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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Things I think about at 5am

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Warning: Jarrett Hate Inside


Ok, so, we were having a post-Christmas blowout at my house last night, and I didn't go to bed until five. I was working out the WWE IC Title History to settle a bet, and I started thinking about TNA'S title histories, and realised something.


Disclaimer: I realise that this is going to be inaccuarte in places, but bear with me


NWA World Champion, Ken Shamrock/Ron Killings ; X Champ, Styles/Jerry Lynn


NWA World Champ, Jarrett; X-Champ, Sonny Siaki


NWA World Champ, Styles ; X-Champ, Kash/Red/Sabin


NWA World Champ, Jarrett, X-Champ, Micheal Shane



In conclusion, Jarrett is making sure that whenever he isnt world champion, the X-Champ's work completely overshadows the work of the reigning champ, but when he is champ, the X-Champ is a boring talentless hack, so wer'e desperate to watch anything else.


Of course, I could be wrong

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That's actually a fairly good conspiracy theory...touché. But, to be fair, Kid Kash and The Amazing Red (and even Chris Sabin) won the X-Division title during Jarrett's reign as World champion. Sabin just HELD the belt during Styles, and Shane WON the title a month or two before Jarrett won the World title for a second time.

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Guest Coffey

I liked Ron Killings NWA title reign, so the theory, for me, went out the window with the first example.


Still, it does make a little bit of sense. Well, at least it makes sense in hindsight when trying to develop conspiracy theories.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Heres something I noticed. A lot of the X-Division champs have been heels, or won, then turned heel.


Styles/Lynn had odd face/heel patterns going.

Siaki was a heel

Kid Kash was a face at first, then turned heel after winning.


Red was champ for like a week.


Sabin won it and joined SEX as a heel.

Shane won as a face kinda, then became heel.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

In theroy, heels make better champs - because then the face has a natural chase, plus, people pay to see the heel get beaten (see Man, Honky Tonk)


Of course, in Micheal Shane's case, a lot of people would gladly pay NOT to see him

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Honestly, I thinks this idea is a load of bull. Only because I don't think Jarrett is such an ego-maniac that he would try and Kill the best thing his company has (or had) going for it just to make him seem that much stronger. HHH he is not people. I think he just has a different mantality than us "Smart" fans in what is good for TNA. He most likely prefers the "old school" type of offence as opposed to the New stuff Styles and the like do.

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I don't know. He reminds me of HHH in that he wants to be the main focus of every show. He comes out to start almost every show, gets the longest promos, multiple skits each show and goes over whoever he wants whenever he wants. With HHH/WWE, Vince has the final say. With TNA/JJJ, he has the final say.

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Guest Douche
In theroy, heels make better champs - because then the face has a natural chase, plus, people pay to see the heel get beaten (see Man, Honky Tonk)

Off-Topic: Sorry to be a douche but (see Man, Honky Tonk) bothers me because not even people who watch PBS write like that and it's one of those things that makes you look like you're trying to be smart. You could have saved time and said "like Honky Tonk Man" or even shorter as "i.e. Honky Tonk Man."


On-Topic: Makes some sense and I think it might possibly be the case. There are some discrepancies but then again he might have just thrown in some swerves because it'd be too obvious if the night he wins the title someone like Siaki wins it, but the night he loses it, Daniels wins it.

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In theroy, heels make better champs - because then the face has a natural chase, plus, people pay to see the heel get beaten (see Man, Honky Tonk)

Off-Topic: Sorry to be a douche but (see Man, Honky Tonk) bothers me because not even people who watch PBS write like that and it's one of those things that makes you look like you're trying to be smart. You could have saved time and said "like Honky Tonk Man" or even shorter as "i.e. Honky Tonk Man."

I think he did it to be funny, not to be an asshole.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

It is quite the theory, but I would have to agree with the comment above by Coffey as I did enjoy Killings as well. I think you are looking a little too far into it, but it is interesting nonetheless.

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Guest butters

"I don't know. He reminds me of HHH in that he wants to be the main focus of every show. He comes out to start almost every show, gets the longest promos, multiple skits each show and goes over whoever he wants whenever he wants. With HHH/WWE, Vince has the final say. With TNA/JJJ, he has the final say. "


First off, and I'm not trying to sound like a prick when I say this, although I'm sure that's how I'll come off - do you know that JJ wants to be the main focus of the show? People forget that he didn't become champ until the last month of 2002. He would wrestle Lenny Lane and Bruce, he was eliminated from the title battle royal by Toby Keith, a country music singer. He definitely allows other people to take the spotlight. If it seems like the show focuses on him too much, there is a logical reason: he is the only sure thing. With the exception of AMW and Styles, no one else is continuously on the show. Shamrock, the first NWA champ of the TNA era left to go back to MMA. Scott Hall was gone within the first month. Sabu has come and gone to the point that he can't be involved in storylines. Hogan has been jerking them around on signing. Hell Raven let his contract expire, the night of his huge title match. People say that Jarrett's huge ego prevented Raven from winning the title he deserved so much. Well Raven probably would have won it, and he chose to walk away from TNA for two weeks (for reasons never really explained other than it was a protest for Russo's camp). Now he must wrestle Shane Douglas, Vampiro, and Red Shirts instead of be world champ.


Bottom line - Jarrett is the only real performer he knows who won't bail to WWE (like Paul London or Tenacious Z) Japan (Red, Low Ki, Justin Credible) or just sit out (Jerry Lynn). Styles is becoming a franchise player which is why for the past six months he's been the only other credible world title player, but for a company that's trying to get national exposure, who has more name recognition? Yeah Styles is known among ROH elitist smarks, but do you think the average fan who's watched wrestling on and off for the past five years know who he is. People have heard of Jarrett; I'm not saying he is enough to get a promotion going, but he is a start.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

You know, consodering my opinions, I thought that was brilliant, right up until you came to Jerry Lynn.


Jerry isn't sitting out on anything - TNA just wont pay him his dues (and he is due - he made Styles the franchise player)


Other than that I agree with your points, but one of my prooblems with Jarrett is that he isnt exactly a massive name himself

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