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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

So I watched Velocity last night and I saw Spanky & London fight Mortis and Moore. Let me say that these guys are funkin' awesome. They deserve all of the praise in the world, and I could possibly see HUGE things for them in the future. Bigger than the Rockers? If given the right push, these guys could be huge.


Thats all.



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So I watched Velocity last night and I saw Spanky & London fight Mortis and Moore. Let me say that these guys are funkin' awesome. They deserve all of the praise in the world, and I could possibly see HUGE things for them in the future. Bigger than the Rockers? If given the right push, these guys could be huge.


Thats all.



<chants> "One of us! One of us!"

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Smackdown tag team division looks interesting with all of the possible match ups. I think they need to somehow group them together for a Survivor Series style match, then build the next few weeks off of it.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

That match was easily better than the two prevoius ones. The London hot tag segment was most probably the best one I've seen from anyone in the recent past.

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