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Will be getting a PC in the future...

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Well, possibly next year, I will be getting a new PC. My friend tells me he got a sweet deal from the Dell website. Many other people are telling me the same thing, go with Dell. I go to the site, and the prices are mad cheap, 499....500 bucks. I noticed right away that it only has the towers, no keyboard, no mouse, no monitor, no printer.


Now, what I was thinking is this. Ok, you buy just the tower. I take the Compaq monitor I have, which should be Plug and Play, take the keyboards and mice, and the printer, and form the new PC like that. Can you do that?


I have NO MONEY to build a PC for myself. I just started taking A+ Certification classes yesterday, but I won't be learning how to build a PC for a while.

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Guest KJ Brackish

Sounds bout right. You're doing a good thing by taking the A+ Exam......it'll all the worth it in the end. The class might be boring....but imagine the possibilities.



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Stay away from Dell. Cheap prices, yes, but the crap service they give more than makes up for that.


In a perfect world, I'd tell you to buy Apple, but some people just don't want Macs. If you can vuild your own PC, you're spending time rather than money, which is always good.

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I want to get my A+ sometime soon, but I'm going to wait until the new objectives are in full effect (I think they are now) and Michael Meyers releases his new All In One Guide.


Back on topic...Yeah, that would work, but I personally would stay away from Dell. They're getting into the proprietary parts game being played by HP/Compaq and Gateway, among others.

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