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Spicy McHaggis

The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

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Guest OctoberBlood

Just another great episode. Wow!


Next weeks looks to be very very very very interesting. Man I cant wait!

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Guest drdrainoscott

Yeah that episode was awesome. Did anyone else check out the 24inside.com thing? What a rip off. It lasted ten minutes and nothing happened. They took one email and one phone call. One asked how they write the show, which got a fluff answer (the producer said he writes best when Keifer puts pressure on him, but then said he's joking and Keifer has never put pressure on him, so he didn't even answer the question). Another asked if David and Sherry were gonna get back together. Again, no real answer, except the actress that plays Sherry saying that they would sure make for an interesting couple. I emailed in asking about Palmer's hand, but, as I said, only one email was used.


Oh well, I can't wait till next week.

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Great ep.


I'm so glad they've brought back Nina and Sherry.


Hector saw the writing on the wall for the upcoming exchange... It's a shame...













...that he turned his back to Ramon... I knew he was gonna get popped.

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Somebody sent this in to Scooter's blog:


Who else here thought that while watching 24 that Kim was going to get kidnapped by that baby. I just pictured Chapelle going up to Chloe's office and seeing Kim tied to a chair and gagged as the baby sits sweetly in its bed.




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Guest El Satanico

Why the fuck is Kim bothering Tony with that baby shit at such a time?


No one gives a fuck about that shit right now Kim, leave them the fuck alone.

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This season is starting to let me down a little. I don't give a flying fuck about Chloe and/or anything related to her, I still want Kim to die, I don't care about the president's brother sleeping around, and I don't see why we are supposed to care about Millikin getting his since I don't see him as a bad guy (wow, a lobbyist wants someone who nailed his wife off the president's staff. The nerve.)

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The Chole/baby stuff was interesting as a little bit of comedic relief, but it's just lame as a dramatic sub-plot. I know they want something for Kim to do, but this shouldn't be it.

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Guest OctoberBlood

Yeah, I don't really like that twist either but that's not stopping me from liking every second of the rest of the show. Great episode tonight, again.

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Guest OSIcon

I don't mind the Chloe stuff too much. I would be more annoyed if it was treated as a huge obstacle or something. If Chloe were to have really screwed them up this episode, that would have been kind of dumnb and forced. However, using it like they did, worked pretty well in my opinion. It added a little comic relief and added some tension to that segment as it got you thinking that she was going to mess up, lose Chase's phone, and cost them the mission. It was goofy, but it did serve a purpose. I'll definitely take it over Kim being chased by cougars any day.


The Palmer subplot as been mediocre, but I am enjoying it a lot more with Sherry involved. With Sherry in it, the whole thing seems to be more important and it gives the subplot great significance in the 24 universe.


I thought tonight's episode was one of the strongest of the season. A bunch of good developments that look to lead somewhere fun and hopefully even start tying the seasons together.

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No more Ramon :( He better bet a Golden GLobe nod next year for co-star in a Dramatic series 'cause he owned hardcore :D


But anyway, another great episode....the swerve with the car was nice...just another thing showing that the previews don't always show you what's going to happen :)

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RIP Ramon.  We'll miss you.

2nd Most Impressive Death in the series behind George Masons's death in the atomic blast while on the airplane.


You know someones gonna be pissed off and come to CTU looking for the baby.


This episode was actually a bit of a letdown but it was still very good.


Id also like to mention that there is a 4 week break between new episodes in March (New eps 4-5 am on the 2nd and 5-6 am on the 30th). Other than that break (probably for the college basketball tournament), its new episodes from now until the finale on May 18th.

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Guest ToddRoyal

I've known since episode one Chloe was insane. Stupid baby snatcher. She's been featured too much this season not to do something, but that storyline finally has me interested so I'm OK with it.


The Palmer storyline continues to do NOTHING for me.


Damn. Now all the Salazars are dead. They were badass, even if Hector kind of reminded me of Norman Smiley. Some nice carnage for this eposiode, plus some good twists.

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Victor Drazen had the best death.  Jack shoots him and then keeps blasting at his corpse til he runs out of bullets.

But he didn't BLOW UP.


Blowing up > Emptying a round of bullets into a dead body

From an emotional stand point Drazen's death>Ramon's death

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Guest Fook
Damn. Now all the Salazars are dead. They were badass, even if Hector kind of reminded me of Norman Smiley.

Great. Now I can't stop picturing Hector Salazar doing the Big Wiggle.

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Guest El Satanico
I friggin love Chase... what a badass.

See...I told you all Chase was the heir apparent to Jack if the show continues and Keifer leaves.

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Guest El Satanico
I think this baby has more to do with this than a kidnapping. I'm thinking a virus and HOPING, it takes out everyone at CTU.

There has to be more to the baby that ties it into the season. I mean there has to be...right.

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When the virus started whirring in Ramon's hands, I said, "Huh?"


Then I FLIPPED MY SHIT WHEN IT BLEW UP WOW. This episode was bad-ass with the best of them, and though I'm sorry to see Ramon go, the story events clear the air for a lot of movement.

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Id also like to mention that there is a 4 week break between new episodes in March (New eps 4-5 am on the 2nd and 5-6 am on the 30th). Other than that break (probably for the college basketball tournament), its new episodes from now until the finale on May 18th.

I highly doubt the NCAAs are the reason for the break because of two things: 1. The NCAAs run Thursday-Sunday of three straight weeks, leaving Tuesdays wide open. 2. The NCAAs are on CBS, not Fox.


Having said that, I have no idea what they have planned in 24's place instead.

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Id also like to mention that there is a 4 week break between new episodes in March (New eps 4-5 am on the 2nd and 5-6 am on the 30th).  Other than that break (probably for the college basketball tournament), its new episodes from now until the finale on May 18th.

I highly doubt the NCAAs are the reason for the break because of two things: 1. The NCAAs run Thursday-Sunday of three straight weeks, leaving Tuesdays wide open. 2. The NCAAs are on CBS, not Fox.


Having said that, I have no idea what they have planned in 24's place instead.

I'm sure It'll be American Idol just like it was last year

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No, Ronny Stark in S. 2 had the best death in the series.


"That was Kingsley."

"What did he say?"

"He said I've just been promoted." (Shoots him in the face)


It was great because it made no sense, and I still don't know why he did it.

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Eh, I'll still go with Drazen having the best death, with FauxYork being #2. Even though I really wish now that he wouldn't have died, cause he was a great minor villain. Helluva lot better than any of the sub villians they've used since.

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No, the baby is really a Salazar.Right before he died, he really dug into a hole, and came back out with a baby costume, leaving him JUST enough time to make it to CTU, and include Chloe into his plan, of World Domination. But first, he needs to infiltrate CTU, not by using Chloe, but of course by dressing up for an infant. He has clearly deceived all but Kim, who is hot on his track. The show will now be about her, because she can tell fake babies from real ones. Just wait till next week, she will pick him up, and he will have a bullet hole in his back, because they forgot to clean up the actor before he got into a little baby suit. Then Jack will come out of no where and shoot the baby. And the show will catch the blood stain and remove it. Digital Jack will cry. End of the Season. And believe me, 24 has been worth it.

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