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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

Smackdown Taping Australia

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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

Hey just back from the show I thought I would give the Highlight's. Note this is from memory I could forget some matches.


Side Note on the way to the wrestling we were beside Brock's Limo the whole Way we kept calling out but he Ignored us the prick he had a Skank in the car with him.


Pre show I picked up my Cheat2Win from the gift shop.


Rey VS Noble VS Tajiri Cruiserweight title match. an Alright match with Tajiri getting the win using the green mist followed by a stiff kick.


A-train VS Flair. What can I say beside besides this match was so crap and had very Little Heat. With Flair getting the win with the figure4. Weirdly enough A-Train shook Flair's hand after the match with out attacking him.


Ultimo VS Shannon Moore. Good match with Ultimo winning with his Finisher not sure what it's callled. Crowd wasn't to bad during this match.


Kidman/funaki VS WGTT: Descant Match with Kidman pinning Benjamin after a Shooting Star Press. A huge Funaki Chant broke out I think it started as a joke but grew Huge.


Los Guerreros VS Bashams Tag Title Match: Best Match of the night which was surrprsing. Eddie was over Huge and even Chavo was pretty over. Finsh Eddie hit the Frog Splash was distracted by Linda Miles Bashams Switched and rolled up Eddie for the win.


Scotty 2 Hotty/Rikishi VS FBI. I got A drink drink during this match but saw the finsh Rikishi used the Rikishi Driver on Nunzio for the win. The match Itself from what I was told was one of the worst.


Cena/Holly VS Big Show/Matt Morgan. Not to bad crowd was into it. Cena was over. Holly not so much. Cena pinned Big Show after a FU man that's impressive to see live.


Bikini Comp: Linda Miles VS Nidia VS Dawn Marie. Dawn Marie won easily as she should. surprisingly Nidia was barely cheered.


Main Event Brock VS Beniot WWE Title Match: Big pop's for Both Beniot and Lesnar's Entrance Crowd was dead during the match not sure why. Match went for 11 minuets counting 3 minuets of stalling. Finsh: Beniot Kicked out of the F-5 Ref bump Beniot hit the crossface Lesnar Taps. Beniot Lets go Brock hit's a very weak belt shot for the win.


Pop's Of the Night


1. Eddie

2. Cena

3. Flair (During Promo)

4. Slaughter (Yep you heard Right Slaughter got a huge pop and he was just siting at ringside)

5. Brock/Funaki

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Guest Anglesault

No, it's a house show.

Cena was over. Holly not so much.


So of course Holly gets a program withthe world champion.

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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

My bad I meant House Show. I Forgot to say there was about 12,000 plus people there and there was only gap's in the crowd and one tiny area.

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Guest Deviant

That's a city...


It was in Western Australia, which I guess is fair since everything else has been on the east coast.


Luckily for me, on the west coast and not travelling the width of the country to see this, the show sounds pretty sub-par.

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