haVoc 0 Report post Posted October 31, 2003 We join Josh Matthews and Dr. Tom for another edition of the WWE’s highest rated show. Josh starts by wondering whether ESPN’s new show “Cold Pizza” stole its name from Josh, as he eats pizza on the Byte This show… Dr. Tom thinks not. Joined by Batista, who Dr. Tom says has made a huge impact in the WWE since his return. His success is credited to Evolution and was worried after his injury that the stable would grow without him, and was grateful to be reinserted into the mix. Concerning his injury, Batista says a lot of people didn’t realise that he reinjured his injury, which then became infected. This was why he was out for so long – as well as the rehab period in OVW. Dr. Tom and Batista agree that Evolution is a stable which you couldn’t just put anyone in – and that you would have to be as ‘dumb as a nail’ to not learn from the group. Out of the OVW guys Batista thinks Severn and Travis Thompson are ready for the big time – although he thinks they’re already heading to WWE. Also name checks Matt Morgan and the Tough Enough guys. According to Dr. Tom, you could see that Batista didn’t have the confidence when he first started working the dark matches. Batista credits his time with Fit Finlay as the turning point, and says he learnt more in one day with Finlay than two years with OVW. On whether he has his sights set on the WWE Championship, Batista says he’s just taking it one step at a time but is working towards being a major part of the next WrestleMania. On his training with last show’s guest Afa of the Wild Samoans, there isn’t a better place to start out – especially for big men. OVW had a completely different regimen though; Batista says there was nothing easy about that. Dr. Tom makes the distinction between the previous and the new modern facilities – as the old one was the pits, a sauna in the summer and an icebox in the winter. Although he was moulded into Leviathan in OVW, Dr. Tom says he has been given the ball as Batista in WWE, and now it will be seen whether he can run with it. Batista appreciates it and is busting his ass. As for an arm wrestling contest with Brock Lesnar, Batista believes Brock would rip his arm out of his socket. Beth, who reckons she could beat Batista, asks if he will have a pay-per-view match with Goldberg after their altercations. Batista doesn’t know, but says the fans want it, and they generally get what they want. His best part of his return to RAW was standing up on the ramp with the other members of Evolution. He hopes he did a good job on the mic, and reveals that both in WWE and OVW, he has never said more than a few words ‘on the stick’. We have a surprise caller in the form of Ray ‘The Big Boss Man’ Traylor, who pimps his running for the office of Commissioner in his home county. He has also raised money for a local playground, a project which received help from many other superstars; and held 9/11 vigils. He remembers Hawk and one occasion where Hawk lent him $2000 to live on until he got his next pay check. On whether he will come back to the WWE – he’s not sure, but is not physically able to perform. Tazz joins the broadcast and it is revealed that he spent the night in jail after shouting at a sleeping policeman and also that he is a vigilante by night! Although he doesn’t wear a mask, we can sleep safe at night knowing he wears women’s underwear. Tazz, Dr. Tom and Josh then enter a discussion about the Top 20 list in WWE Magazine. Tazz says that those in the list are fronts, and that the real power lies with himself and Linda McMahon. In fact, he is in the new WWE headquarters right now – Titan Tazz Tower (somewhere in the New England Region). Tazz’ thoughts on Heyman? That he can’t get rid of him. Tazz goes to WWE and Heyman follows him. He joins the Alliance and Heyman’s there as well. And now he is the General Manager of Smackdown. Tazz wonders why Heyman can’t be GM of RAW. Exciting news as Josh has a new commentating partner on Velocity! More news as Tazz runs a book club with Stone Cold – complete with Hot Chocolate!!! Josh believes Heyman has turned Smackdown upside down. Dr. Tom agrees, and says all Heyman thinks about is getting even and making people’s lives miserable. Joined by RVD, who has been the buzz of the Internet (Buzz On Pro Wrestling?) recently with his candid, no punches pulled interviewee style. RVD was surprised when he found he was causing controversy. On his Intercontinental Title win, he doesn’t know how many times he’s held it, but is glad he doesn’t have to participate in any silly story lines. With regards to the big contract signing, he hasn’t yet signed anything, but has started discussions, and has set a date for ‘the big discussion’. His contract doesn’t expire for quite a while, a lot later than has been reported – and he has no reason not to be optimistic. Dr. Tom says RVD was quite vocal about being kept off the WrestleMania 19 card and asks him for his thoughts on XX. RVD just hopes he’s booked as it is the biggest show, and enjoys working at Madison Square Garden. He says he has secured his spot at Survivor Series, which would kind of counter balance if he wasn’t on the XX card. RVD hopes everything goes well and re-signs. Although since he originally signed with WCW (which was handed over to the WWE) he has not been so happy, and hasn’t felt he has reached the top. He’s only expressed his views when he thought it necessary and won’t sign exactly the same deal as before. Subject switches to the fires in California. He’s been affected, as his car gets covered with ashes and there’s smoke in the air, but there’s no danger as the fires are 70 miles away. RVD says his comic book store is doing well. He’s having fun with it and its growing. He has had a superstar in every month and is looking for one for November now. The subject of Paul Heyman pops up again, and RVD is glad he’s back (as long as he wants to be back) as he has always admired his ideas and booking skills. If Heyman has the power to make a difference, it’s a good thing. On the differences between WWE and ECW, RVD says its yin and yang. ECW was always meant to be an alternative, underground rebels aimed at a different audience. WWE is always in the limelight and is a global product. Also, not every WWE wrestler could fit in the ECW environment and vice-versa. Tom from Philadelphia asks, as Matt has been off Smackdown for a couple of weeks, is he being traded for RVD. Rob hasn’t heard anything about it and would prefer to stay at RAW as he stands out more. Dr. Tom and RVD discuss the Road Warriors. Rob says he didn’t really get to work with them except for their tag match, which was the Road Warriors’ last televised match. RVD says that Hawk lived up to his reputation. He straightened himself up but, like the majority of wrestlers, died at a young age. George the caller wants to know if, since RVD is the IC Champion, whether he will go for the World Title next. Rob says that all the fans ask him this, and probably see the top belt as the only legitimate one. He says if he doesn’t ever get the belt and he knows that he was the best IC Champion ever, then it won’t be so bad. The fans know what to expect when they see a Rob Van Dam match and they would be happy to see him as the Champion. In ECW he could always back up the claim that he put on the best matches, but then he didn’t have the time constraints and other perimeters. He’s also feeling the bumps now; he’s 32 and doesn’t feel the same as he was at 20. Caller Mike wants to know what his favourite matches were in ECW. Rob puts over Jerry Lynn, who he had some of his best matches with; and also mentions Sabu, the Dudleys and Bam Bam. Closing request to check out www.5starcomics.com. Next week is a neck Surgery Show (seriously) and the confirmed guests are Edge and Scotty 2 Hotty! Credit: 411mania I didn't know RVD came to the WWE because he had a contract with WCW? Or was he kayfabing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndrewTS 0 Report post Posted October 31, 2003 Beth, who reckons she could beat Batista, asks if he will have a pay-per-view match with Goldberg after their altercations. Batista doesn’t know, but says the fans want it, and they generally get what they want. ...huh? I guess the voices in Vince's head = fans to him. We have a surprise caller in the form of Ray ‘The Big Boss Man’ Traylor, who pimps his running for the office of Commissioner in his home county. He has also raised money for a local playground, a project which received help from many other superstars; and held 9/11 vigils. WHOOO! Vote Boss Man!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted October 31, 2003 RVD did sign with WCW after WWE first bought it. This was when WWE was planning to keep WCW as a separate promotion. Needless to say, it didn't happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jester 0 Report post Posted October 31, 2003 We need to ressurrect the 101 Reasons Bossman is better than Goldberg thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JN News 0 Report post Posted October 31, 2003 "That referee right there wasn't even supposed to be in the riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!" God, I loved that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites