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Lil' Bitch

Dad arrested over trick-or-treat rage

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ANN ARBOR, Mich., Nov. 3A 43-year-old Michigan man was arrested Halloween night after he allegedly damaged a woman’s house because he thought she denied candy to his son. Ann Arbor police are calling it a case of trick-or-treat rage.


POLICE SAID the man was taking his son trick-or-treating Friday when the boy returned crying, saying a woman didn’t give him any candy. The man then confronted the woman, who said she had given the boy candy, police said.


The father and son, who is believed to be about 5-years-old, left but returned a few minutes later.


But before he allegedly damaged the house, the man gave the woman a piece of paper with his address on it and said, “Call the police,” the Ann Arbor News reported Sunday.


He then tossed a small pumpkin through a window, threw another pumpkin at the front door and smashed a bird feeder standing in the front yard, the newspaper reported.


The father stopped the attack and left the property after a neighbor saw the commotion and yelled at him to stop, the Ann Arbor News reported.


Police found the man and his son at their home, the newspaper said. The father was arrested on charges of malicious destruction of property.


Cred: MSN.com

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I just heard about this on the radio. He could've completely gotten away with it, but decided to get busted like a dumbshit.

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yeah, me and this girl went to a house and rung the doorbell, but they wouldn't give us any candy. So as we left, I shook my fist and said 'You've not heard the last of ME!!!', and when we passed the house again on our way back, I yelled 'I told you you haven't heard the last of ME!!!'


good times

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Guest subliminal_animal

Intentionally and through someone's window?


Yeah, you do.


That or whatever other reasonable action the law decides to take against you.






EDIT: Actually, now's probably not the appropriate time to bring up all that nasty business.

Edited by subliminal_animal

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Trick-or-Treat rage?


Hope his next costume is bright orange...

Because if you throw a pumpkin, you deserve to get arrested, right?

If it's my pumpkin, you better believe it.


You would also deserve cancer, but that's because my pumpkin's have cool carvings on them...

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
The fact that he went apeshit over his son allegedly being denied of a fun-sized Snickers bar speaks volumes on this guy's mental state.



And on this thread topic....what kind of fucking idiot is this guy?


He's Homer Simpson!



HomeR: Come on give us some candy! We know your home! (eggs house)


Lisa: Dad, thats our house.


(Crowd laughs)


Homer: ..........shes a witch!

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