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Guest RVDmark

Indy wrestlers

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Guest RVDmark

What is your opinion of some of these indy wrestlers that I have heard a lot about?


Stone Mountain

Chris Hero

Brock Singleton


I think that Mountain would be a good fit in TNA to feud with Abyss. Also, I'd like to see Malice return...

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Stone Mountain used to be very good. I remember hearing about him in the WOW Magazine monthly profile and checked some of his owrk out and was impressed, but the indy scene has gotten so much better since then, so he's like subpar now, IMO.


Hero = your God and mine. They've brought him in twice for dark matches, but they should bring him in full-time. Imagine a match vs. Lynn, Punk, Daniels, Dutt, etc.


Brock Singleton - I've heard've him, but I haven't seen his work.

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Brock Singleton

Vince at Stamford Headquarters:"Hey, let's pick up this Brock Singleton guy and rename him to 'Bob Singleton' since we already have a Brock in WWE!"

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

Brock Singleton is a very average big man. Make's Billy Kidman look exciting


If anything these are the guys TNA should pick up, and for cheap


Chad and Dino= Good workers, but they have a great gimmick and personality. They'd get over like hot cakes in the asylum. mm....hotcakes.


Joey Matthews= Again, has a great mix of workrate and personality. He should be Shane's place.


2 Dope= Good middle weight wrestlers, can mix it up with the cruisers and the heavys. Plus, his badass black guy with a heart of gold gimmick would get over.


Jimmy Rave= Most underused wretsler in the world, I swear.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Joey Matthews= Again, has a great mix of workrate and personality. He should be Shane's place.

Uh....you do know that he got a WWE Developmental deal, doncha?

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Guest bort

Joey matthews got a deal?? i know he worked on heat and was travling with matt hardy and heard he was working in OVW but i just figured that he was just trying to stay close to Alexis

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According to either Figure 4 or The Torch, Matthews did not get a deal. He's working there on his own, most likely due to his g/f Alexis being there.


Also, Chad and Dino's gimmick is just a ripoff of Jay and Silent Bob, ain't it?

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

Yeah, it's a rip off, but it's a damn good rip off. You let Dino do his crazy ass, silent man plancha, and the crowd will be happy.

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