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Guest wildpegasus

Steroid news

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Guest BDC

What about the idea that they had been used in the past but not anytime recently? That's what I'd ascribe to Benoit and a few others.

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Guest wildpegasus
What about the idea that they had been used in the past but not anytime recently? That's what I'd ascribe to Benoit and a few others.

You lose the muscle once you come off the steroids so I say they might cycle them. Steroids provide your body with extra testesterone so after a while your body decides that it doesn't need to produce as much of the big T. Testesterone is a crucial element in building muscle so of course this isn't good. To keep the muscle you gained during roid season while you're off you take growth hormone. This'll help you from losing the muscle you normally would while you're off the roids and will help your body maintain its natural testesterone count because you're not supplying it with extra testesterone anymore.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Eddie and Benoit are both suspect too. I even heard a rumor that that "Big Poppa Pump" guy might have taken a steroid or two back in the day.........

Don't you mean two in the back today?

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As if the steroid thing isn't bad enough. I was watching the morning news and they said some stores around the country are banning "Stackers" because the body supliment (sp?) has been linked to some heart attacks and other health problems.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Imagine, half of Brock's SS team has to miss the PPV.


Oh, the possibilities of this.

The Smackdown main event will be Bradshaw vs. the Big Show is a 5 out of 9 falls match up!

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