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Spike shares a commentary from one of his former students


Hey WWE fans! Sorry it’s been a while since I wrote a commentary. I’ve had an annoying neck injury which left my left arm pretty much useless for a month. Because typing was too painful and my hand-writing is illegible I’ve been slacking on my commentary duties. In my off time, I started doing some reminiscing and was reminded of my pre-WWE days. I used to run commentaries on my web site, Spike Dudley Central (www.spikedudley.net). Before being taken in at WWE I used to regularly write articles, interact in the chat room and self-promote myself. Since the WWE has staff loads of people doing this for me, and I only get two days home a week, I’ve drifted away from the site. Now, it’s run by a good friend and is more of a tribute site, but the fans that have been going there for years are loyal and have been unbelievably supportive of me (many thanks guys, you know who you are.)


Anyways, I started re-reading commentaries from years ago and came across one that really moved me. I thought it would be cool to reprint this particular one. It’s written by a former student of mine. In case you don’t know, I was a former teacher-aide/playground monitor/after-school day care supervisor at two Catholic elementary schools in San Francisco. I used to work at the schools by day and train as a wrestler by night. I was a third grade teacher’s aide in 1992 when I first met Jess. She was 8 years old at the time and extremely bright. She was one of my favorites as her past-times were reading Shakespeare and writing poetry. A couple of years ago (Jess must have been 16 or 17) she heard I was a “big-time pro wrestler” and emailed me. She offered to write her own commentary about me which I thought was a hoot. Jess isn’t a big fan of wrestling so it’s a kind look at Matt Hyson instead of Spike Dudley. So a big thank-you to Jess for once again reminding of the important things in life (I know that sounds mushy, but it’s true). Anyways, without sounding like an ego-maniac, it’s a really flattering piece and I hope you enjoy it.


I knew Spike Dudley way back when. I knew him before the crowd surfing, bodyslamming, and chair throwing that makes him one of the most entertaining wrestlers to watch nowadays. I knew him back when he was just plain old Mr. Hyson, the poetry-loving, math-tutoring, whistling yard duty that seemed forever available to give out hugs and shoot hoops.


Twirling his stainless steel whistle, he became a master of mediating fights and resolving kid qualms at school, and his relatively young age in comparison to the otherwise shriveled up teachers granted him the confidence of countless kids who just wanted a teacher on their side. It’s ironic really, to think that such a gifted mediator is now having the whistle blown at him during his own school yard brawls, but I guess life’s funny that way.


Mr. Hyson worked at my school for a little over two years, and at my sister’s school for around that same amount of time. He essentially played the role of the teacher’s assistant, but everybody liked him the best anyway, even if he wasn’t in charge all the time. Sometimes our teacher would leave the classroom and have Mr. Hyson take over, and by the end of class the board would be covered with hang-man diagrams and tick-tack-toe charts.


I remember very vividly a science project we did in third grade when we incubated eggs to watch chicks hatch. I’m sure “Spike” doesn’t remember this, but when the first batch hatched, he was so eager to pick up a chick he almost dropped the poor thing and it got so scared it laid a huge turd on his shoes. He swore briefly but remembered his company and covered it up by saying something to the extent of, “Um…kids…don’t pick up the chicks for a while, they just ate…”


Once I thought it would be really funny to imitate Mr. Hyson’s “yard-duty trot.” This involved him swinging his beloved whistle clockwards across his two fingers, and back, clockwards and then back, while also maintaining a rather happy go lucky stride around the play yard. I must have followed him around the yard for twenty minutes before he realized the giggles aimed at his direction were not in response to his funny looking striped shirt.


Or how about the time when our Principle caught Mr. H playing basketball with us and not, “properly supervising the children.” He said sorry, he was too busy supervising their jump shot…she didn’t think it was funny.


That’s not to say Mr. H didn’t take his job seriously, or value hard work, because I know he did. I remember vividly not understanding a math assignment and turning it in half done and completely messy. The teacher yelled at me and made me cry- so I stormed outside, dejected and completely frustrated. Mr.Hyson followed me out to the hallway and comforted me, telling me he knew I could do much better if I applied myself and worked really hard at whatever was confusing me. I guess he really believed his own message, because I understand he’s raised himself to virtual superstardom in the wrestling world- or at least that’s what all my obsessed guy friends tell me.

Really, it’s hard for me to see Mr. Hyson as something other than a devoted mentor and great friend because that’s what he was to me: a skinny, short, homely third grader with virtually no social skills and even less amounts of confidence. He befriended me, encouraged my love of poetry, and above all made every kid feel special.


There’s always a story behind every person, and maybe the insight I have given you has made you appreciate even more one of your favorite wrestlers, and one of my favorite people.



THAT'S IT! Spike and Albert are forming a team called "Hyson and Bloom" where they wrestle FOR THE CHILDREN. Spike can have his trusty whistle, and Albert can have paste and sparkles.

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At 19 years old, Rene Dupree became the youngest man to hold a WWE Championship.


Thats just crazy...

Considering I'm like 4 years older than him and all.


I knew he was young, but not THAT young.

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