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Today is Big Show's two-month anniversary winning

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It's got to the point where I'd rather Cena lost to Show, and they dumped the belt on Shannon Moore. Seriously. The piece of tin is below Cena now. Shannon might actually have a chance of doing something with it.

Cena is the perfect person for the U.S. Title right now. He's Smackdown's hottest rising star, and when you are a rising star, you grab the gold that's near you first, before you reach the top. It's why I don't support a John Cena world reign within the next 6-8 months. Let him have a 4-5 month reign with the U.S. Title, build a mid-carder who's a bit credible (i.e. Chavo), have him beat Cena for the belt, and then build Cena up to whoever is Champion by that time. But unless Brock keeps the World strap past WM XX, who will be Champ?

Cena's getting the belt, and it'll help I agree.


I'd just love to see Shannon get it, and have a Honky Tonk kind of title reign. i.e he'd eek out wins all the time, and he'd get over from it. Plus the belt wouldn't look like a cheap, small imitation belt on his shoudler, like it does on Show.

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Thank God my friend, for you are the US Champion of the world.

I tohught the US Title wasn't a World Title...damn WWE's logic!

I dont know how you could be U.S. Champion of the World...


I think its more like Champion of the U.S.




Im willing to bet Big Show's 2 month title reign comes to an end next week.

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Yes BPS, we all go hunting for people grossly overrating RVD because it happens oh so seldomly. Come on, RVD did precisely dick for the IC belt just like Show is doing nothing for the US strap. I'm sure both guys will live healthy full lives regardless.

What unbelievably interesting feuds was he given to really boost up that Intercontinental Title? After the Ladder Match with Christian, some around here said that RVD just helped boost up the title's credibility. Then, the WWE writers wound up quitting making actual storylines around the IC title, and its credibility was shot once again. My friend, WWE writers made shit when it came to the Intercontinental title, and you cannot make gold out of shit.


By the way, let me get this straight. Is RVD the same guy that literally SKYROCKETED the value of the Hardcore Title in 2001, to the point where the Undertaker held it without anyone making a real fuss about it? Yes he was, because the writers actually gave him something to work with. Of course, he rose the status of the Hardcore title so much that it was discontinued for some strange reason, of which I don't know....


When given the opportunity, Van Dam can make good contributions. But you can't give him shit to work with, and then say he isn't doing enough to help the situation. He's proven that he can help improve some things if given the chance.

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