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Question about the "high-flying" style

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What's the difference between a spotfest, a high-flyer, and a luchador? Just wondering, because don't all 3 of them fly, except their styles are a little different?

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A spotfest is a type of match, not a type of wrestler; it's when the participants in a match just do highspot after highspot without much actual wrestling in between, sacrificing the storytelling in order to do crazy stunts.


A high-flyer is a wrestler who tends to jump from high surfaces onto low surfaces, usually with his opponent in between, and does it a whole lot.


A luchadore is any Mexican wrestler, who usually start out their careers wearing a mask, and wrestle using slightly different rules and styles than standard American wrestling.

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Spotty wrestler - Copious amounts of high spots and flipiddy-dos, with nothing in the way of psychology, transition or basics in-between. Lack of selling at most points. Unrealistic, in that these moves being performed should be finishing you off in normal cases, but they don't... And these seemingly finisher-level moves are being hit multiple times per. Not to mention a lot of the moves, you really have to suspend belief, more than you normally would anyway. All flash and show without substance. Ex: Red.


High-Flyer - One who does the above, but knows how to make their high points worth more by adding in stuff with an actual point, like your basic psychology. Ex: Mysterio, when allowed to.


Lucha - To be honest, I consider this wrestler just the same as a 'high-flyer,' except more region specific. Comparable balances of substance and flying, so that the latter means much more.

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Eddy Guerrero is of the non spotfest variety of Luchadore, the Rudo.


Rey would be the Technico high flyer type.


Spotfest type of Luchadore would be someone like Hijo de Lizmark or Rayman/Hombre sin Nobre.


Havana Pitbulls or SAT would be the best example of a Trio Technico Luchadore team while Guerreros de Inferino would be the Rudo team. Triple tag team spots rule all.

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Guest JacK

Don't bag spotfests, there's nothing wrong with them. High Flying Rules, along with all that jazz.


Those are some odd (and varied) definitions though.

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Guest Goodear

Some spotfests can be okay. But when you're breaking out Tiger Drivers and burning hammers for transition spots... its sure not a good thing for the sport or the entertainment aspect of a company.

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Guest JacK

Yes . . . I HATE people using other peoples finishing moves as normal or transition, or even 2 counts moves (but that's not as bad). If their in another company, however . . . it's not so bad, as long as the move doesn't look more badass than their finisher.


Edit: Finishing Spot MUST be > All other spots

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Spotfest = Jeff Hardy

High Flyer = RVD

Is there really a difference there?

RVD is more entertaining. When Jeff became a solo wrestler he became boring.

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He's talking ring-style. In which case, the only difference is that RVD, 90% of the time, doesn't botch everything, and has only had one big injury in his entire 10+ year career.


I'm not bagging spotfests. I loved the SAT/Red/Divine Storm vs. Special K Scramble from RoH Scramble Madness (although that was mainly because Joel decided to just be a powerhouse motherfucker, and Special K rules), as well as many RVD and Hayabusa matches. But the SATs, on average, suck.

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Guest trickstyle_360

The Maximos have regressed a lot since their work in 2001 in CZW when they had that great 6 man tag match at Take 1 with Red, Brian XL and Divine Storm which was absolutely the best sprint I saw since the Kaientai vs Sekigun stuff from M-Pro. The problem is that the Maximos are unmotivated, they're constantly asked to work the same match by every indy they're booked on. They can be very good when motivated or work guys they haven't work A THOUSAND TIMES(e.g. Red, Brian XL, the Doghouse guys). Watch the 4 way they had in APW LA, that's proof of how good they can be when they are motivated.

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Guest deadbeater

Being a luchador involves a lot more than flying all over the place. Lita for exmple finally figured it out.

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Guest deadbeater

Well those departments are taken by Molly and Trish respectively. Lita is getting better countering holds and moves. Divas have to perform differently for variety.

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