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Guest humongous2002

Who needs goldberg?

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Guest dreamer420
if you don't care about backstage stuff then why are you here? (just wondering)

Maybe because the guy is a wrestling fan and doesn't need to bitch about every little thing that bugs him in the WWF.

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Guest WWF4Life

It's probably been said before, but if Goldberg wasn't squashing people in 2 minutes, then he was being carried in his matches. No offence, but anyone could look good under those circumstances. Yeah, he had the look, and he had the intensity, but he was rushed through the Power Plant and put straight on TV. He drew for a year! A year! Remember when his return was hyped a few years ago with his feud with Tank Abbott? That didn't help WCW, neither did his heel turn. Hell, when he was World champion, he wasn't regularly in the main event, he was lower on the card. IMO, the WWF doesn't need another talentless guy who's drawing power has been tainted by mismanagement.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I wish you guys would get acquainted with the quote button and how to use it when you make your long ass posts.

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Guest notJames

Goldberg gets out of his TimeWarner contract in 2003. He'll be about 36 years old, completely out of ring shape, extremely jaded about working for Vince McMahon, and hungry for money.


Is this has-been what everyone's arguing about?


Enjoy your blood money, Bill. Wrestling's as done with you as you are with it.

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Must we even discuss goldy the couch jockey?


Brock gonna be a different character all together. Goldberg was a freak attraction he goes out there at main events he does his 5 minutes he finishes up he leaves.


Brock gonna be a squash monster but he at least gonna do more than five minutes, and besides he'll have Heyman there.  Brock isn't gonna be Goldberg...Brock is gonna be 911

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Guest humongous2002

If Goldberg is such a big draw then how come WCW didn't win the ratings war ???????? Goldberg is like Paul Whight/the big show, they got a big push to early in their career, became WCW champs by just doing squashes and being carried in the ring, they started getting big egos and now the Big Slow is a JTTS in the WWF and Goldberg is bitter against the business that made him famous and rich.

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One man can't carry a company with storylines as bad as WCW had at the time. You could have put Austin, Rock, or HHH in the same position and it wouldn't have helped WCW's ratings.

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Guest TheMikeSC

I wish you guys would get acquainted with the quote button and how to use it when you make your long ass posts. >>>



I wish I had a brand-new car.


I'm not getting that, either.



...Who dislikes the quote system

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Guest TheMikeSC

One man can't carry a company with storylines as bad as WCW had at the time. You could have put Austin, Rock, or HHH in the same position and it wouldn't have helped WCW's ratings. >>>



Those guys managed to make Russo's WWF crap seem almost rational and well thought out. They could have done decently in WCW.


I simply have to know---why was there no noticeable bump in the ratings when he returned in June?



...Goldberg is Warrior. Goldberg is Warrior. Goldberg is...

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Guest Sadyv

I can't see many big names wanting to work with Goldberg in the WWF. I think there would be too many bad feelings there from comments made, and a genuine fear of getting hurt from working with the guy.


Goldberg should sign with Pride in Japan, make $150,000-$200,000 for a fight, get tapped or knocked out in less than 3 minutes, and retire from the public eye forever.

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Guest Sakura

I think it's great that people are so quick to jump on the Brock bandwagon. Hasn't even had a match yet and people have decided he's the next big thing. I remember when Bull Buchanan showed up and could do the leg drop off the top. People were going ape-shit and whining that Bossman was holding him down. I think Lesnar looks like a dumbass. His silly cartoonish poses and facial expressions make him look like he's trying too hard. Posters make fun of HHH's horrible "intense" poses....but his are nothing compared to Brock's.

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Guest TheMikeSC

I think it's great that people are so quick to jump on the Brock bandwagon. Hasn't even had a match yet and people have decided he's the next big thing. I remember when Bull Buchanan showed up and could do the leg drop off the top. People were going ape-shit and whining that Bossman was holding him down. I think Lesnar looks like a dumbass. His silly cartoonish poses and facial expressions make him look like he's trying too hard. Posters make fun of HHH's horrible "intense" poses....but his are nothing compared to Brock's. >>>



Lesnar does a solid foundation to build from---but you're right, he could be a total dud.


Thus, I will never say he's the next big thing. He looks really impressive, but until he works some matches, I can't say he's any good.


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Guest gwf0704

It's always amazing to me how people who bash Goldberg always bring up his limited moves and his injuring people.  Name me one current wrestler who does not do the same moves over and over again in every match.  RVD (who I am a big fan of) always does his rolling thunder, sweeping leg kick, Van Daminator......  The Rock always does a combo punch and a spit on the hand into a punch along with his other moves.  Even the Smark appointed Lesnar has shown the same type of move in about every squash hes done.  What made Goldberg great wasnt his vast wrestling ability (though Goldberg haters always bring up the spear and jackhammer but never mention Austin's Lou Thesz Press and Stunner) as the only moves he does, he actually showed a nice variety every now and then, but the auro of invincibility and being a bad ass.  Not everyone can have the same gimmick or else we would be full of Dean Malenko clones.


As for Goldberg injuring other wrestlers, tell me of a wrestler who has not injured another.  Do you talk this way about the late Owen Hart who nearly crippled Austin, or D-Lo Brown who did cripple Droz.  How about Test having to change his finisher so often due to injuring his opponents and RVD bloodying Angle.  And lets not forget Raven almost paralysing Villano IV with a messed up Dudley drop on WCW or Angle breaking Bob Holly's arm.  Injuries happen whether your rushed thru training or are a veteran.


Basically, Im saying this argument on Goldberg is weak and the money and backstage is moot like another poster stated.

If you dont like him or his character, fine.  Cool.  This is America.  You have your opinions.  But if you mention injuries or same moves at least acknowledge its a common thing in the business.  Now excuse me but I have to go back and watch JR say govt. mule and Lawler say puppies for the 100th time this month.



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Guest Sakura

As for Goldberg injuring other wrestlers, tell me of a wrestler who has not injured another.  






As for Goldberg injuring other wrestlers, tell me of a wrestler who has not injured another.  Do you talk this way about the late Owen Hart who nearly crippled Austin, or D-Lo Brown who did cripple Droz.  How about Test having to change his finisher so often due to injuring his opponents and RVD bloodying Angle.  And lets not forget Raven almost paralysing Villano IV with a messed up Dudley drop on WCW or Angle breaking Bob Holly's arm.  Injuries happen whether your rushed thru training or are a veteran.



People did get on RVD's case for the shots to Angle and Test's finishers. I think people don't care about Owen and D'lo because it was a one time thing, they weren't always sloppy.

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Guest gwf0704

True, Sakura, about the RVD and Test, but I was mostly referring to Goldberg haters who believe he is the only one to ever injure anyone.


And if you've seen Beyond The Mat Mick Foley states after his match with the Rock that Rock got a little too frisky with the chairshots and though he said he trusted his judgement at the time Foley wanted to "kick his ass if he saw him right now" for injuring his head so much.  



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Guest Sadyv

I think its a question of probability.


Everyone, from the Smark god Benoit down to the biggest slug will mess up once and awhile. Some have even messed up horribly and hurt people for good.


But, when a guy is consistently sloppy, the chances of him having such a fuck up increase.


Goldberg had/has great potential physically, and a great look to himself. I think a lack of training did hurt him, as he would just use his immense strength to muscle through moves instead of doing them properly.


Just my opinion of course.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
wish I had a brand-new car.


I'm not getting that, either.



...Who dislikes the quote system




...Who dislikes people reading his posts.




As for Goldberg injuring other wrestlers, tell me of a wrestler who has not injured another.  




Apparently you forgot about him beating the everloving shit out of Mick Foley witha chair at Royal Rumble '99.

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Guest humongous2002

I got nothing against Goldberg b/c at one time he was good for the business and made WCW some good money, but I'm just stating the facts about Goldberg. If Goldberg is such a great wrestler how come I can't remember the last time he had a good match w/o being carried by someone more talented? All his matches are barely 2 stars and lower. I hear people bitching about HBK acting like a primadonna(circa 1996) in the WWF but at least he had skills, meanwhile Goldberg was a primadonna backstage too but w/o the talent(for example: when he didn't want to feud with Jericho/ he hated jobbing/he didn't want to turn heel and when he did he was still acting like a babyface ,even though the bookers were telling him to act more heelish)It's good to be a loyal fan but don't let that loyalty blind you at least be a little open minded about the facts.

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I got nothing against Goldberg b/c at one time he was good for the business and made WCW some good money, but I'm just stating the facts about Goldberg. If Goldberg is such a great wrestler how come I can't remember the last time he had a good match w/o being carried by someone more talented? All his matches are barely 2 stars and lower. I hear people bitching about HBK acting like a primadonna(circa 1996) in the WWF but at least he had skills, meanwhile Goldberg was a primadonna backstage too but w/o the talent(for example: when he didn't want to feud with Jericho/ he hated jobbing/he didn't want to turn heel and when he did he was still acting like a babyface ,even though the bookers were telling him to act more heelish)It's good to be a loyal fan but don't let that loyalty blind you at least be a little open minded about the facts.


Nash is the one that told Goldberg not to feud with Jericho. Nash didn't want a better heel than he was getting elevated.


His heel turn was horrible from the night he turned.


I never said Goldberg was a great wrestler. I think he is better than people give him credit for, but he isn't great. I said he is a big draw, which he is. The reason the ratings didn't go up when he returned was because most fans tuned out of WCW after he left and just stuck with the WWF.

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Lets all defend poor wittle Goldberg.


You want a arguement besides  the limited movelist?


Theres a reason he doesn't do more than he did, He's Not a wrestler!


Goldberg was some shmoe they picked up off the street after he injured himself in football. They threw him into the Power plant, made him do house shows, realized he could sell his way out of a paper bag, so they decided  Hey...  We are gonna pay you a couple Million Dollars, So you can No Sell,  never lose, and never have to be out in the ring longer than 10 minutes, and every wrestler you face will sell to you like they got Hit by a truck!  Well isn't that lovely.  Plus, We will get the Mindless Cattle know as the Arena Audience to chant for you, besides the dramatic theme, the Big Pyro, we will pipe in Goldberg... make those hick fans chant your name! (Turner Execs were so respectful)  


With so much Backing Goldberg became a Phenomnia no question, Goldberg marks was as thick as fleas. Doesn't change the fact he is NOT A WRESTLER!


Case in point him only doing it for the Money. he learned all to well from Hogan, if you bitch about a angle you get your way. After Goldberg Finally lost the title, He got put in little crap angles then He "Disappared"  Reappeared Took on Sid and Sting on the same night, didn't win a title. Disappeared again, reappeared lost again to Bret Hart with nWO support before the Crappy nWo 2000 formed. Goldberg disappears again, comes back, and for a month he's heel... uh huh. Disappears again. and stays gone, in the last portion of WCW. Goldberg wasn't injured, Goldberg was Pouting, the Original Deal with Bischy wasn't being Honored with Vince "I prefer to wear a Ceisure Helmet" Russo.  So he sat on his favorite couch and ate cheetos. as Wcw was going down in Flames, Goldberg made no effort to appear or anything, to stir up those Wacky Goldberg Marks. Not even on the last show, Nope, my couch is Comfy says Goldberg. so WCW is dead, but  Goldberg is happy as a clam sitting around doing nothing while his Guranteed Time Warner contract keeps rolling in the money.  and ever so often he gets on TV and does his best to bash the WWF in stupid ways (ie his claim that the WWF a New York Based Company didn't help survivors of 9/11, even though the WWF offered up the use of WWF NY as a Shelter.) Oh But good ol Saint Goldberg put over himself though.  Goldberg doesn't have any love in wrestling, he said it, and he proved it. So why should people still whine Wheres Goldberg???WHAAA.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I guess it's a moot point whether he was a wrestler or not since he made his money and got out of the business. If you want to criticize Goldberg for not having 5 star matches (since when did that shit ever matter) why not criticize Hogan? You don't neccessarily have to be a technical wrestler to sell tickets, and let's not forget that the business is about seling tickets (every business is about making money). To tell you the truth, the fact that Benpit made it bigis a testament to his wrestling skills because if he was half as skilled as he is, we would have never have heard of him.

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Ok. Goldberg isn't a wrestler. Benoit is. Who would sell more tickets and merchandise between the two?

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Guest alfdogg
Ok. Goldberg isn't a wrestler. Benoit is. Who would sell more tickets and merchandise between the two?

Well, not Goldberg, since he doesn't want to go to the WWF.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Well if you want to go that route, not Benoit since he's at home injured. I'm not a Goldber cheerleader, but's let get serious people.

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Well Hell, that arguement... As long as they draw screw out everyone else.


Benoit is hurt, butttt Since Goldberg was able to draw Who cares about Benoit Right?



Benoit is in the Developement fed  Training to return


Where as precious lil Goldy  on the couch, eating Said Cheetos.


Oh btw the Difference between Hogan and Goldberg


Goldberg is a Nonwrestler who was given a fast track to the top in a short period of time  but contributes nothing but himself


Hogan is a actual wrestler, a crappy one but a wrestler, who wrestled from Florida to Memphis to Japan WWWF to AWA to WWF onward, who actually was up and down,  He works for himself?? Yes he does, but at least he actually Likes wrestling.


Goldberg doesn't give a crap, if it paid that much money he go be a clown for birthday parties.

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So if you were Goldberg, you would take a HUGE paycut and work 200 something days a year, instead of sitting on the couch, eating potato chps, and collecting money for doing nothing? Even "The God" Benoit would be sleeping on his couch right now if he had the same options as Goldberg.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

It's not about what Goldberg wants though, it's about what the fan want. If they want him to take a pay cut and get buried in the WWF, by all means, he should do it. If you want to criticize Goldberg for staying home, you should criticize the fact that he is about the same as Chyna right now, an ex-wrestler trying to live off of ihs wrestling glory days. Eventually people are going to wonder why he's not wrestling anymore.

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It's not about what Goldberg wants though, it's about what the fan want. If they want him to take a pay cut and get buried in the WWF, by all means, he should do it.


I think you would need an IQ of 10 or lower to do that.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I hope you know I was being sarcastic. If I was G-Berg I would keep my ass home too. You see what they have done to DDP and the NWO and everything else WCW related.

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