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100 years ago today

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on December 1st 1903, The Great Train Robbery came out. AFAIK it was the first movie to have a real plot, and I heard it was the first movie in which the camera moved. Being pretty much the first movie to hit 100 years old I figured it was pretty historic movie-wise.

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Guest Skironox

I saw this in film class a month back or so.


I think it's a pretty interesting little bit of information that this movie was actually making people scream and vomit in the theatres watching it. Most of these people actually thought they were watching rail workers get shot. Such innocent times back then.

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it's REALLY hard to pinpoint what the "first" narrative movie was, but it wasn't 'the great train robbery'. george melies was making stuff like 'a trip to the moon' and 'cinderella' 1-4 years before GTR was made.

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I'll admit, I mark for the Great Train Robbery. I don't know if its my general love of film or my obssession with things like this and War of the World's ability to spook people or both, but I do.

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^ that would be march 1895, the lumiere brothers' 'workers leaving the factory'.

I was thinking more along the lines of "Woman Climbing Mountain", "Woman Swallowing Sausage" and "The Great White Geyser"

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