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Smackdown Spoilers

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Guest StevieNightHeat
(2) Jamie Noble & Sean O'Haire defeated a couple of enhancement talent that actually got in some good moves. Bummer not getting to see the Seanton bomb though.


So, Sean O'Haire is a face now?

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(3) Ultimo Dragon defeated Rey Mysterio. Tajiri and the Yakuza come out for color commentary. Great match, could be PPV quality. Tajiri interferes, knocking out Rey. Ultimo didn't realize it. There appeared to be an attempt to get Ultimo to join the Yakuza. He turned his back to them.


I had actually been think this week that they might do this exact angle. If done right it could work out reasonably well (like the relationship between Rey and the lwo).

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Survivor Series 2003 Card (so far)


World Heavyweight Title Match

Goldberg vs. HHH


Buried Alive Match

Vince McMahon vs. The Undertaker


Ambulance Match

Shane McMahon vs. Kane


RAW Survivor Series Match

Team Bischoff vs. Team Austin

(Chris Jericho, Christian, Scott Steiner, Mark Henry & ? vs. Booker T, Rob Van Dam, The Dudley Boyz & ?)


SD Survivor Series Match

Team Angle vs. Team Lesnar

(Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, APA, Hardcore Holly vs. Brock Lesnar, The Big Show, John Cena (?) , Nathan Jones, Matt Morgan)


Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chavo Guerrero


WWE Woman's Title Match

Lita vs. Molly


*is seriously thinking about ripping up his SSeries ticket now...

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Guest Mulatto Heat
I thought Matt Morgan was ready to be called up and was really good for a big man?

Did JR tell you this? Good and ready like John Hossenfeffer? ( Andrew)


Those first two matches listed under Velocity are most probably dark matches. No way they'd put that on TV.


I KNEW that since they didn't remove Nathan Jones from the Smackdown opening that we'd be seeing him again. Christ. I'm flashing back to the "give Jones a chance" articles from last spring. They were funny.


APA and Hardcore Holly? God Angle you're a dumbass. (Yeah, I know it wasn't up to him, but still... talk about the Miracle Never-Weres Connection.)


Boy, that Angle feud did WONDERS for John Cena, didn't it? BTW, I went to the movies tonight and the guy that took my ticket was dressed as Cena (hat, chain, jersey, shorts, and a toy Smoking Skull Championship belt..? Didn't get that last one).


Overall, a very good show. Maybe Heyman is on the writing team again.


Except for the bad parts, of course. Even though Heyman introed Jones and Morgan, I'm POSITIVE he was hating every minute of it. :lol:

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I thought Matt Morgan was ready to be called up and was really good for a big man?

Did JR tell you this? Good and ready like John Hossenfeffer? (™ Andrew)

*bows* :D


By the way, WWE's done some retarded things before, but there is NO FUCKING JUSTIFICATION ON THIS PLANET for ever letting Nathan Jones step into the ring again.

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They are just fucking out of their mind now. You know they have enough good to decent workers to make a good 10-man Survivor Series match and they come up with just about the shittiest match-up possible. I'd die to have A-Train in there instead of Jones or Morgan at this point.


Of course the best shit on the show will probably be the Eddie segment and the advancement in the "Yakuza" stable storyline but both angles are buried in the lower card.

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So out of all the belts they have...The World Heavyweight Title and the Women's Title are the only titles that are going to be defended at the PPV?



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Guest Choken One
I thought Matt Morgan was ready to be called up and was really good for a big man?

Did JR tell you this? Good and ready like John Hossenfeffer? (™ Andrew)


Those first two matches listed under Velocity are most probably dark matches. No way they'd put that on TV.


I KNEW that since they didn't remove Nathan Jones from the Smackdown opening that we'd be seeing him again. Christ. I'm flashing back to the "give Jones a chance" articles from last spring. They were funny.


APA and Hardcore Holly? God Angle you're a dumbass. (Yeah, I know it wasn't up to him, but still... talk about the Miracle Never-Weres Connection.)


Boy, that Angle feud did WONDERS for John Cena, didn't it? BTW, I went to the movies tonight and the guy that took my ticket was dressed as Cena (hat, chain, jersey, shorts, and a toy Smoking Skull Championship belt..? Didn't get that last one).


Overall, a very good show. Maybe Heyman is on the writing team again.


Except for the bad parts, of course. Even though Heyman introed Jones and Morgan, I'm POSITIVE he was hating every minute of it. :lol:

You bet he was...He HATES not being able to have senseless never ending pointless run in heavy cards.

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Guest Choken One
So out of all the belts they have...The World Heavyweight Title and the Women's Title are the only titles that are going to be defended at the PPV?



They never defended the titles in the first place at Series anyways...


Vince: This is Old School

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I suppose, but Vince is so insane he'd put Jones and Morgan on the heel team at one of WWE's big 4 instead of Rhyno and A-Train?


*smashes head against the nearby wall


Does not compute!



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Guest Choken One

Rhyno? Why? He hasn't been used in weeks...


That Jones boy has POTENTIAL!

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Guest StevieNightHeat

How long before Nathan Jones fucks up the match and gets sent back to OVW again?

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Guest Mulatto Heat
You bet he was...He HATES not being able to have senseless never ending pointless run in heavy cards.

You forgot the beltshot finishes ad nauseum.


People conveniently forget how many times that finish was used for SD 6 matches.


How long before Nathan Jones fucks up the match and gets sent back to OVW again?


Not long enough, I can tell you that.


Seriously, I can't think of another SD wrestler I dislike more than him aside from Bradshaw.

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Morgan's a *lot* better than John Heindrich on Raw and light-years better than Nathan Jones.


He's still green though.


Like I said, great charisma, cuts a really good promo. Good power moves (if WWE lets him use all of them, a decent moveset).


We'll see what Eddy/Angle/Benoit can get out of him soon enough I would think.


Luckily he's the last serious "hoss" project WWE has in OVW. And he's the best of the lot.

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How long before Nathan Jones fucks up the match and gets sent back to OVW again?

Depends on whether or not they'll actually let him wrestle--excuse me, "wrestle," in the match.


I expect some humorous house show reports where Jones fucks up some basic human movements, gets tangled in the ropes, and injures Bob Holly again.


Jesus, that pile of shit makes Test look like Ric Flair circa 1990.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Bringing in Nathane Jones is justification enough not to watch Survivor Series. I'm sorry, I told myself I'd watch it, I've missed the past couple of PPVs, but I will not pay for shit like this. I mean, Nathane Fucking Jones?!


What do you see when you look in the mirror Vince?


Is it WCW?

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Reading the spoilers again I saw that they did an injury angle with Faarooq, so he will need a replacement. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was Cena since he beat up A-Train.


Angle, Benoit, Cena, Hardcore and Bradshaw vs. Brock,Big Show, A-Train. Jones and Morgan

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Guest Choken One

So they do the whole Angle is the leader but he can't trust Benoit for past history, Cena for last couple months, Holly because well ANGLE hurt Holly first (which wwe wont mention) and Bradshaw? I'm sure they can figure something out...


I guess Paranoid loner angle will be fun again

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Guest Choken One


Survivor Series



Dont get me started on Survivor Series 1999 all right.

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So so so so dumb. I wish Angle would use his backstage influence (if he has any) to keep the APA, Holly, Morgan, and Jones out of this match and out of this fed. So many wasted workers. It pains me so.


My uiltimate match for SS -

Angle,Benoit,Guerrero,Rey Rey,Ultimo vs



Raw -

Booker,RVD, Storm, Hurricane, Michaels vs.

Jericho,Christian, Kane, Orton, Flair


Hopefully all can be involved. Goddamn WWE, wasting two SS Matches on McMahons..

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Guest Fook
2) World's greatest tag team defeated FBI. Handicap match. Crowd was slow to pick up on this, but Benjamin Shelton hit some impressive moves to liven the crowd up. A great "where's my pizza" chant starts up


So TWGTT are faces now?


Why? Because they didn't send Heyman a get well card?



Well, at least it's more thought out than some of the other recent turns.

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SS Matches:



HHH vs Goldberg - Main Event

Shane vs Kane - WAHmbulance Match

Team Drunkards vs Team Uncle Eric

Evolution vs Jindrak/Cade/Maven??

Womens Title Match??



Taker vs Vince - Buried Alive: too bad its not for good

Team OVW vs Team 2 Smark Heroes

Tajiri vs Noble - Blindfold Match ??

Tag Title Match??


That should be about it

Edited by MarvinisaLunatic

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Guest Choken One
SS Matches:


HHH/Goldberg Main Event

Shane vs Kane - WAHmbulance Match

Team Drunkards vs Team Uncle Eric


Taker vs Vince - Buried Alive: too bad not for good Match

Team OVW vs Team Smark Heroes and the APA.

Tajiri vs Noble - Blindfold Match (just guessing..)

Holly is a Smark Hero?

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