Guest Report post Posted April 6, 2002 There's no way Angle should be jobbing to Edge. A man who lost the IC belt in EVERY feud he was in over the belt. It wouldn't make much sence for Kurt to job to a single spear when at Summerslam he survived FOUR Stone Cold stunners. As for Edge, he's so not ready for a main event push. The fans just pop for his seizure inducing intro and then promptly fall asleep once his match starts. Maybe he needs a more interesting mid card feud. Maybe a run with Christian is in order Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Risk Report post Posted April 6, 2002 I don't know how much reforming E&C could do. I'm sorry but in my opinion, tag team wrestling is the most boring waste of a good wrestling match there could possibly be. You can ALWAYS see the finish coming, and I HATE that damn spot where two wrestlers slowly climb back to their corner. Yeah...I hate the HOT TAG~! Tag wrestling in Japan is much better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 6, 2002 I repeat forget edge, TEST should destroy Angle at Backlash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 6, 2002 forget Edge what if Test came in and beat Angle clean that would be awesome. Don't even joke about that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Only way I wanna see Edge go over Angle is if Christian helps Edge. E&C getting back together would be the only good reason to job Angle out. Other wise, WWF better not even think about Angle losing Clean. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 7, 2002 To put it simply, Edge sucks. Don't get me wrong, he has his good points, but in it's current form Edge is a Billy Gunn or Test character, where the WWF responds to a failed push by pushing even harder, instead of trying to make corrections. Frilly Billy, Test, and Regal are now forgotten because of it, and Edge will be next if nothing changes. On a good note, while I don't condone the impending Angle job in any way, i think Angle can recover from it. Angle actually has the skills and promos to recover lost heat. Maybe if certain orange goblins at the top of the card could say the same, they could job once in a while too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the BURNHAM Report post Posted April 7, 2002 I don't know who said it about them pushing Y2J, and angle right now so there was no room for an Edge Push. Are you condoning them only pushing a few wrestlers and everyone else wallows in medicority? Perhaps edge isn't ready for being put over Angle yet, and Angle will squash edge. So Edge goes of TV for awhile comes back in a few and attacks angle, (without the spear). ONce he comes back, if he's bigger, he should be more over. And whatever happened to the perennial midcarder, whose high goal was to get the IC belt. People who were never considered main eventres or future main eventers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 7, 2002 I don't know who said it about them pushing Y2J, and angle right now so there was no room for an Edge Push. Are you condoning them only pushing a few wrestlers and everyone else wallows in medicority? Perhaps edge isn't ready for being put over Angle yet, and Angle will squash edge. So Edge goes of TV for awhile comes back in a few and attacks angle, (without the spear). ONce he comes back, if he's bigger, he should be more over Or, Edge loses to Angle at Backlash and we never utter the words "Edge vs. Angle" again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Shawn Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Is Edge ready for the... ...arm-breaking Anglesault? Lets see... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Oh please. It happened ONE TIME. Besides, it was only Bob Holly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Who really cares where Angle is right now? Because, with in the next month Benoit's gonna be back and we're gonna get a Classic Part 2 of the Angle/Benoit Feud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Amen to that Fearhavoc, and in the meantime, Angle can carry Edge to a possible **** match, something he couldn't do with Kane. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 7, 2002 I don't really wnat to see that just now. They both need to be in the main event. I'll wait for part two when one of them is champ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Amen to that Fearhavoc, and in the meantime, Angle can carry Edge to a possible **** match, something he couldn't do with Kane. Edge never had and possibly never will have a **** match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Edge vs. Lance Storm Summerslam 2001 And if Storm can carry him there then why wouldn't Angle be able to. Do you think Storm is a more talented wrestler than Angle? I don't think so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 7, 2002 1. I didn't think that was **** 2. Kurt is (understandably) less motivated lately. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Well, I just popped it in the vcr a couple of days ago and it's worlds better than anything the WWF has done this year from a working standpoint. Also, since when has it been proven Kurt is less motivated. His last two feuds were against Trips and Kane for chrissakes. Two lumbering slugs who Kurt was able to get decent matches out of. Kurt could easily carry Edge to a **** match. Give them 15 minutes and watch and see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Shawn Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Some of those E&C matches were **** but that was probably just Christian carrying the team like always. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cobainwasmurdered Report post Posted April 7, 2002 well i normally wouldn't care who won the edge/angle feud i hope angle wins so we don't have to see anglesault break down in tears.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Kurt could easily carry Edge to a **** match. Give them 15 minutes and watch and see. If you say so. But is it really worth the boring feud and midcard staus for Kurt? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted April 7, 2002 well i normally wouldn't care who won the edge/angle feud i hope angle wins so we don't have to see anglesault break down in tears.... Oh come now Cobain you know you'd get enjoyment from witnessing that. As would many of the people from round these here parts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 7, 2002 I will stay strong. On a sidenote, how do ya'll like my new sig picture? I now have four that I can cycle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cobainwasmurdered Report post Posted April 7, 2002 very nice anglesault Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 7, 2002 And if Storm can carry him there then why wouldn't Angle be able to. Do you think Storm is a more talented wrestler than Angle? I don't think so. OK, this might get some heat from Anglesault, but if you don't compare characters and charisma then YES I would say Lance Storm is just as much talented if not more talented a wrestler then Kurt Angle! And I'm not talking on the mat Olympic wrestling, I'm talking "PRO" Wrestling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted April 7, 2002 "But is it really worth the boring feud and midcard staus for Kurt?" hey I'd rather see a good wrestling match in the midcard then see Angle pushed in the Main and get squashed by Trips or Hogan or Taker. It's similar to WCW in '97-'98. I had already tuned out the NWO main event scene and looked at the midcard to get my wrestling fix. In the perfect scenario, Angle, Jericho and Benoit would be the top guys and everyone else would grovel at their feet but that's not happening anytime soon. So right now, I would rather see good wrestling which is something that the WWF is not providing right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 7, 2002 And if Storm can carry him there then why wouldn't Angle be able to. Do you think Storm is a more talented wrestler than Angle? I don't think so. OK, this might get some heat from Anglesault, but if you don't compare characters and charisma then YES I would say Lance Storm is just as much talented if not more talented a wrestler then Kurt Angle! And I'm not talking on the mat Olympic wrestling, I'm talking "PRO" Wrestling. Who would argue that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 7, 2002 When Vince first bought WcW I was waiting for a small feud or at least a few matches between Storm & Angle. The Canadian Hero Vs The American Hero. I remember them having one match that was like 3 minutes long and Angle won. Just like many things with the Invasion, I was left Disappointed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 7, 2002 It was a VERY good match though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest OSIcon Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Edge has Billy Gunn-d the King of the Ring big time. I'd forgotten he even won it. This is such a dumb comment. After King of the Ring, Edge went from a semi-comedy tag team wrestler to the second (and sometimes top) mid card face. Its hard to argue that Edge isn't over, also. He gets great crowd reaction that has increased since his kind of the ring win. So if Kind of the Ring is supposed to elevate someone, it did in Edge's case. In fact, it elevated him more then most people. Edge didn't "Billy Gunn" his kind of the ring win and neither did the bookers in the case. He got elevated in status right after and is more over now. I venture to say that the reason that you and others don't remember he won the tournament is because at the pace that angles move in the WWF (too fast) and the writers' tendency to not mention any history that took place more then a month ago. Edge isn't on the upper card roster. Now we're in the territory of losing to midcarders CLEAN. He'll just look inferior. So then how do any midcarders can elevated? You can't say that just putting them in the ring with main eventers is enough. Look at Jericho. After winning the World title and beating Rock several times and Austin does it finally look that he is cemented on the upper cusp of the card. And even that's debatle. The whole point is Angle is solidified as a main eventer. Putting over Edge is going to hurt him. Cheating to beat Kane didn't hurt him. If it is played off as an upset (but legitimate) and bing win for Edge, Angle will be just fine. I think the real question is weather WWF is willing to do that, as over the past several years, they really haven't given any midcarder legitimate wins (time and time again) over main eventers in order to establish them. Maybe that's why the upper card is so stale. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 7, 2002 I think edge most definately DID Billy Gunn the KotR. I really don't see any progression. And You have to remember, there is a HUGE difference between getting Chickenshit heel victories while cheating your ass off to beat An extremely established face (Jericho-Rock, Austin) then beating a not so established heel CLEAN (Edge-Angle) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites