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Masked Man of Mystery

Card Captor Sakura-Cardcaptors

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Well, this is one of my fav animes for whatever reason, and as such, why not talk about it? Suckiness of dubs, character relations, whatever. To start things up, here's my take on the Sakura-Tomoyo thing. Maybe I'm just naive, but I think it's closer to very close friends/very strong admiration rather than the more huri leaning stuff I've seen suggested on the web.

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Guest Kamui

You're right about it, of course, but the thing you have to understand is that there's disgusting people out there who will turn *any* relationship in an anime into a sexual one.


Just to show an example here: Chibi-Usa (Reenie for those of you who suck and have only seen the dub) and Hotaru, a 10 and 12 year old who are OBVIOUSLY friends and have NO sexual undertones whatsoever, and yet you can still go online and find fanfiction written entirley about how much they love each other in a physical sense. It's disgusting and revolting, but there's actually people who like that shit.

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Guest Kamui
Chibi-Usa is the one with pink hair and pig tails and relative to Sailor Moon?



Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Her daughter from the future.


Hotaru is the kid with the black hair who shows up mid-way through the third season. They become friends and it turns out that


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

not only is she connected directly to the main bad guy of the season, she's also Sailor Saturn.

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There's also 1x2(or Heero/Duo) from Gundam Wing, which makes nos nense at all. The nwhole thing that bothers me with CCS is EVEN IF you go screwing with Wing, the characters are at least of consenting age, whereas Sakura and Tomoyo are in the 6th grade by the end and Sakura's falling for Li. In fact, Tomoyo backs off near the end so that relationship can develop, but again I say, THESE ARE KIDS, FOR GOD'S SAKE!

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Guest Kamui
There's also 1x2(or Heero/Duo) from Gundam Wing, which makes nos nense at all.

No, this isn't true- the creators of Gundam Wing specifically included the 1x2 (and Trowa/Quatre, 3x4) undertones to attract the female yaoi fan crowd, and holy fuck did it work. That's why Heero and Relena never come out and say anything romantic to each other in the entire series, and the same with Duo and his girl (whose name I cannot recall right now)- those of us who wish not to be into the yaoi thing still have male/female relationships to follow, but then the yaoi girls have nothing standing in their way for their fanfictions, because the show never comes out and says any of the characters that do have heterosexual love interests are anything more than friends with them.

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Guest Kamui
Whatever happened to the cool anime, like Akira, where people just fucked with the wrong dude and got their ass handed to them for it? That's way better than all the stuff they got going on now. But maybe I just "don't get it".

There's still anime like that, it's just one of a hell of a lot of genres in anime.


For instance, this one we're talking about would be the "magical girl" genre. It's been around since before Akira and after it too.

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I don't know about that. At the end of Endless Waltz, Hilde(that's her name) looked like she was pretty seriously going out with Duo, and Heero was off doing his own thing, but we're getting off topic here.

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Guest Kamui
I don't know about that. At the end of Endless Waltz, Hilde(that's her name) looked like she was pretty seriously going out with Duo, and Heero was off doing his own thing, but we're getting off topic here.

Yeah, because at that point the creators didn't give a damn- they already had their following and their money and the show was ending for good anyway (notice they STILL never said "I love you." or anything else to prove their heterosexual, so yaoi fangirls still have no trouble doing their Heero/Duo stories during the middle of the series). This is something that is common knowledge (that they set-up the 1x2 and 3x4 undertones) because it was even admitted by the GW creators in various interviews.

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