edge is not made to be a maineventer in the WWF. THat requires some leval of 'intensity' it also requires the crowd taking him seriousely and I just dont see them taking Edge seriousely as a main eventer. blah. TEST should beat Angle, Angle should drop some weight and become a Cruiserweight and just do armdrags and flips.

I hate you. :P

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Guest chirs3

Edge is ready to move up, but not quite main event. If the WCW Title was still around, or if the IC title meant something right now, I'd put Edge in there and continue to push him. He's ready to be elevated, but not quite to main event status just yet.


And Anglesault, I liked the first picture better.

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Guest chirs3

... I don't remember seeing an Anglesault in progress... it had "Angle" in blue, "Sault" in red. Or vice versa.


Kane was shown in the Ankle lock. There was a picture of Angle with two belts around his waist and a mic in his hand.


That one.

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Guest Anglesault

That's Sig Three. :P I think it was the first one I used here though.

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Who really cares where Angle is right now? Because, with in the next month Benoit's gonna be back and we're gonna get a Classic Part 2 of the Angle/Benoit Feud.

Alright, statements such as that REALLY piss me off...


For starters, are YOU in the booking team? Do YOU know what's going to happen? NO YOU DON'T, so cool it with the "Your wrong because i can predict what is going to happen" attitude..


Secondly, Angle & Benoit...HAS BEEN DONE, and it's been done to DEATH, we wouldn't be in PART F'N 2 if they started it up again, try Part 4 or 5. The entire thing was full of cheap finishes and hype that neither Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit lived up to, in other words, the world expected a ****** star match, YES SIX OUT OF FIVE, that wasn't a type-o, and unfortunately for Angle & The Crippler, when your as good as they are, people expect VERY highly of you when you enter the ring. I don't know if they had an off day, or injury issues or whatever, they still didn't raise the bar like we all thought they would. So to kill this argument, Angle & Benoit would not only be an unoriginal move, but it would be a boring one.


CLASSIC?? I think not.


This has been your Taker Mark...Meaner than 'Mean' Mark Callous.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

boring? well if that's boring i'll take boring anyday. Who'd you rather see Benoit wrestle, Hogan?

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Guest OSIcon
I think edge most definately DID Billy Gunn the KotR. I really don't see any progression.


Making blanket statements like that without any backup doesn't help your argument.  First of all, winning King of the Ring means nothing if the bookers don't make it mean something.  There is some sort of myth that the winner of KOTR is getting a huge present that he should use to get HIMSELF to the top teir.  That's ridiculous.  Winning KOTR means as much as winning any other matches if it is not made to be special or promoted properly.  Edge won Kind og the Ring via help from Shane McMahon in the final match and after beating a guy who was just a tag team wrestler at that point (Christian).  So it wasn't like he was getting big wins to build on.  Then, his victory doesn't lead to immediate title matches or main events (like it should in order to capitalize).  Instead, Edge is back in a tag team for a month, then the next month is KOTR victory is no longer mentioned on TV.  


They never capitalized on his KOTR victory by maing it mean anything (ie. A world title shot, a program with a main eventer shorty after, ect.)  Therefore, the writers didn't give his win any real meaning, thus what he got out of winning it was the exact hype the writers gave to its importance and subsequent meaning for Edge:  Nothing.


Second, we all know you don't like Edge and your dislike for him as caused you to lose your objectivity on him.  Going from a Heel Tag Team wrestler who relies almost entirely on comedy to an over upper mid-card face who has worked comedy and seriousness into his programs effectively (you may not think so, but watch his stuff against Christian and Regal when he is supposed to be serious....he gets just as good of a reaction and gets it over just as well.)  That looks like progression to me....

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boring? well if that's boring i'll take boring anyday. Who'd you rather see Benoit wrestle, Hogan?

And what do you suggest the angle would be BUDDY? What is left for them to fued over? Who invented submission holds? PLEASE, the angle has been so over-done it shouldn't be revisted for quite some time, but if you'd love to be subjected to the same, B-O-R-I-N-G angle (thats the STORYLINE, not the WRESTLER), over and over again, then HELL apply for a job with the WWF writing team, it looks like they could use someone with your logic.


Plus Benoit doesn't have the mic skill to take on Hogan, the only way your gonna have a classic with the Hulkster is if you can talk it up, something that has always eluded Benoit.


So if you ask me, when the guy gets back, HE'S SCREWED, i don't know WHY your all excited about it, because i can't see anything revolutionary happening.


This has been your Taker Mark...right again

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To be quite honest there's only one truly boring thing going on in the WWF right now and that's Kane vs. the n.w.o. The Albert and Scotty epic feud already has more spark.


I really feel Edge needs a run against a heel Tazz or Christian. He's not ready for the main event because.........

A) He's not over enough

B) It's so crowded that Angle, Kane, and Jericho are the odd men out

C) He doesn't have a "main event" kind of character. If he plays his E&C style heel then he comes off as a poor man's Jericho. His current character just doesn't have that main event aura that HHH, Austin, Taker and even Angle has.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
boring? well if that's boring i'll take boring anyday. Who'd you rather see Benoit wrestle, Hogan?

And what do you suggest the angle would be BUDDY? What is left for them to fued over? Who invented submission holds? PLEASE, the angle has been so over-done it shouldn't be revisted for quite some time, but if you'd love to be subjected to the same, B-O-R-I-N-G angle (thats the STORYLINE, not the WRESTLER), over and over again, then HELL apply for a job with the WWF writing team, it looks like they could use someone with your logic.


Plus Benoit doesn't have the mic skill to take on Hogan, the only way your gonna have a classic with the Hulkster is if you can talk it up, something that has always eluded Benoit.


So if you ask me, when the guy gets back, HE'S SCREWED, i don't know WHY your all excited about it, because i can't see anything revolutionary happening.


This has been your Taker Mark...right again

didn't say i wanted angle to feud with benoit. just said it wouldn't be bad and instead of having a big angle why couldn't they just be two guys who respect each other fighting to see who's the best? call me oldfashonied but i'd pay to see that.

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Guest RicFlairGlory
To be quite honest there's only one truly boring thing going on in the WWF right now and that's Kane vs. the n.w.o. The Albert and Scotty epic feud already has more spark.


I really feel Edge needs a run against a heel Tazz or Christian. He's not ready for the main event because.........

A) He's not over enough

B) It's so crowded that Angle, Kane, and Jericho are the odd men out

C) He doesn't have a "main event" kind of character. If he plays his E&C style heel then he comes off as a poor man's Jericho. His current character just doesn't have that main event aura that HHH, Austin, Taker and even Angle has.

Edge's "aura" consists of  "holy shit, why the hell are they having edge run in on THIS??"

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Personally I feel that saying Edge 'Billy Gunned' the KOTR is really an insult to him.  Like many people have said it's not his fault the writers tanked his KOTR win.  I may not be a smart enough smark to judge every bit of psychology in the ring, or to think I could be a better writer then the WWF writers (although sometimes it may be true).  What I am smart enough to realize though is Edge is generally entertaining.  I personally still use some of his invented E&C era words and phrases like "Victorification" and "This reeks of sucktual overtones"  He has his bad matches, but so does everybody (look at Raw).  When was the last time, discounting the Regal fiascos, that Edge had a series of bad matches???


He may not be quite Main Event staus but he is in my opinion damn close and I'd love to see King Edge the Awesome wear the title.

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"Edge needs a real finisher. His spear is awful, and that "Edgecution" DDT or whatever isn't very well known."


Whatever happened to the Downward Spiral? I dug that move. I hate the Edgecution. It is just a DDT people!


"In the perfect scenario, Angle, Jericho and Benoit would be the top guys and everyone else would grovel at their feet but that's not happening anytime soon."


Why is it that everyone insists on lumping Jericho in there with Benoit and Angle? Jericho is nowhere near their league in my humble opinion. He looks to sloppy in the ring where Kurt and Chris are about as technical as they come and almost never miss spots.


"And You have to remember, there is a HUGE difference between getting Chickenshit heel victories while cheating your ass off to beat An extremely established face (Jericho-Rock, Austin) then beating a not so established heel CLEAN (Edge-Angle)"


Not so established? I think that Angle is way over as a heel. Arguably the most over heel in the Federation right now. I cannot think of anyone else who is more over as a heel. You could put him in the ring with any main eventing face right now and he wuld be seen as a viable threat. That is credibility my man. Stop downplaying your boy. He rules.


"Secondly, Angle & Benoit...HAS BEEN DONE, and it's been done to DEATH, we wouldn't be in PART F'N 2 if they started it up again, try Part 4 or 5. The entire thing was full of cheap finishes and hype that neither Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit lived up to, in other words, the world expected a ****** star match, YES SIX OUT OF FIVE, that wasn't a type-o, and unfortunately for Angle & The Crippler, when your as good as they are, people expect VERY highly of you when you enter the ring. I don't know if they had an off day, or injury issues or whatever, they still didn't raise the bar like we all thought they would. So to kill this argument, Angle & Benoit would not only be an unoriginal move, but it would be a boring one."




*opens his mouth to say something*


*blinks again*




Not that I am a big fan of Edge or anything, because I am not, but a lot of people used to say the same things about Shawn Michaels (to skinny and long hair) back in the day. Give Edge a bit more time. See where he goes.


Just for the record, I think Edge is going over Angle at Backlash.

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Whatever happened to the Downward Spiral? I dug that move. I hate the Edgecution. It is just a DDT people!

Well im not sure,but i do know that Kanyon uses the move as his finisher, the Flatliner, and has done for many years now. Wether this has any relevance as to why Edge dropped the move, i cannot say.


This has been your Taker Mark...wishing he could pull off a Flatliner

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I hit the downward spiral on my younger brother when we were wrestling in my backyard once. It was sweet.


Other moves that I have hit:


Suplex (standard but more fun to pull then to watch on television)

Clothesline (I respect Bradshaw much more after seeing how crappy mine looked)

Fisherman suplex (Mr. Perfect would have been proud)

Side Russian Leg Sweep (most difficult move I pulled as wrapping your leg around to the right position is more difficult then it looks)

Bodyslam (more difficult then it looks though I suspect it would have been easier if my brother had jumped for me)

Elbow Drop off the top (we had a raised porch)

Swanton Bomb (I missed after my brother got out of the way which was probably a smart move)


That was about it for me, but my older brother actually hit a power bomb on my younger brother (who was like the Mick Foley of our family league). This was hilarious. On the first attempt my older brother could not even budge my younger brother. I had to tell David (younger) that he had to jump up with the move. On the second attempt David jumps a bit to early and racks Tony (older). I almost died. On the third attempt they time the jump right but Tony ends up tossing David right over his head. They finally hit it on the fourth attempt.


I know this was a little off the subject (okay a lot), but does anyone else have any backyard wrestling stories to share?

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Quote (FeArHaVoC @ April 06 2002,16:53)

Who really cares where Angle is right now? Because, with in the next month Benoit's gonna be back and we're gonna get a Classic Part 2 of the Angle/Benoit Feud.


Alright, statements such as that REALLY piss me off...


For starters, are YOU in the booking team? Do YOU know what's going to happen? NO YOU DON'T, so cool it with the "Your wrong because i can predict what is going to happen" attitude..


Secondly, Angle & Benoit...HAS BEEN DONE, and it's been done to DEATH, we wouldn't be in PART F'N 2 if they started it up again, try Part 4 or 5. The entire thing was full of cheap finishes and hype that neither Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit lived up to, in other words, the world expected a ****** star match, YES SIX OUT OF FIVE, that wasn't a type-o, and unfortunately for Angle & The Crippler, when your as good as they are, people expect VERY highly of you when you enter the ring. I don't know if they had an off day, or injury issues or whatever, they still didn't raise the bar like we all thought they would. So to kill this argument, Angle & Benoit would not only be an unoriginal move, but it would be a boring one.


CLASSIC?? I think not.


This has been your Taker Mark...Meaner than 'Mean' Mark Callous.


LMFAO @ Angry Reply.


When Benoit comes back and feuds with Angle I'm gonna make a little special post just for you. Okay, Buddy?


btw, if Benoit Vs Angle is boring then I don't know what you think is exciting. If you get your Fix on Taker Vs Kane then be it.

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Guest Anglesault
I hit the downward spiral on my younger brother when we were wrestling in my backyard once. It was sweet.


Other moves that I have hit:


Suplex (standard but more fun to pull then to watch on television)

Clothesline (I respect Bradshaw much more after seeing how crappy mine looked)

Fisherman suplex (Mr. Perfect would have been proud)

Side Russian Leg Sweep (most difficult move I pulled as wrapping your leg around to the right position is more difficult then it looks)

Bodyslam (more difficult then it looks though I suspect it would have been easier if my brother had jumped for me)

Elbow Drop off the top (we had a raised porch)

Swanton Bomb (I missed after my brother got out of the way which was probably a smart move)


That was about it for me, but my older brother actually hit a power bomb on my younger brother (who was like the Mick Foley of our family league). This was hilarious. On the first attempt my older brother could not even budge my younger brother. I had to tell David (younger) that he had to jump up with the move. On the second attempt David jumps a bit to early and racks Tony (older). I almost died. On the third attempt they time the jump right but Tony ends up tossing David right over his head. They finally hit it on the fourth attempt.


I know this was a little off the subject (okay a lot), but does anyone else have any backyard wrestling stories to share?

I can do

Body Slam


Any Kind of Power Bomb

Rock Bottom

Diamond Cutter



Tombstone (I ususally leave the guys head like three inches from the ground, But I got PISSED at someone one time and just drilled them)

Savage Elbow

***** Frog Splash

Figure Four


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Guest caboose

not really a backyard story, but at my old school, there were these four little kids who spent thier lunchtimes always having wrestling matches.

well one time i was watching and for a laugh calling the action with my friend,(I was the Colour Heel Commentator, He was the Play By Play Face).

anyway, one of the kids performs a tombstone on his opponent, and my friend shouts in a JR style voice-

"Oh My God! He's Broken in half! Damn it, stop the match!"

Anyway the kid who got tombstoned completely no-sells it, gets up hit's the stunner on the other kid and pins him.

The kid tried to sell the stunner like rocky but hit a wall when rolling backwards!

That was one of the funniest things ever.

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Guest caboose

in a real fight i had with this jackass i know, i pulled off the

'Sweet Chin Music' and cracked one of his teeth.

I was so proud as he ran off with a bloody mouth.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I don't think that Angle jobbing will nesscessarily reduce him to a mid-card status. Case in point: No Way Out 2001. Angle jobs 1-2-3 to Rocky in the middle of the ring and in the process looses the WWF title. Was his heat killed? Hell no. The next night on RAW Benoit came out and challenged him to a match @ Mania, the best match on the card and maybe of the year IMO. The feud continued on for the next 2 PPV's and also birthed a whomp-ass cage match on RAW.


Angle then went on to "lead" team WWF after Austin jumped ship and then went on to win the strap again at Unforgiven. Everything Angle does goes in cycles, this one is no different. Sure, Edge is no Benoit but I don't doubt that Angle will be in an upper card feud on the next PPV, most likely with Benoit. I'd expect him to be feuding with the title holder by Summerslam or maybe fall at the latest.


Angle vs Benoit not classic? Can you name any better stuff the WWF produced during 2001 that spanned over almost 4 months and held the crowds attention?

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Quote (FeArHaVoC @ April 06 2002,16:53)

Who really cares where Angle is right now? Because, with in the next month Benoit's gonna be back and we're gonna get a Classic Part 2 of the Angle/Benoit Feud.


Alright, statements such as that REALLY piss me off...


For starters, are YOU in the booking team? Do YOU know what's going to happen? NO YOU DON'T, so cool it with the "Your wrong because i can predict what is going to happen" attitude..


Secondly, Angle & Benoit...HAS BEEN DONE, and it's been done to DEATH, we wouldn't be in PART F'N 2 if they started it up again, try Part 4 or 5. The entire thing was full of cheap finishes and hype that neither Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit lived up to, in other words, the world expected a ****** star match, YES SIX OUT OF FIVE, that wasn't a type-o, and unfortunately for Angle & The Crippler, when your as good as they are, people expect VERY highly of you when you enter the ring. I don't know if they had an off day, or injury issues or whatever, they still didn't raise the bar like we all thought they would. So to kill this argument, Angle & Benoit would not only be an unoriginal move, but it would be a boring one.


CLASSIC?? I think not.


This has been your Taker Mark...Meaner than 'Mean' Mark Callous.


LMFAO @ Angry Reply.


When Benoit comes back and feuds with Angle I'm gonna make a little special post just for you. Okay, Buddy?


btw, if Benoit Vs Angle is boring then I don't know what you think is exciting. If you get your Fix on Taker Vs Kane then be it.

I noted that the ANGLE AND/OR STORYLINE between a Angle/Benoit fued would be BORING because they have done everything in the book as it is.


Next time, think before you write...or at least READ what i have written.


This has been the Taker Mark...standing up for his Taker-like ways.

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