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One and Only TNA 11/12/03 Thread

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I actually found the show to be boring. I don't know, I think I wasn't in the right mood to watch wrestling last night. I found the main event to be interesting enough, but Luger needs to go. The fact that Styles and Raven are so over continues to make me happy.


Was it just me or did the crowd not give two shits about anything last night?

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Guest TDinDC1112
Was it just me or did the crowd not give two shits about anything last night?

That's what happens when you get in for free.

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- Low Ki/Daniels was awesome. *** in my books. Daniels ducking the Shining Wizard, only for Low Ki to turn it into a Cross Armbreaker (if I remember correctly) was amazing. The crowd was dead though.


- I liked how they built AJ up the whole show as being able to stand on his own on "that level". Him taking out Abyss, and having all the heels mock him while Sting and the announcers put over the fact that he can do it was fantastic. It really made me want to see AJ pin Jarrett or Luger clean. Even if Luger no sold all of AJ's offense, if AJ got the clean pin, it would have been all worth it. But they ruined it with the finish. What's the point of having AJ pinning Luger with a fluke roll up after Sting hits Luger 2-3 times with a baseball bat? AND WHY DID THEY HAVE TO HAVE ABYSS RUN IN AND BEATDOWN STYLES? Why can't AJ go over clean, and end the show with Sting and AJ celebrating?


- Abyss/Don Harris was a fun brawl.


- I missed most of the SandmanRaven/RSS tag, but I liked the way they are turning Punk and Julio. I say turn Punk heel, keep Julio face so they have someone Punk can go over that is close to Raven.

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Guest MikeSC
So you actually SAW the show?


The main event put Styles over, since all the announcers did was keep hammering home the fact that Styles belonged in there with Jarrett, Sting, and Luger.


Well, as somebody who DID see the show, your impression of the match is downright absurd.


The announcers may have played up that Styles can hang with Luger --- but IN THE RING, he could do NOTHING. He couldn't do a thing to the guy. It was tragic.


JR could have said that Jeff Hardy was in HHH's league when he lost the I-C Title back to him --- the MATCH, though, spoke otherwise.


Hell, Sting got on his KNEES, and pointed to Styles, and took the mic, and said that Jarrett and Luger WEREN'T in Styles' league...implying that Styles was BETTER than they were.


Again, doesn't matter when AJ gets his BUTT handed to him for about the entire match.


Hart and Sting did nothing but give Styles the rub this week...of course you needed to actually SEE the show to know that.


Luger MANHANDLING him, though, kinda overrode that.


Plus once again, Raven was ALL OVER the show, including a build to another match with him and Jarrett, when he got the pop of the night for calling out Jarrett and got a HUGE "Raven" chant going.


It's SO obvious those two are heading for another match...of course, you'd KNOW that if you SAW THE SHOW.


Raven did less than nothing last night. A horrid tag match and some blah backstage "action".


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Guest Markingout

Hell, Sting got on his KNEES, and pointed to Styles, and took the mic, and said that Jarrett and Luger WEREN'T in Styles' league...implying that Styles was BETTER than they were.



Again, doesn't matter when AJ gets his BUTT handed to him for about the entire match.


Well, they were telling a story in that match. That story was that AJ could or couldnt hang with the heavyweights. When he got the pinned it proved he could outsmart them with Sting, and the announcers pimped it. Then the whole thing with Abyss at the end decreased that too make the fans think he is not ready. But, what it does is when AJ gets the clean pin over Abyss it makes that win look so much better. I thought he was a good story and pretty cool booking. The only thing I didnt like was Lugers constant no sells of AJ moves. That didnt make AJs move look good. Thats not AJs,the announcers,Mantells, or anyone else but Luger fault. DAMN YOU LUGER!

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Guest TDinDC1112

Yes, AJ outsmarted the "heavyweights" by allowing himself to be put in the torture rack because he knew that would leave Luger open to baseball bat shots by Sting, then allowing AJ to get the pin. Brilliant thinking on AJ's part.

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Guest MikeSC
Well, they were telling a story in that match.


The story of vastly over-the-hill never-was just beating the beejeezus out of young, rather talented in the ring recent former World Champ.


That story was that AJ could or couldnt hang with the heavyweights


After the match, the obvious answer was no.


When he got the pinned it proved he could outsmart them with Sting, and the announcers pimped it.


AJ: Hmm, what would work well against Luger? How about I proceed to get my BUTT handed to me for the entire match and not get a single move of actual offense in. THEN, when I have him tired from just pounding on me and he slaps on his finisher, I have MY over-the-hill overrated partner hit him with a baseball bat three times to give me the fluke win.


Jesus, are we discussing AJ Styles or Dr. Evil here?


Then the whole thing with Abyss at the end decreased that too make the fans think he is not ready. But, what it does is when AJ gets the clean pin over Abyss it makes that win look so much better.


Could've given him a clean pin over Luger, with some offense, and THEN have Abyss attack.


But, hey, what do I know? I'm not a guy who still can't sell out the same arena I always run in for PPV.


I thought he was a good story and pretty cool booking. The only thing I didnt like was Lugers constant no sells of AJ moves. That didnt make AJs move look good. Thats not AJs,the announcers,Mantells, or anyone else but Luger fault. DAMN YOU LUGER!


Luger sells terribly --- but I will be amazed if it was HIS idea to do that.


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That main event was an all-around disaster. I think that point has been pretty much proven. I honestly hope I never have to see Lex Luger in a wrestling ring again.

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Is there a universal no-DQ rule in effect? In the last two shows I've seen, I could probably count 10 easy DQ calls. I don't know if they're trying to make the referees look stupid (even by ref standards), but at least WWE puts some effort in with lame distractions. When the ref is standing in the corner, watching Sting lay the bat into Luger time after time, it makes me wonder if they care about what they're doing.

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Guest MikeSC
Is there a universal no-DQ rule in effect? In the last two shows I've seen, I could probably count 10 easy DQ calls. I don't know if they're trying to make the referees look stupid (even by ref standards), but at least WWE puts some effort in with lame distractions. When the ref is standing in the corner, watching Sting lay the bat into Luger time after time, it makes me wonder if they care about what they're doing.

The ref bumps in TNA are horrid.

Either stop doing them --- or learn to do them properly.


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Well here it is, three days later and I just watched the show. I downloaded it, because as I've said time and time again, It's not offered on the satalite service that we have here. I finally found a website where I can download the show every week, and I will start doing just that. I'm glad, GLAD that I can download them though...


...because this show that I just watched, was simply bad to painfully average. I wouldn't pay $3 to watch that, much less $10. Here are my thoughts...


1) First off, I don't know if it's like this all of the time, but this TNA product just seems so forced. I can't really explain the feel I get from it. Everyone I see just, I dunno, it just feels odd. From how most of the people cut a promo to the almost total lack of fan reaction. I mean, When you have a face getting beat down, and another face comes in to make the save and you get NO reaction, something is wrong. I've only seen COMPLETE shows, but that's the feel I've got from both of them.


2) I loved the Battle Royal Gantlent, but then again, I've always been a sucker for battle royals, I love the idea of when it gets down to just two guys, it basicly just becomes a one on one match.


3) I know everyone else hates Tripple X, but I fucking mark out like a bitch for his Package Piledriver, that move owns. I have no idea why he's in the X division though. Do they not have some sort of guide to go by, height/weight, on who can be in the division?


4) Daniels/Ki just seemed very blah to me also, but then again, it just might have been mainly because of how small the fan reaction was for the match. It also seemed rather...slow, just didn't seem very well put together.


5) I love the Raven storyline.


6) Sonjay/Collyer was pretty good, but it also seemed so slow and not very well put together.


7) I like the idea of The Interrogators, but it's fucking stupid the way that it's set up. It just feels so forced, so bush league to me the way I saw it presented.


8) Abyss/Harris was actually pretty good in my eyes, I was surprised that I liked it so much. Still, the fans weren't really into it, and it hurt the match to me. I do love Abyss's finisher, especially when he does it to a smaller guy like AJ, as he did at the end of the show. Of course, he did a pretty damn good one to Harris.


9) The Raven and Sandman/Red Shirt match was ok. I loved Raven's tripple kicks in the corner. Has he ever done that before anywhere else other than in TNA? I don't recall seeing him do it before. I actually thought that Sandman looked pretty good in there also. Once again, the fans helped hurt this match.


10) I hate, HATE Eric Watts on the mic, I just can't stand it, like other aspects of the show, it just feels so forced. He also did one of the worst chairshots that I've ever seen to one of those Red Shirt guys.


11) Ok, the main event. I'll start off by saying that Luger was pure, 100%, grade A, horse shit in the ring. I mean, his performance on this show is quite possibly the worst that I've ever seen from him in my life, and I've seen ALL of his work, aside from what he did overseas in the past two years or so. I want to like him, I want him to at least be PASSABLE, but he was a joke tonight, and it pains me to say that, it really does. Even in his eyes, he just looks lost, you can tell the man has been through hell and back since the close of WCW. I mean, not to sound totally morbid, but he just looks like he doesn't want to even be alive to me, he looks so lost.


The match though, it was ok aside from Luger's "performance", but then again, that was the majority of the match. Sting looked fine, Jarrett looked fine, and AJ bumped ok. Of course, that's just about all he did...bump.


From a guy who has only seen two complete TNA shows, as a guy who isn't familier with the product all that much, I must say something that I know many of you will not want to hear. To me, it didn't look like AJ belonged in there in the ring with the three other guys, he just didn't. The way they presented him, and what he did in the ring, he looked like a joke to me. Had I never seen any of his work, I'd say he was a pile of shit (I know better, don't jump on me). He just looked like a boy in the ring, with a bunch of veterns of the industry. Not to mention that at the begining of the match, EVERYONE talked, everyone said something on the mic...except for AJ. I thought it was funny as hell how they kept trying to VERBALLY build up AJ, like I should care about him at all. It was even funnier how they kept trying to make ME believe that Sting/AJ was a dream team.


Dream team? More like the mismatched team of ever.


The point, is that they way the presented AJ was pure shitty, and they will never get anywhere if they present him like that, when in there with the other larger and more familier names.


The ending of the match was totally insane also, I'd be hardpressed to find such horrible booking even in WWE. Here we have AJ in the Torture Rack, and Sting climbs into the ring, nails Luger with the bat not onece, not twice, but THREE TIMES, and all the while the ref sees what's going on PERFECTLY, yet makes the pinfall after all of that? I mean...that's one of the most foolish things I've ever seen in my entire life. It isn't like they even TRIED to make it look like the ref didn't see it either, as each time Sting would hit Luger, the ref would jump back acknowledging what was going on. There is no excuse for that, not ONE.


...the main thing I saw all night was the lack of the fans responding when they SHOULD be responding. That, and the entire show overall just seems so forced, so artificial, so...subpar.


Is this because they only have one show a week (that is right isn't it?), or what am I missing? Was this just a bad night for both the fans and the talent? I've seen random matches that I've downloaded, and on tapes that I have, and I don't know if I've ever seen the crowd less into a show than this one. It just feels odd when certain things happen, and the fans don't care. Also, why do I get the feel that the show was so forced...by virtually everyone? Can anyone even explain why that may be to me?


Anyway, there you go. A few random thoughts, from a brand spanking new TNA viewer. The show did nothing, not a single thing, to even get me to THINK about ordering the show the following week if I could. Let's just hope that they didn't have too many NEW buys this week, as I don't see what was on the show, that could get anyone to want to pay, PAY, $10 to watch the next one.


I'll watch them as long as I can download it, and I'll post my thoughts on each show. I just hope this week was an unusually bad show, and something tells me that's exactly what it was, unusually bad.

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They should do a better job to mic the crowds better. Sometimes I hear that the crowd really is hot, but on tv, it's just quiet. For some reason, if the crowd is noisy, I'll enjoy the match more. Unless it involves a Harris Brother.

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Guest TDinDC1112

I thought the crowd this week KILLED the show. There was no reaction to anything at all.

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Guest Coffey
- Low Ki/Daniels was awesome. *** in my books.

So, you say it was "awesome" and the proceed to only give it...blown.gif

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