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TNA Bound for Glory Postponed Again...

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Guest Dids

You're still all idiots.


The guy got hurt- and that's ALL we know at this point. The rest is just guesswork and typical smark behavior on your parts. Stop pretending you know things that you don't.


I'd bet large sums of money that Hogan isn't at Mania XX.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard on this board.


For a Jarrett Apologist, your'e REALLY defensive of the stupidest business decision since The InVasion

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Guest Ghettoman

Um, all previous arguements aside, how can one not see the complete retardation in a fed who's biggest selling point was being the future or pro wrestling, postponing there biggest show to date because of HULK FUCKING HOGAN!?!?!?!?!


How does one not see the gaping hole left by departing logic there!?

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Um, all previous arguements aside, how can one not see the complete retardation in a fed who's biggest selling point was being the future or pro wrestling, postponing there biggest show to date because of HULK FUCKING HOGAN!?!?!?!?!


How does one not see the gaping hole left by departing logic there!?

The only reason why they are doing it is because they were trying to use Hogan's name to drum up interest into their product. WCW did it when they brought in Hogan and now TNA is trying the same thing. I AGREE that Hogan is the shits in-ring. There is no doubt in my mind about THAT. But there are plenty of marks out there for Hogan, and he will definately add buyrates to the show. But in reality I cared more that Tiger Mask IV was suppost to be there.

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Guest Dids
Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard on this board.


For a Jarrett Apologist, your'e REALLY defensive of the stupidest business decision since The InVasion

Yes Dave, because two posts are "REALLY" defensive. What do you call derailing a thread for 7 pages?


I can't stand Jarrett, I'm not fan of TNA's booking, but you don't know that- in fact- I've rarely spoken on how I feel about TNA. The only opinion I've really voiced is that you're an idiot and a troll. That doesn't make me pro-Jarrett, it makes me anti-YOU.


My issue isn't with TNA. It's with a bunch of idiots on a message board thinking they know what's going on when they don't. I don't agree with their plans with Hogan, but they made them- and he got hurt- and it screwed them. That sucks for them.


But the assumptions that Hogan's doing this so that he can show up at Mania is at this point just an assumption. I don't see how I'M the stupid one for pointing out you're all jumping to conclusions based on no real information.

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Guest Ghettoman

See this is what I mean, it's ok because it'll do good business.


Is going against what made you initially succesful and potentially alienating your core fanbase worth those buyrates?! Fuck no.

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Guest TDinDC1112

yeah, all this talk of Hogan doing this to show up at Mania is Bull Shit. He got hurt, and not TNA is screwed. But it's TNA's fault b/c they never should have started booking him until he actually signed.

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yeah, all this talk of Hogan doing this to show up at Mania is Bull Shit. He got hurt, and not TNA is screwed. But it's TNA's fault b/c they never should have started booking him until he actually signed.

If you believe that, I am going to give you a dollar. Why you ask? To go buy a clue.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
See this is what I mean, it's ok because it'll do good business.


Is going against what made you initially succesful and potentially alienating your core fanbase worth those buyrates?! Fuck no.

I didn't say it was right. I just said that's the way it is.

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Guest TDinDC1112
yeah, all this talk of Hogan doing this to show up at Mania is Bull Shit.  He got hurt, and not TNA is screwed.  But it's TNA's fault b/c they never should have started booking him until he actually signed.

If you believe that, I am going to give you a dollar. Why you ask? To go buy a clue.

I meant to say "now TNA is screwed." Little typo. Now what exactly do I need to get a clue about?


1. Hogan not being at Mania?


2. TNA being screwed because they have shaped booking around Hogan?


3. Or that TNA never should have mentioned Hogan w/o signing him?

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Guest vicvenomjr

Hogan at WMXX in my mind was a definate all along. Just bring back Russo and let him shoot on Hogan and return to everything the show was doing right, before this Hogan/Hart fiasco. TNA won, JJ destroyed Hogan and Hogan was to chicken to show up (storyline wise).

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Guest MikeSC
Hogan at WMXX in my mind was a definate all along. Just bring back Russo and let him shoot on Hogan and return to everything the show was doing right, before this Hogan/Hart fiasco. TNA won, JJ destroyed Hogan and Hogan was to chicken to show up (storyline wise).

Because if they hint that Hogan might show up when they know he won't, it opens TNA up to some legal issues. "Card subject to change" does not equal "Say dude might show up when you know, for a fact, he won't".


God knows Hogan would probably sue if Russo did something like that.


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When you lay out an open challenge to somebody, and never officially say they'll be on the card, you can do the "too chicken to show up" angle and be completely guilt-free.


I disagreed entirely with the thought of negotiating with Hogan about possibly signing from the start, because it went against everything TNA originally stood for. TNA was supposed to be the company that took the past and present of PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING and made the future of PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. Sports Entertainment was the enemy, and Hogan embodies pre-Russo Sports Entertainment.

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Guest MikeSC
When you lay out an open challenge to somebody, and never officially say they'll be on the card, you can do the "too chicken to show up" angle and be completely guilt-free.


I disagreed entirely with the thought of negotiating with Hogan about possibly signing from the start, because it went against everything TNA originally stood for. TNA was supposed to be the company that took the past and present of PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING and made the future of PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. Sports Entertainment was the enemy, and Hogan embodies pre-Russo Sports Entertainment.

Thing is, I'm fairly certain you can sue.


The only reason the WWF didn't sue WCW over that Slamboree thing was due to a possible P.R problem (well, that, and WCW just REEKED of being desperate at that point). If a company sells a PPV on the premise that somebody MIGHT show up when they have absolutely NO reason to assume that he/she will, I seriously have to assume that a suit can be brought by either the performer OR by fans who spent money.


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I doubt it, actually. Considering they never said, FOR SURE, he'd be on the card, it's not promising anything. Legal loopholes, my friend.


And WCW wasn't that desperate at the time, actually. The product was still fairly good...just the wrong people were on top still. By then, the main event was still The Hogan Show, with occasional bouts of Nash and Savage and Sting here and there. If the main was DDP, Sting, Raven, and Goldberg, the product would have seemed better.*


*DDP, by that time, was proving to be a draw, and despite his political connections to Bischoff, DID bust his ass every match when he had no real need to.

Raven was one of the most over people on the roster, and there was no reason they couldn't have pushed him to the main.

Sting was treated like shit from Starrcade until the final Nitro. Had he been handled properly, WCW and the WWF ratings, I feel, would have been neck-and-neck (since WCW was delivering a superior in-ring product).

Goldberg...well, Goldberg was just a bullet that needed the trigger pulled on it. The fact that they DID pull the trigger on him is good booking (although he could have used a LOT of humbling backstage and in the ring by more experienced workers).

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