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Guest CubbyBear

Dutch Mantell SUCKS

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Not sure if people have seen this, but wrestlingobserver.com has info on Sting's next appearance after the JJ match.


--Reports are that Sting is scheduled for the next two Wednesdays with TNA. Not only does he face Jeff Jarrett this coming week, but the tentative plan was for him to work a tag next week with A.J. Styles as his partner (to show Styles is a babyface) against Jarrett and someone.

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Guest TDinDC1112
I reckon that the Raven v Mitchell match will be heated, but will also be shit.

A heated shitty match is better and will draw more money than a greatly worked match with no heat.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

The whole angles been pretty over and at some point Raven had to get Mitchell in the ring.

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Guest TDinDC1112
Yeah it will, but you don't hoenstly think Raven vs. Sinister Minister will draw shit do you?

No, no one cares about it. So let them have their match and get Raven onto something else.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Like A CM Punk feud, because God Knows Raven aint getting near the main event


As for what Shooter Jay was saying, remember what happened the last time they had a tag match with AJ, Sting and JJJ


Bad things are happening kids

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Guest Goodear
Yeah it will, but you don't hoenstly think Raven vs. Sinister Minister will draw shit do you?

No, no one cares about it. So let them have their match and get Raven onto something else.

They should have had Raven win one of those 'If he beats [insert gothic wrestler here], he gets five minutes with Mitchell' deals. It makes for an obviously better contest and still blows off the angle as Raven beats the dirt out of Mitchell.

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Guest TDinDC1112

Can anyone else see this finally being the time when Punk turns on him? I would hope though that he wouldn't align with Mitchell because the character that Punk established in ROH and MLW that is so strong doesn't fit in to what Mitchell does. Plus, I don't think TNA would give him the mic time to get the gimmick over, so I've just talked myself into thinking that even if Punk does turn on Raven it won't be that good.

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Guest Goodear

Punk won't be effective against Raven at this point in time in TNA since they've done relatively little with him up to now. To someone who just watches TNA, Punk is just a lackey like Dinero. It would be like having Raven feud with David Young.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
.  Here's a little tip just for life in general:  Don't form opinions on something you don't hear or see - don't take other people's word as yours.  Use your own head to come up with something.

Here'e a little tip if you ever decide to get into journalism (Because, lest we forget, I'm a Journalist)


Respect other people's opinions, even if you don't like them. One day, you'll be interviewing someone who you dislike, but youll need to drag 500 words out of them. Also, most of the time, youll need them to come up with a story, so, your like....wrong, in that regard.


Also, as for the whole....not watching things,therefore i know jackshit.- None of us watch Smackdown, and yet we all know it sucks balls - how does that work



Oddly enough, I'm sure you're aware that WWE actually hit its all time high in 2000 when Russo was no longer around. It's not about highest rated segments and such - it's about drawing money. Russo had 3 years in WWE to get it done (and he did indeed get it done). You have given Dutch 2 weeks.


Oddly enough, the WWE hit its all time high when HHH was on top, now you people wish death upon him....how does that work

Alright, enough already. I've given you the benefit of the doubt about a million times over, and no more. You obviously are just trying to piss people off around here and it's seriously getting stupid. You should have your opinion, I'll give you that. But when your opinion turns into you arguing with all the members of TSM it's just FUCKING STUPID!!!! You obviously must know by now that Raven books all his own shit. If you are still bitter that Raven didn't win the NWA title, maybe you should hate him then. He is the one that didn't sign a contract before the show, so he didn't win the title. It's cut and dry. Do you think Raven is this upset about it? If you do you are showing that you know less and less about wrestling by the minute. I like Raven. I don't particularly like Jarrett. But for Christ's sake you said that JJ buried AJ in their title match, and it's clear that wasn't the case. From now on, if your gonna state your opinion then fine......otherwise, chill out.

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Guest TDinDC1112
Punk won't be effective against Raven at this point in time in TNA since they've done relatively little with him up to now. To someone who just watches TNA, Punk is just a lackey like Dinero. It would be like having Raven feud with David Young.

I have to agree with you somewhat. In TNA, Punk is nothing, you're right. I would have to say he's not even the equivalent of David Young. However, I'd have to say that the majority of people who watch TNA are very familliar with ROH's storylines. It is the same audience -- the internet. If you know about TNA, then you have to know about ROH as TNA isn't going out there and hooking any fans. People have to go looking for it.

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Guest TDinDC1112
Well, that was....unexpected

Mr. Oneill - I know this is a message board, but if you're striving to be a well respected journalist and that's how you plan on making your living in life, why don't you use proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure when you type?

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Because this is a messageboard, and if you think I'm working for five hours in a newspaper office doing all that crap, the coming home and doing it agin, your sadly mistaken

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If you dropped the "Raven's being buried" bullshit, I don't think half the people would have a problem with you.


Now, last night's show was terrible. Anybody that says otherwise is fooling themselves. Bad matches (when the best match involves a HOSS, you know something's wrong)*, boring angles, and nothing on the show was too great.


* = I'm not trying to take away from Abyss. I've liked everything I've seen from him so far in TNA. His gimmick is like a hybrid of 1998 Kane and 1996 Mankind, which are two of the best gimmicks to date in wrestling. Plus, for a big man, he can MOVE.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
If you dropped the "Raven's being buried" bullshit, I don't think half the people would have a problem with you.


Now, last night's show was terrible. Anybody that says otherwise is fooling themselves. Bad matches (when the best match involves a HOSS, you know something's wrong)*, boring angles, and nothing on the show was too great.


* = I'm not trying to take away from Abyss. I've liked everything I've seen from him so far in TNA. His gimmick is like a hybrid of 1998 Kane and 1996 Mankind, which are two of the best gimmicks to date in wrestling. Plus, for a big man, he can MOVE.

see, this is what I was talking about Punch......good job Laz.

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Guest Coffey
Because this is a messageboard, and if you think I'm working for five hours in a newspaper office doing all that crap, the coming home and doing it agin, your sadly mistaken[no period]

That was the worst sentence I have ever read. I know, personally, that it doesn't take any extra effort on my end to type correctly.


You're just a goon. You spell "you're," as in "you are," incorrectly every single time. That isn't laziness, it's you not knowing how to spell a common fucking word. You're not a journalist, you're a bullshitter. A shit-stirring bullshitter, and you should've been banned last time this shit hit the fan. Now you're making a habit of pissing people off, almost like you're doing it for fun.


There is a huge difference between typing errors, laziness & stupidity.


BPS should've banned you the first time, just like he should ban you now. Trolls deserve to be banned.


I like Raven too, however you need to get off his nuts.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
If you dropped the "Raven's being buried" bullshit, I don't think half the people would have a problem with you.

I've moved from thinking that Raven's being "buried" to Raven's being "completely and utterly undervalued, underused and wasted"

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Because this is a messageboard, and if you think I'm working for five hours in a newspaper office doing all that crap, the coming home and doing it agin, your sadly mistaken[no period]

That was the worst sentence I have ever read. I know, personally, that it doesn't take any extra effort on my end to type correctly.


You're just a goon. You spell "you're," as in "you are," incorrectly every single time. That isn't laziness, it's you not knowing how to spell a common fucking word. You're not a journalist, you're a bullshitter. A shit-stirring bullshitter, and you should've been banned last time this shit hit the fan. Now you're making a habit of pissing people off, almost like you're doing it for fun.


There is a huge difference between typing errors, laziness & stupidity.


BPS should've banned you the first time, just like he should ban you now. Trolls deserve to be banned.


I like Raven too, however you need to get off his nuts.

Jesus get over yourself, I'm lazy, big deal

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Guest Coffey

No, it's not just laziness. If it was just laziness, you wouldn't capitalize random words, you wouldn't capitalize at all.


You're a troll.


Ban please.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Because I dont use punctuation???


Get off your high horse and CHILL OUT

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Guest TDinDC1112
Because this is a messageboard, and if you think I'm working for five hours in a newspaper office doing all that crap, the coming home and doing it agin, your sadly mistaken[no period]

That was the worst sentence I have ever read. I know, personally, that it doesn't take any extra effort on my end to type correctly.


You're just a goon. You spell "you're," as in "you are," incorrectly every single time. That isn't laziness, it's you not knowing how to spell a common fucking word. You're not a journalist, you're a bullshitter. A shit-stirring bullshitter, and you should've been banned last time this shit hit the fan. Now you're making a habit of pissing people off, almost like you're doing it for fun.


There is a huge difference between typing errors, laziness & stupidity.


BPS should've banned you the first time, just like he should ban you now. Trolls deserve to be banned.


I like Raven too, however you need to get off his nuts.

This is my all time favorite post. I couldn't have said it any better. Any intelligent person can see right through you. A journalist wouldn't have to "try" or "go out of their way" to use propper spelling and grammar. It would be their normal way of communicating. Your constant incorrect usage of the "your" and "you're" issue is the ultimate sign that you are not an intelligent person. It's like the word "aint." I've never used it in my life. It's just not part of my vocabulary. It's also the same way when a person uses "to, too, or two," or "their or there," or "you're and your." You either do it correctly or you don't, and if you're a journalist, then it's crazy that you don't do this on a regular basis. It would be like if this was a math board and I got everything wrong. That should be the sign to people - hey, this guy isn't an engineer. The fact that you have a hard time putting together a well put together post is a very big sign.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

So, first, you want to ban me because I dont like Sonjay Dutt


Then, because I like Batista


Now, because of my spelling.


You dont know how much I sit here laughing at your anal-reteniveness

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Two words that are not on this board



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No one wants you banned for not liking Sonjay and liking Batista.


Constantly saying you're a journalist impresses no one Dave. It doesn't make people think your point is anymore valid or that they should listen to you.


I'm a journalist as well- but that doesn't mean I'm smarter then everyone or my point is more valid.


Shut up about being a journalist and shut up about Raven- no one really cares.

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Two words that are not on this board



If you're the journalist, why don't you spell check the words yourself. Since you are a journalist and all.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
No one wants you banned for not liking Sonjay and liking Batista.

Last week there was uproar when i said i disliked Sonjay Dutt as a wrestler.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Nope, but I've seen his FWA stuff, and frankly, I dont like it

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