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Idea for the next Royal Rumble DVD

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OK...as with last year, this year's Royal Rumble will have 15 Raw Superstars and 15 Smackdown Superstars in it.


Last year, JR and King announced for the Rumble Match.


However, I had an interesting idea for the DVD.


What if they had another choice of commentary besides English and Spanish? Maybe...you can switch between King and JR to Cole and Tazz?

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They're not going to record a whole new commentary just for the DVD. And they have the Spanish announcers doing the SAP. Although they could do like what WCW did for World War 3 and throw between both announce team every couple of minutes.

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They're not going to record a whole new commentary just for the DVD.

My thought is they record it while the Rumble Match is going on live...since Tazz and Cole were just sitting there this past year. They do the commentary while sitting there, and release it on the DVD release.

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They're not going to record a whole new commentary just for the DVD.

My thought is they record it while the Rumble Match is going on live...since Tazz and Cole were just sitting there this past year. They do the commentary while sitting there, and release it on the DVD release.

Oh, I'm sure Cole and Tazz would LOVE that, designate them as the alternate. As I said, the most realistic way to modify your idea is to do like WCW did with the 2 or 3 announce teams for World War 3, have Jr and King calling and then after a couple minutes say "lets take it to Michael Cole and Tazz" and then they commentate for a few minutes then they throw it back, and they just keep trading off. Especially if something big is happening with a Smackdown star, it would make sense for JR and King to defer to MC and Tazz, and vice versa when something is happening with a RAW star.

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Guest Haro972

I like it. I think Keith acutally mentioned that after last year's Rumble. The only problem would be, as someone said, Tazz & Cole playing second fiddle. I think they should switch off every 10 or so minutes.


Hell, while we're on the subject, did anyone else like the old 3 man announce teams on Raw & Nitro back in the day? How about Cole, Tazz, and JR?

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Guest Choken One

Replace Josh Mathews with J.R.


Once Heyman is done being the G.M...


He and Josh oughta take over Raw announcing.

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OK...as with last year, this year's Royal Rumble will have 15 Raw Superstars and 15 Smackdown Superstars in it.


Last year, JR and King announced for the Rumble Match.


However, I had an interesting idea for the DVD.


What if they had another choice of commentary besides English and Spanish? Maybe...you can switch between King and JR to Cole and Tazz?




Cole and Tazz should commentate on the next one though since JR / Lawler already had their comments this year on the event.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Maybe they could switch back and forth when a perosn enters for RAW, its J.R/Lawler until a SD Guy comes in, then switch to Cole/Tazz etc.



that creates a problem after #30 enters though.

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They should just have Cole & Tazz commentary for the whole show, JR & King commentary for the whole show, and Spanish. 3 Options...they've done it before on DVDs (English, Spanish, French).

4 options. The fourth being having it as it was on the show.

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No. That would mean they're the secondary announcing team that has to be "alternated" onto the DVD.

Someone else actually thinks logically. It's not going to happen that way, the two teams already get pouty when the other announces the main event of a dual brand show. The fairest way to do it is to alternate back and forth on the show.

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Guest Choken One

Hopefully they will have a BEST of Royal Rumble Dvd along with it...


I'd Have all the rumbles in 30 minute highlight form (except the 1995 one, might as well show the whole shitty 38 minutes).


With These 10 "Classic "Non-Rumble R.R matches


-Rockers Vs Orient Express (1991)

-Roddy Piper Vs The Mountie (1992)

-HBK Vs Marty Jannetty (1993)

-Diesel Vs Bret Hart (1995)

-HBK Vs Sid (1997)

-HBK Vs Undertaker-Casket Match (1998)

-Mankind Vs Rock-I Quit (1999)

-Hardy Boyz Vs Dudley Boyz-Double Table Match (2000)

-Chris Jericho Vs Chris Benoit-Ladder Match (2001)

-Chris Jericho Vs The Rock (2002)




*I omited the Foley/HHH Match because it's on the upcoming Foley DVD. and the Angle/Benoit because it's too recent.

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How was the 95 Royal Rumble only 38 minutes long?

30 second intervals so Shawn could be #1 and win the thing.

EDIT: I meant 60 seconds.

Edited by Jeff Jarrett, God

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Guest Choken One

Yep...I didn't understand that...


Not like Shawn didn't have the stamia to go 60+ minutes...


It REALLY tarnished his "first man in and the last man standing" image...

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
How was the 95 Royal Rumble only 38 minutes long?

30 second intervals so Shawn could be #1 and win the thing.

Wasn't Bret/Diesel from RR 95 around 30:00? Asking because that pretty much shows even talentless slugs like Diesel can go that long.


even Kane outshined HBK, lastinf 55:00+ in 2001. AND HES A HOSS!

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How was the 95 Royal Rumble only 38 minutes long?

30 second intervals so Shawn could be #1 and win the thing.

Actually, they were 60 second intervals, or the Rumble would have been 15 minutes long.

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Guest Choken One

Another thing that annoyed me about the Rumble...Everyone and their MOTHER knew Shawn was going over as the only other legit candiate going into it was, Owen Hart (and that was if Bret went over)...


I'm talking from a Mark perpective...Shawn and Owen were the only logical winners...so WWF decided to have Owen eliminated in 4 seconds.

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How was the 95 Royal Rumble only 38 minutes long?

30 second intervals so Shawn could be #1 and win the thing.

Actually, they were 60 second intervals, or the Rumble would have been 15 minutes long.

Yeah, that's what I meant. My wrestling harddrive becomes more full and fragmented every year...

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Another thing that annoyed me about the Rumble...Everyone and their MOTHER knew Shawn was going over as the only other legit candiate going into it was, Owen Hart (and that was if Bret went over)...


I'm talking from a Mark perpective...Shawn and Owen were the only logical winners...so WWF decided to have Owen eliminated in 4 seconds.

If Bret won the title, Bob Backlund could have been another possibilty.

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Intercontinental Heavyweight Title Match: Jeff Jarrett pinned Razor Ramon (18:06) to win the Intercontinental title....


The Undertaker pinned Irwin R. Schyster (12:21) ....World Heavyweight Title Match: Diesel and Bret Hart fought to a No Contest. Diesel retains the title (27:19) ....


World Tag Team Title Match: The 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly defeated Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka (15:32) when Kid pinned Bigelow to win the vacant tag team titles....


Royal Rumble Match: Shawn Michaels won a "royal rumble" (38:41).



So, they cut the Rumble down so they'd have time for a longer undercard.

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Guest Choken One
How was the 95 Royal Rumble only 38 minutes long?

30 second intervals so Shawn could be #1 and win the thing.

Wasn't Bret/Diesel from RR 95 around 30:00? Asking because that pretty much shows even talentless slugs like Diesel can go that long.


even Kane outshined HBK, lastinf 55:00+ in 2001. AND HES A HOSS!

Kane doesn't belong on THIS list


The People who lasted 45 minutes+


Ted Dibiase (45)- 1990

Rick Martel (52)- 1991

Ric Flair (59)- 1992

Bob Backlund (61)- 1993

Triple H (48)- 1996

Austin (45)-1997

Rock-(51)- 1998

Kane (53)-2001


*I don't count 1999 with Austin and McMahon.


Interesting note...Although Jericho failed to win the 2003 rumble...He beat Shawn's 1995 time by 13 seconds.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Kane also holds record I think for most eliminations in the same match.


10 of the 29 possible entrants he eliminated. Plus Drew Carrey tossed himself so thats down to 28. HAHA. Drew tossed himself.

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Guest Choken One

Kane is unnamed KING OF THE RUMBLE.


I believe in all but ONE of the Rumbles he was in (in all his incarnations) has managed to make it to the final five.


1996 (Final Five)

1997 (Final Three)

2000 (Final Four)

2001 (Last Man Out and Iron Man)

2002 (Final Five)

2003 (Final Three)

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Kane is unnamed KING OF THE RUMBLE.


I believe in all but ONE of the Rumbles he was in (in all his incarnations) has managed to make it to the final five.


1996 (Final Five)

1997 (Final Three)

2000 (Final Four)

2001 (Last Man Out and Iron Man)

2002 (Final Five)

2003 (Final Three)

He's like the Boston Red Sox of the WWE!

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Guest Choken One
Kane also holds record I think for most eliminations in the same match.


10 of the 29 possible entrants he eliminated. Plus Drew Carrey tossed himself so thats down to 28. HAHA. Drew tossed himself.

Hogan in 1991 Eliminated Seven...as Did Yoko in 1993...and Nash in 1994. Austin had 7 in 1998...Rikishi had seven in 2000. Taker had Seven in 2002.


Shawn eliminated NINE in 1995...and dumped Eight a year later...


Austin eliminated ten in 1997 (Three Illegally) and eight in 1999...



Kane eliminated ELEVEN. + Drew Carey.

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