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Mr. S£im Citrus

Promo: Fit For Full Duty

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“Come in.” SWF Commissioner Mark Stevens looks up from his desk to see Wildchild walking into his office, holding his chest protector in one hand, and an envelope in the other. “Wildchild! To what do I owe the pleasure?”


The Bahama Bomber places the envelope on Mark’s desk and slides it across. “Thought you’d want to know dat I was declared fit for full duty; I don’ need dis t’ing anymore.” With that, he places the chest protector on the desk as well.


“Great news,” says Stevens. “So, the ribs are completely healed, then?”


Wildchild pats his side. “Dere as good as dere gon’ get; I been takin’ bumps, so dere good enough.”


Mark breaks into a smile. “Outstanding! So, are we going to see you in the World Title hunt anytime soon?”


Wildchild’s face screws into an awkward frown. “I’m still t’inkin’ bout dat. I’m pretty happy wit de hardware I got right now.”


Mark nods his head slightly. “I can appreciate that. But, aren’t you at all interested in seeing how high you can go in this business?”


Wildchild shrugs, the frown still on his face. “Like I tol’ you before, I didn’ come to dis company t’be de best wressler; I came t’be de best cruiserweight. An, wit de LHW title outta commission, winnin’ any other belts isn’ exactly a gots t’have situation.”


“I remember you saying that,” replies Stevens, “and I hope you remember me saying that you don’t have to be the Light-Heavyweight Champion to be the best cruiserweight in the company; in fact, a lot of people feel that you are already.” Mark appears to consider continuing down this path, but instead decides to change the subject. “How about the tag team titles, then? Now that you’ve finally gotten the proverbial monkey off your back with Ejiro, have you given any thought to challenging them for the tag belts?”


The frown remains. “I haven’ really given any thought to doin’ de tag team t’ing again. Not since what happened wit me an’ my last partner.”


Stevens looks surprised. “You mean that you and Johnny haven’t gotten back together?”


The Bahama Bomber shakes his head.


Mark runs his hand through his hair. “Sorry, Wildchild; I guess that after the last couple of months, and at Ashes 2 Ashes, I just assumed…”


“It’s… complicated.” Wildchild squirms uneasily, shuffling his feet against the carpeted floor. “I can’t jus forgive him for what he did to me.”


“Well, you seem to have forgiven everyone else involved; you forgave me!”


“… Wit you it was jus a misunderstandin’.”


Mark scratches his head. “Wasn’t it a misunderstanding with Johnny? I mean, he only accused you because he had received bad information.”


At this, Wildchild’s head snaps up sharply, the pain evident in his eyes. “He didn’ even give me de courtesy of asking me!”


Stevens shakes his head. “He wasn’t allowed to, Wildchild; he’s a secret agent. As hard as it may be to believe, he’s probably been put in that situation dozens of times before; he has to believe that his information is accurate. For all he knew, you were really a drug dealer.”




“And,” continues Stevens, “that doesn’t change the fact that NONE of us gave you the benefit of the doubt; none of us wanted to believe you. So, why were you so willing to forgive us, and not him?”


“None of de res’ of you caused me any harm,” replies Wildchild.


Mark betrays himself by letting go of a small laugh. “I seem to recall choking you out and slamming you against a wall…”


“Maybe,” relies Wildchild, “but dat pain went away. Johnny broke my ribs!”


“But… you’re ribs are healed now, right?”




“Look,” says Mark, “All I’m saying is that Johnny knows that he made a mistake, and he’s tried to make reparation for it. He has apologized to you, publicly and privately, hasn’t he?”


Wildchild nods.


“And he has since come to your aid when you were in trouble, even though you hadn’t asked for his help, yes?”




“And, on the occasions that the two of you have been made to team together, he’s proven to you that he’s had your back, hasn’t he?




“Well then, Wildchild,” says Mark. “Allow me to share an observation with you; the last couple of months I’ve noticed you and Johnny working together, training together, traveling together, and even conspiring together, like when you invaded Wrath to attack Justice and Rule.” This gets a smile out of Wildchild. “You know, for somebody who claims not to care for him or get along with him, you sure do hang out with him a lot.”




“Have you ever talked about this with him?”


Wildchild shakes his head.


“Look,” says Stevens, “it’s not my place to tell you what to do about Johnny, but I think that you owe it to yourself to at least be straight with him. And, from a purely business perspective, you owe it to me; I’ve granted the two of you a great deal of latitude with regards to your title defenses, because I thought that you might want to pursue the tag team belts, and I was willing to give the two of you that chance. Right now, I’ve essentially got two of my title divisions in limbo while you decide whether you want him to be your partner again or not. So, you kind of need to make up your mind here pretty soon.”


Wildchild hangs his head and closes his eyes, thinking deeply. He remains in that position for so long, that Mark gets back to his paperwork, and is deep in thought himself when he hears a voice say, “Okay. I’ll do it.”


“Wha… uhh… huh?”


Wildchild looks into the Commissioner’s eyes. “I’ll talk to him. I suppose I owe him… I owe myself… dat.”


Stevens nods. “Glad to hear it… Uhh… what do you want me to do with this,” he asks, as he taps on the chest protector.


“Oh!” Wildchild grins sheepishly. “I was t’inkin you could send it t’ Chicago, or somet’in. You know; put it on display in de restaurant.”


“Capital idea,” says Stevens, as he offers his pen. “Would you be willing to sign it?”


“Sure.” Wildchild leans over the desk and take the writing implement, inscribing his ring name across the back of the chest protector.


“Thanks,” says Mark, placing the chest protector beside him on the floor. “I’ll have this sent to Chicago first thing in the morning.”


Wildchild nods. “Oui. And, thank you. Reckon I should be looking for Johnny, den.”


As Wildchild begins to leave, Stevens stops him, saying, “Whatever you decide, Wildchild, just remember this: good friends are very hard to come by in this business.”


The Bahama Bomber considers this information and then gives the Commissioner one more nod before exiting the door, stage right…



As we:


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Nicely done, showing Dub Cee is once more ready for full action, and that he still hasn't patched things up with Johnny. But thanks to Stevens, he'll get the stuff off his chest. Magnificent. (Y)


*Must resist urge to destroy unprotected ribs in our title match...*

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