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Best Vince McMahon Match?

What's VKM's best match to date?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. What's VKM's best match to date?

    • vs. 29 opponents, RRumble 1999
    • vs. Austin, St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    • vs. HHH, Armageddon 1999
    • vs. Shane, WMX7
    • vs. Flair, RRumble 2002
    • vs. Hogan, WMXIX
    • vs. Gowen, Vengeance 2003
    • vs. Stephanie, No Mercy 2003

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I'd go with the Shane streetfight....it effectively blew off 2 major 6-month angles (Linda/Trish and Shane) and it featured the debut of the SHANE TERMINATOR~!


Oh, and I'll ALWAYS repect Vince for finishing the cage match with Austin at VDM99 despite cracking his tailbone while bumping off the cage.

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Guest The Old Me

I'd have to say the Vince and Shane street fight with his HHH/ Armageddon match coming in second.

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Damn, I never realized how many matches he has been in.


Eh, I'd have to go with WM XIX. Lots of story behind it plus the crowd was all into the match (since to the marks, it could have been their last time seeing Hogan perform). Oh yeah, and he got his ass kicked after putting up a fight.


No Way Out comes right behind since he gave the fans what they wanted. To pay to see his ass handed to him by Austin after MONTHS of feuding / entertaining segments.

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I'll go with the street fight, i loved that match when it happened, it was before i devolped my hate for all things Mcmahon.

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

I'd have to go with the cage match vs. Austin. If only for the part where McMahon falls off the cage, and the announcer is about to declare Austin the winner, but Austin grabs the mic and yells, "that's Bull Shit!" and he beats the hell out of Vince McMahon :headbang: . True mark-out moment right there.

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Guest Bret Hit Man Hart

His best match was with Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 19 because it had so much history behind them plus the bulid up was great and the match shocked many fans because it did turn out good

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The match with Hogan was terrible, but it had a hot crowd. Big deal. Their so-called "classic buildup" was the reason the buyrate tanked.


Vince's best match came with Flair at Royal Rumble. Both men put their working boots on and it was definitely a fun match to watch. Close second is the Shane/Vince streetfight at 17.

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Guest Bret Hit Man Hart

Flair and Vince at the Royal Rumble sucked. The match Vince & Flair had on Raw was much better then the Royal Rumble match

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Flair and Vince at the Royal Rumble sucked. The match Vince & Flair had on Raw was much better then the Royal Rumble match

Are you drunk?

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Flair and Vince at the Royal Rumble sucked. The match Vince & Flair had on Raw was much better then the Royal Rumble match

Are you drunk?

You actually pay attention to him?

I try not to, but sometimes it's hard to miss.

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Tough call. The Hogan match had a hot crowd and some decent spots considering it was Hogan and Vince. Plus I marked for Piper.


The Flair match was the best actual "match" and had the honor of having WCW's favorite son beat Vince clean in the middle of the ring(plus decent build).


Vince/Shane was the big blowoff to all the Vince/Steph/Shane/Linda/Trish storylines, had an insane crowd, holy shit moments and Foley.


My preference? Flair.


The best? Shane.

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Guest XxSmashxXxHeadxX

I'd go with vince vs shane. I loved that match and i loved that particular PPV. WMX7... one of the best PPV's and WM's i've seen.

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I voted Hogan/Vince. It wasn't the best match in a per se (I'd probably give that to Vince/Shane), but the match came off shockingly well given the people involved, and it's the only one of Vince matches that's made me mark out.


And since it's up there, I'd just like to express my INTENSE~! hatred for the HHH/Vince match from Armageddon. Dear God, that is the single most BORING match I've ever seen. That is hands down my all-time least favorite match.

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