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Fox News attempts to stage a Senate get-together

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Photo Op Becomes an Oops


By Al Kamen

Friday, November 14, 2003; Page A27


Senate Democrats have been hooting over an errant e-mail from Manuel Miranda, an aide to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), that was sent to all top Republican staff members.


Seems Miranda got a note from one "EK" -- Elizabeth Keys, senior communications adviser for the Senate Republican Conference -- talking about coverage of the Republican protest over Democrats' filibustering GOP judicial nominees. He forwarded her e-mail with a one-line note to other GOP staff members to get their bosses to Frist's offices on time.


From: Miranda, Manuel (Frist) Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 2:55 PM Subject: FW: Exact March In Time Importance: High IT IS IMPORTANT TO DOUBLE EFFORTS TO GET YOUR BOSS TO S 230 on TIME.....


FOX News Channel is really excited about this marathon and Brit Humeat 6 would love to open with all our 51 Senators walking onto the Floor -- the producer wants to know will we walk in exactly at 6:02 when the show starts so they get it live to open Brit Hume's show? or if not, can we give them an exact time for the walk-in start? -- EK


In the end, the group "walk-in" didn't happen in time for that show. Fox reporter Brian Wilson covered the story, with footage of cots being delivered for members to sleep on and all that, but no joint processional.


Fox News executive Brian Lewis said the e-mail note is not accurate: "That was the work of an overzealous press secretary."


"I said 'excited,' and that was a poor choice of words," Keys told our colleague Anne Schroeder. "Occasionally, everybody uses the wrong word." It was an internal memo to five people, she noted.


Of course, then there's the question of how Miranda's e-mail made its way to the Democrats.

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Guest Cerebus

Oh my goodness this less than reputable tv news channel continues to do laugh out loud funny stuff in the year 2003!

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Guest MikeSC
At least Uncle Ted didn't say they were overrated...

We'll know the Democrats are SERIOUS about defeating these nominees if they have Kennedy offer to give Brown a ride home.


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